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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

I held back. Thought there was no oath I would ever take after I woke up to my old religion and found the God Within, instead.

But listen to me: I took the oath. And I felt the last part...'So Help Me God'...down to my toes.

I'm serious. We as American Patriots have a big fight ahead of us. We let some horrible characters take over...get bought up by Chinese communists...and we've got to set things right.

There is an old saying: "If you don't like the end of the road? You'd better back up fast!" We were too complacent and we let it happen. We were fooled by them.

Time to reverse our steps and NEVER TRUST THESE CHARACTERS, THESE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR THIEVES, THESE COMMUNIST SOCIALIST LUCIFERIANS! This is not their country! It is a country of Patriots...the rest...get the HELL OUT!

I invite all my Patriot friends, My brave digital warrior friends to TAKE THE OATH. Feel the power of it. It's time to fight back. We need each other. WWG1WGA!!!

(Author: Kristy Knight) Click HERE To Visit Kristy's Face Book Page.

1- After This New Wave Of Lockdowns, Most People Will Accept Any “Solution” Because They Will Be So Desperate - Click HERE To View.

2- Planned Chaos Full Series Available Online - Click HERE To View.

3- The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup - Click HERE To View.

4- Lessons Learned from Growing up in Mugabe’s Socialist Zimbabwe - Pay Attention Because Under China's Communist Regime and FAKE Joe Biden's FAKE Presidency The End Goal is To Transition The United States Into a Socialist Society. - Click HERE To View.

5- Grandparents Get to Hug Their Grandchildren With “Hugging Station” - If You Don't Stand Up and Fight For Something, You'll Continue To Fall and Accept Anything.' - Click HERE To View.

6- MSM Deathly Silent as PCR Test Legally Ruled Useless to Test for COVID-19 - Click HERE To View.

7- Britons to Get ‘Vaccine Stamps’ in Their Passports Before Overseas Travel - Click HERE To View.

8- Vaccinated Children Are Sicker, Study Shows - If Parents Only Realized The Poisons, Toxins and Diseases They Are Purposely Injecting Into Their Childrens Bodies They'd Be Ready To Hang These Son of a Bitches. Sadly, Most Parents Put Their Total Faith Into Their Childs Pediatricians. After All They Are The Doctors.

They Attended Years of Medical School To Become Doctors/Pediatricians etc. Therefore Parents Believe They Have All The Answers and Their Childs Best Interest at Heart. This Would Be True if We Lived In A 'Perfect' But In This Reality, This is Far From The Truth.

Like ALL Whho Work In The Medical Profession, Pediatricians Were Taught Under The Same Corrupt, Satanic, Evil, Diabolical Ruling System That Wants To Murder 95% of Humanity By Any Means Neccessary.

If Parents Took Time To Asks Questions or if They Knew and Understood The Hiden and Diabolical Agendas Behind ALL Vaccines They'd WTF Up Very Fast. On This Planet Vaccines Have NOTHING at All To Do With Curinbg or Preventing Any Disease or Illness, Matter a Fact They Are Injecting The Disease and Illness In Your Body, Just To Sit and Watch How/If or When Your Body Will React.

If The Public Knew and Undserstood The Truth These Masochistic Alien/Human POS Would Have Been Killed Off A Long Time Ago. However it is Human Nature To 'Trust' Doctors, Pediatricians and Those Viewed In Authority.

Its' Time For The Punblic To Wake Up and Stop Being So Trusting and Just Plain Stupid. YOU Are YOUR Childs Advocate. In This Reality and On This Planet Your Childs Health, Well Being and Life Depend On The Conscientious and Informed Decisions That You Make For Him/Her. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Susan B. Blocker

9- Election Fraud Whistleblower Has Been Put in ICU, Other Witnesses' Lives Threatened - Click HERE To View.

10- Top EU Scientist Warns COVID-19 Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women - Click HERE To View.

11- Main Stream Media News Reports 'Grey Alien Recorded Peeping Into A Window' - The Gray Alien Species Represent Over 100+ Different Species Within Their Race, Just Like Any Species/Race of Beings There is The Good and The Not So Good.

Certain Species of Grey Aliens Are Known To Have Abducted Humans and Animals and Use Them For Breeding and Experimental Purposes. Over Many Decades There Have Been Thousands Upoon Thousands of Humans Who Have Shared Their Frightening Stories of Being Abducted.

Then There Are The People Because of Societies Stigma Surrounding The Topic of Aliens Are Afraid and Embarassed To Share Their Stories of Abduction.

For The Most Part Aliens Abduct Humans On A Regular and Daily Basis, Most Humans Have No Memory of Their Abductions, Because Their Memories are Swipeed Clean After Each Abduction.

Believe it or Not Every Human Born On This Planet Has Been Abducted at Least Once In Their Life Time. Depending On The Species That is Doing The Abduction Many Humans Are Never Returned or Heard From Again.

Many Alien Species Regard Humnans as As Their Food Source and They View Earth as a Supermarket. Alien Teenagers/Young Adults Have Been Known To View Earth as a Place To Pick Up Fast Food.

YES, They Literally Land Their Ships On Earth, Remain In Orbit and Zoom Themselves Down To Earth and They'll Snatch Up A Couple Hundred Humans and Load Them On Their Ships and Take Off.

In Remote Areas and In Foreign Countries Hundreds of Humans Have Been Known To Just Disappear Without A Trace, Never To Be Heard From or Seen Again.

I Myself Have Been Abducted Many Times During My Current Life Time On Earth. I Don't Have Memory of ALL of My Abductions But The Few I Can Remember Were Pleasant Experiences.

Most of My Abductions Focus On Upgrading My Galactic Abilities and When I Need To Rest I Am Taken Aboard A Medical Ship and I Am Placed In a Stasis Type of Sleep Until Its' Time For Me To Return Back To Earth.

Getting Back To The Grey Aliens Its' Not Uncommon For Grey Aliens To Peek In Windows Where Humans Live. Some Alien Species Are Like Children and They Like To Play with Humans By Peeping at Them or Showing Up In Their Homes.

When The Human See's Them, They Run Away or They'll Just Disappear. This Lil' Guy Wants To Be Seen, Because He Stares At The Human For A Bit Before He Actuallyt Runs Away. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Susan B. Blocker

11- German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation - Click HERE To View.

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