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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- UK Giving 1st Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine - One of The 1st Doses Went To A 90 Year Old Woman. Sadly Children, The Elderly and The Un Informed Will Be The First Guinea Pigs for This Toxic, Poisonous Brew. Click HERE To View.

2- Former Head of Israel’s Space Program Says, “The UFOs hHave Asked Not to Publish That They Are Here, Humanity is Not Ready Yet.” - I Call This Article Full of Cabal Bull Shyt. First of All 'UFO's Would Not Be Doing The Communicating or The Signing of Treaty Agreemenbts Between Earths World Goverbments.

'UFO's' Are THe Vehicles In Which The Extraterrestrials Use To Travel, So How In Hell Are UFO's Communicating with World Governments Here On Earth? ALIENS/Extraterrestrial Piloting The UFO's Do The Communicating. This B.S., About Humans Not Being Reday For Alien Disclosure is THe Satanic Cabal Once Again Trying To Block Shyt From Happenin' as They Always Do.

The Cabal are Afraid of The Truth Coming Out Because it Means They Lose Their Control Over HUmanity and ALL Alien Based Technologies Will Be Released To Humans. Those Greedy Cabal Fuckers Don't Want Humans To Prosper In Anyway.

Fuck The Cabal, Humans are Aware of Alien Life and Extraterrestrials Have Consistently Been Un Cloaking Their Ships Throughoiut The World For Many Months Now. WHY? Because They Want Humans To See Their Ships, Because Its' Time For Humans To WAKE Up To The Truth.

The Aliens Gave World Governments Here On Earth 70+ Years To Tell Humans of Their Pressence as Usual The World Governments Did Not Abide By The Agreements, Especially Here in America. They Were WARNED Earth Governments If They Did Not Reveal Their Pressence Within 70 Years, The Aliens Themselves Would Do It For Them.

In My Personal Opinion This Article is Total B.S. More Propaganda Coming From The Cabal and They Do Not Know How To Do Anything But LIE To The People. The Lame Excuse 'Humanity Is Not Ready For The Truth" is Old and Worn The Fuck Out. Humans Have A RIGHT To Know The Truth About Their Galactic Heritage. Its' YOU The Cabal That Are Afraid of The Truth Getting Out. WHY? Because It Means You Must Give Up Your Control Over Humanity and That Scares The Shyt of Every High Ranking Card Carrying Cabal Member. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Susan B. Blocker

3- Yet Another California Sheriff Refuses To Enforce Draconian Lockdown Measures - Click HERE To View.

4- Greece Will Require People to Text Government for Permission to Leave Home Under New Lockdown - Click HERE To View.

5- Largest Strike in World History : Over 200 Million Workers and Farmers Protest against Poverty and Unemployment Triggered by Covid Lockdown - Click HERE To View.

6- Tribunal News Update With Laura Eisenhower - This is a Planetary/Global Lawsuit Against ALL The Individuals Involved in The Genocide of Humanity, Which is in Full Process NOW!!!! - Click HERE To View.

7- Tribunal Judges On Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity - Click HERE To View.

8- Tribunal News Update 12.07.20 - Click HERE To View.

9- Fauci Warns 'Winter Could Be A Dark Time', Cuomo Threatens to Shutter NYC Restaurants In 5 Days - These Are Just Two of The Demons Cloaked In Human Form, Playing Their Role In The Genocide of Humanity. The Original Souls of These Beings Have Been Removed Anyone Who Believes In These Demons Cloaked as Humans is A JackAss. If You Can't Smell and or FIgure Out Their Diabolical Agenda By Now They Have You Heavily 'Mind Controlled' and That's Just How They Want You Dumbed Down and Stuck On Stupid. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue B.

10- Catholic Priest Father 'John Michael Fields' Dies After After Receiving a Series of COVID-19 Trial Vaccines - (Most recently Father Fields had volunteered to participate in the third and final phase of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine trial. In a Nov. 17 interview with Catholic News Service, he said he felt no ill effects from injections he received during the trials in late August and early October.

When he received an invitation to volunteer for this from the University of Pennsylvania Aug. 28, he told CNS, he said “yes” immediately.) “I did not hesitate. For me, it was a go. I just hoped I would be accepted,” he said, adding that he had no concern about the risks. “I thought it was a win-win situation.” Click HERE To View.

11- White House Vaccine Rollout Marred by Confusion, False Claims - Trump is Trying To Prevent These Psychopaths From Injuring, Harming and Murdering Millions of Americans with These Fake COVID-19 Vaccines That are Designed To Hybridize/Transition Humans Into a New Species of Being By Altering and Destroying Human DNA.

In The Process Millions Upon Millions of People Here In America Will Die and or Be Deliberately Murdered. How Many People Who Are 'Pro Vaccine' Still Want Themselvews and Their Children To Be Injected With This Poisonous Vaccine? Keep In Mind Most Americans Have No Idea of The Horrific Ingredients in The Vaccine, But I Do. Do YOU Feel That Lucky Putting Your Life and The Lives of Your Children In The Hands of These Pure Bred Homicidal Psychopaths? - Click HERE To View.

Author Sue B.

12- Peace In Space 'International Criminal Code' - Click HERE To View.

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