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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1-CIA Whistle Blower Drops Bombhell Coming Forth With Hard Evidence That Implicates Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Brennan Actually Executed Seal Team 6 and Covered it Up - Hanghese Murderers By Their Necks Until They Are Dead, Oooooops Guess What? Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Brennan Are Dead.

These Psychopathic Murderous Killer Clowns Were Either Executed By The Military After Their Military Tribunals. They Were Murdered By Their Cabal Controllers Who at Some Point Thought They'd Become a Liability and or They Literally Sold Their Biological Souls To Demons and Their Physical Body is Now Taken Over By an Actual Walk In Demon.

CAUTION: Until You Do Your Own Extensive Research Don't Be So Quick To Laugh and Mock Me, Beause I Know Exactly What I Am Talking About - Click HERE To View

Author: Sue-B

2- 'Doctor on CNN: Don’t Be ‘Alarmed’ if Elderly Die After Receiving COVID Vaccine' - Click HERE To View.

3- COVID-19 ‘Warp Speed’ Vaccines Likely Not Safe and Not Needed, Medical Expert Says

4- ‘Refuse This Vaccination’: Acclaimed French Doctor Unloads On COVID Vaccine - Click HERE To View.

5- World’s Biggest Vaccine Company Sues COVID Shot Volunteer Who Spoke About Negative Side Effects - Click HERE To View.

6- UK’s Chief Scientist: Vaccine Will Not Mean Ending Crushing COVID Restrictions - Click HERE To View.

7- Ontario Suggests COVID ‘Immunity Passport’ For People Wanting to Travel, Go to Movies Click HERE To View.

8- Freedom Concerns Over Those Who Refuse The COVID Vaccine - This vaccine could threaten the freedom of people around the world. And, there have been many indications that even wide-spread vaccination of the populous will not lighten restrictions.

For example, Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientist in the U.K. government, said that masks will probably be required until winter 2021 because there is no telling “how good all the vaccines are going to be at preventing the transmission of the virus.”

Additionally, Ontario’s Health Minister has suggested that proof of COVID vaccination will be required to travel, go to work, and even to go to the movie theater.

The vaccine should be voluntary, but will it be required if you want to go anywhere outside the house??

9- Ethics Concerns - There are several apparent problems with the vaccines being fast-tracked by HHS’ Operation Warp Speed. One of the vaccines’ major problems is they were tested using aborted fetal cells.

The production and testing of vaccines that use the remains of aborted children, regardless of when they were killed and at what point they were used in the process, is morally unacceptable and must be consistently opposed by the whole pro-life movement.

This type of Frankenscience has no place in a civilized society, certainly not one whose citizens are forced to fund it!

10- Mexican President Becomes a Voice for COVID Freedom: Says Pandemic Lockdowns are The Tactic of Dictators - Click HERE To View.

11- Biden Calls for Mandatory ‘Mask-Wearing’ Order – Every American for 100 Days - Click HERE To View.

12- Message From Chad Bianco of Riverside County Sheriff's Department - Click HERE To View.

13- New York Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Make COVID-19 Vaccine MANDATORY - What About ‘My Body, My Choice’, Critics Wonder - Click HERE To View.

14- UPDATE TO CV-19 and Vaccination Information – Rights/Articles/Forms/Petitions - Click HERE To View.

15- Damning Senate Report Lays Bare ALL The Biden Financial Connections to Communist China More Proof, 'Joe Biden Sold America Out To China.' - Click HERE To View.

16- DEPOPULATION VAX: Trial Subjects Injected with Coronavirus Vaccines Suddenly Test Positive for HIV - Click HERE To View.

17- Pfizer's Vaccine Studies Are Based On FRAUD and Put Lives In DANGER!! - Click HERE To View.

18- Most NYC Firefighters Will Not Be Getting Vaccinated for COVID-19 - That's Eight 'Do Not ALLOW These Psychopathic Homicidal Demons Lead You To Slaughter. Humanity Has Reached The Final Hour. Youy Either Stand Up For 'Something' or Be MURDERED For 'Nothing'. - Click HERE To View.

19- FAKE Democratic 'Vice President Elect' Kamala Harris aka 'Kamal Aroush' Named in Hunter Biden Email as Key Contact on China Deal - S(he) Played His Role In Selling America Out To The Communist China Party. Be Forewarned Those You Support, Worship and Idolize Are Traders of America and The American People. We Exist in an 'Inverted, Upside Down' Reality.

Most EVERYTHING is Oppopsite of What You Were Indoctrinated To Believe. NOTHING is What You Thgink it is. 'To Understand TGhe Truth and The Type of Reality We Exist In, You MUST First Be Willing, Ready and Emotionally Strong Enough To Forget EVERYTHING You Think You Know.'

20- Trump Warns America: 'A Coup Is Taking Place Before Our Very Eyes' - Click HBERE To View.

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