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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

For Those Who Are Considering Taking The Series of COVID-19 Vaccines. These and ALL Vaccines are Damgerous and Deadly. Thousands of People Have Breen Severely Injured and Died Receiving The Trial COVID-19. Keep In Mind These Vaccines Have NOTHING To Do with Protecting People or Curing Tem of COVID-19.

The Hidden Diabolical Agenda Behind The COVID-19 Vaccines is To Committ Global GENOCIDE of The Human Population. The Cabal's End Goal is To Murder 95% of the Human Population and Re Enslave The Remaining 5%.

Its' Time For The Non Believers To Wake Up, Pull Their Heads Out of Their Butts, Research The Information We Are Sharing with You and Educate Yourselves and Your Families, or Be Prepared To Suffer The Harsh and Deadly Consequences of Your Blind Ignorance. The Word COVID Stands For (C)ertificate (O)f (V)accination (ID)

Humanity Has Reached The End Game On This Planet. Your Knowledge = A Chance To Survive This Planetary Transition and Your Blind Ignorance = Enslavement or Death. The Choice is Yours.

1- US F-16 Shot Down By Chinese Soldiers In Canada - Click HERE To View.

2- US Detains Chinese Researcher Charged Over Hiding Her Military Background - The Chinese Communist Party and Their Military Have Began Infiltrating America A Long Time Ago. The Chinese Take Over of America Wasn't Planned Yesterday, It Was Carefully Planned Out Decades Ago with The Help of Treasonous Cabal Members Who Predominantly Make Up The US Government Democratic Party.

China and Many Other Countries Played a BIG Role In Promoting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Fraud Infested Presidential Election Here In America and and Kamala Harris Was China's Key Contact Person. Joe Biden's Fruadulent Fake Win Was Designed To Seal The Sale of America To China.

The Sleeping American Have Been So Pre Occuppied with The B.S. The Cabal Have Been Promoting They Failed To See The Truth of What Was Going On Behind Their Backs. Time For The Sleeping American Public To Get A Harsh Wake Up Call On The Reality That Exist Beyond Their Safe, Comfy Zones. - Click HERE To View.

3- Campaigns Funded by Chinese Communist Party Employee - Click HERE To View.

4- Kamala Harris Named in Hunter Biden Email as Key Contact on China Deal - Wait To The American Public Finds Out 'Kamala Harris' aka 'Kamal Aroush' is a Biological MALE. S(He), Like Many Other Fake US Politicians and Government Officials Were Groomed To Act Out The Scripted Roles, Including The Switching of Their Genders. Any Questions? Click HERE To View

6- Obama Trolls Trump: ‘I Was Able to Get Away With’ Not Being Born in the US - This is What You Call 'Throwin' Mocking The American Public and Throwing Shyt In Their Face.' Who Care, Because The Biological Barrack Obama aka Barry Soetoro and Michelle Obama aka Michael LaVaughn Robinson Were Executed By The Military In September of 2019.

They Were Replaced High Tech Synthetic Clones and or Human Look A Likes Who Were Hired To Play Out Their Scripted Roles tro Further Deceive The Sleeping American Public. - Click HERE To View.

7- An Ingredient Known as 'Luciferase' Will Be ONE of The Main Ingredients In The Quantum DOT COVID-19 Vaccines - The COVID-19 Vaccine as with Most Vaccines is Being Financially Backed and Promoted By Eugenists Bill and Melida Gates. The Word 'Eugenist' Means These Psychopaths Heavily Support, Believe In and Support The Depopulation of The Human Species. Bill Gates When From Creating Virus Protection Software for Microsoft Computers, To Creating Virus' That Can Be Injected Into The Human Body, Now How Fucked Up is That? Click HERE To View.

8- The Human Ageing Process Can Now Be Biologically Reversed via Pure Oxygen Therapy - Click HERE To View.

9- Hotels an Airlines Will Now Require Proof That Their Guest Have Been Vaccinated - No Vaccine, No Service - Click HERE To View.

10- Prepare for Possibility of "Full Shutdown" In NYC Warns de Blasio, Stocks Dump In Response The Demise of The Small Business. - Click HERE To View.

11- Get Ready to See The Most Evictions In History As Ban Expires, Millions Will Be Forced Into Streets - Click HERE To View.

12- Womans Son Passes Out In Physical Ed Class From Wearing a Mask - This Mom is Pissed Off and Rightly So. If Yall' Sleepers Haven't Yet Figured it Out These Godamn Masks Are Slowly KILLING Humans Then Youy Have Bee Mind Fucked Really Good By The Cabal. Over The Past Months I've Posted Many Detailed Articles, Videos and Commentaries Explaining Why Mask Wearing is DANGEROUS To The Human Body.

The Sad Thing is Most People Are Not Paying Attention, Instead They Choose To OBEY The Orders of Those Who Have No Fuckin' Medical Degree. NEWSFLASH: The Human Body Requires A Constant Flow of OXYGEN 24/7. Mask Wearing Blocks The Flow of OXYGEN Throughout The Human Body and Can Cause Many Types of Serious Health Problems, Brain Damage and Death.

The Satanist Who Want To Kill Of Humanity Are Consistently Telling The Pulic To Wear Their Masks to Protect Themselves From a Virus That Does Not Exist and is Not Airborn and CAN NOt Be Transmitted Person To Person. However The American Publics Lack of Knowledge Concearning The Hidden Agenda Behind Mask Wearing is Constantly Causing Serious Health Issues and Death. I'll Say This Again 'Take The Fuckin' Mask Off and EDUCATE Yourselves.

Your Fake Ass Local Main Stream Media News Outlets is Not Reporting On The Deaths, Health Problems and Illnesses That Have Occurred Because of People Constantly Wearing Masks. Do Your Goddamn Research, Educate Yourselves and Stop Blindly OBEYING These B.S. Rules That The Fake Ass Governments Are Imposing On The Public.

Don't Yall' Get It Yet? Humanity is In The Midst of Global GENOCIDE. They Want Yall' Dead and Gone and They Are Doing Whatever They Can To MURDER The Human Population. People Would Know What's Going On, If They Took The Time To EDUCATE Themselves Instead Blindly Following Orders That Are Purposely Designed To Injure and or Kill You and Your Families.

Mass Homicidal GENOCIDE is Unfolding Right Before Your Eyes, This Aint' No Goddamn Party They Want You Dead and Most of You Are Making it Very Easy For These Demons To Promote Their Agenda. They Don't Have To Do Jack Shyt, Because Yall' Are Killing Yourselves and Your Children.

Wake The Fuck Up People Just Like Sheeple You Are Being Lead To The Slaughter and You Don't Even Realize It. If You Don't Educate Yourselves How The Fuck Are Going To Protect Your Children and Your Grandchildren From These Homicidal, Psychopathic, Satanic Maniacs Who Want To Murder Off 95% of Humanity? - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

13- 87,000 Nurses In The The Nederlands REFUSE The COVID-19 Vaccine - I Wonder How Many Sleepers Here In America are Going To Rush To Get On Line To Get Vaccinated? REMEMBER: With The Psychopathic, Homicidal, Satanic Cabal In Control, Every Vaccine You Allow The To Inject Into You or Your Childs Body is Like You Are 'Willingly' Signing Your Death Warrant. - Click HERE To View.

14- Doctors From Around The World Have a Very Important Message To ALL Of Humanity - Click HERE To View.

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