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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Death Does Not Exist - Click HERE To View.

2- Black Lives Matter Accused of Hiding ‘Untold Millions of Dollars’ in Donations - Like Many Other Organiations 'Black Lives Matter' is a Front For Another Cabal Owned Tool Used To Cause Mass Destruction, Chaos, Harm, Injury and Death On A Global Scale. How Many People Who Suppoirt 'Black Lives Matter' Realize It Was Created By White BILLIONAIRE George Soros, Who's a Card Carrying Cabal Member. Need I Say More? - Click HERE To View.

3- Dominion Contractor 'Melissa Carone' Drops Bombshell Testimony at Michigan Hearing - (Melissa Carone says she saw anti-Trump election workers illegally rescanning batches of ballots for Joe Biden over and over to boost the vote count for the Democrat nominee.) - Click HERE To View.

4- World Health Organization Calls On Global Governments to 'Manage' Social Activity - W.H.O. Is Another Cabal Owned Agency Pushing The New World Order 2030 Human Depopulation Agenda. The W.H.O. Does Not Give A Rats Ass About The Well Being of Any Human. Their End Goal is to

Annihilate The Human Populatiuon By Any Means Neccessary - Click HERE To View.

5- California Mayor: Not Wearing a Mask in Public Is an 'Act of Domestic Terrorism' - These Souless, Satanic, 'Non Humans' Will Only Go As Far with This B.S. as The American Public Allows Them Too. If You Want Your Freedom You MUST Fight For it, Because It Will Not Be Handed To You On a Silver Platter. We Are In A Planetary/Galactic War of Frequency. These Alien/Human Demons Want Our Souls, Our Minds, Our Spirits, Now is The Time For Earth Humans To Band Together and Fight The Enemy. Remember This, 'If You Don't Stand Up and Fight For Something You Will Continue To Topple and Fall For Everything.' - Click HERE To View.

6- Welsh Government Says People Will Get ID Cards to Prove They’ve Been Vaccinated - Click HERE To View.

7- NYPD Conducts Sting Operation Against Bar Owner Defying Draconian COVID Restrictions Click HERE To View.

8- The Great Reset’s End Game Is Total Extermination of All Humans on Earth - (The world’s elites are pushing world population reduction so they can hoard all the world’s wealth and resources. Tune in below to find out how to avoid their traps.) - Click HERE To View.

9- Schumer Agrees with Biden on Giving Trans Students Access to Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - This Transgender B.S. is Once Again The Satanic Cabal Pushing To 'Normalize' Their 'Transgender Agenda.'

I Hate To Say This, But I Have To Speak The Truth. Most of The Children and Young Adults Who Fall Into The Cabals Transgender Agenda Were and are Still Being Used as Human Experiements Created By The Diabolical Cabal.

These Satanic Monsters Wanted To See What Would Happen if They Genetically Altered The Genes That Naturally Create and Determine a Humans Gender and Sexuality Before They Are Born. Some How or Another Through Vaccines, Chemtrails, Poisoned Food/Water etc. They Altered The DNA of Male Fetuses While They Are Still In Their Mothers Womb.

Many of These Male Babies Grow Up Confused About Their Gender and Sexuality. They Have a Makle Body, But Their Mind Tells Them They Are Female and They Grow Up Acting Like Girls/Women and They at a Young Age They Want To Surgically Alter Their Gender and GTransitiuon Themsewlves into Female.

There are ONLY Two Genders That Nature Created Anything Beyond Male/Female Was Created By The Satanic Cabal . Any Government Official Who Pushes This Diabolical Agenda is in Some Way Connected To The Cabal.

Boys/Men Use The Bathrooms Designated For Male and Girls/Women Use The Bathrooms Desiugnated For Females End of Story. There is No In Between On This Topic. If You Were Born a Male You Piss In The Mens Bathroom and if You Were Born a Female You Piss In The Womens Bathroom.

No Compromises Here. Those Who Do Not Want To Abide By That Rule Can Either Piss On Themselves or Hold it In Til' They Get Home. - Unless You Are a Male Bbay/Child, No Boy or Man Swinging a Dick Should EVER Be Allowed In A Bathroom Marked For Girls/Women. Click HERE To View.

Commentary Written By S.B.B.

10- Rogue government must be ABOLISHED by The People - As I've Been Saying For Awhile Now When FAKE Goverhments Go Rogue and No Longer Serve The People, 'Its' Up To The People/Public To Get Them Out Office and YES That Includes Physically Removing Them and or Escoirting Them Out of The Buildings They Work In.' I'll Say This Again 'If You Want Your Freedom You Are Going To Have To Fight For It, Because It Will Not Be Handed To You.' - Click HERE To View

11- Retired 3-star General McInerney Calls for President Trump to Invoke Insurrection Act, Suspend Habeas Corpus, Declare Martial Law and Initiate MASS ARRESTS Under Military Authority - Enough With The 'Trust The Plan' B.S.. Take These Corrupt, Satanic Mother Fuckers Down/Out and Show The Public The Proof. - Click HERE To View.

12- Can The Voting Machines Be Rigged? - Here's The Answer and Proof - Click HERE To View.

13- Back In The 1960's The CIA Used MK Ultra as a Tool To Mind Control The Public - and MK Ultra is Still Being Used Today On The Public With Out Their Knowledge or Consent. - Click HERE To View.

14- Its' Confirmed There Are Tracking Chips Inside The COVID-19 Vaccine - The COVID-19 Vaccine Has NOTHING at All To Do With Protecting or Curing Humans From Fake COVID-19 Virus, Its' About Controlling and Keeping Track of Every Human 24/7. - Click HERE To View.

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