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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

The Creation of The Geneically Modified Human

'The Sub-Human Species'

In Deep Underground Bases Many Decades Ago Many Scientist Specializing In Genetic Engineering Along with A Rogue Fleet of The Military Industrial Complex Controlled By A Satanic Cult Began Creating A Sub Human Species Known as 'Super Soldiers.'

A Super Soldier is/Was a Human Being That Has Been Genetically Altered Both Physically and Emotionally. Their Internal Organs and Physical Body is Enhanced and Merged and Fused with Micro Computers, Smart Dust and Nano Bots.

The DNA That Structures Their Natural Biological Brain Cells is Chemically Altered So They Can Be Programmed To Act, Feel and Do What They Are Told Without Experiencing Any Type of Human Emotion.

These Sub Human Beings or 'Super Soldiers' Are Emotionless, Extremely Strong, Agile and Fast. Over Many Decades Under The 'Secret Space Program' Thousands of These Sub Human Beings Were Created, Shipped Off Planet and Used as Soldiers In Wars Against Various Alien Races.

Today This Program of Creating A Programable Sub Human Species Has Extended Onto The Surface of Earth Un Knowingly Affecting The Potential Lives of The Unborn Human and Its' Family.

Based On My Own Research The Creation of A Sub Human Being Begins Before A Child is Born. Its' Biological Mother/Parent is Pre Selected as A 'Host' To Nurture and Develope The Child in Her Womb as Any Other Mother Would Do.

The BIG Difference is The Mother/HJost is Unaware of The Non Stop Chemical Assualt That is Being Purposely Waged Against Her Unborn Child in an Attempt To Permanently Alter The DNA That Controls The 'Normal' Developement of Its' Brain Cells.

YES, These Psychopaths With The Help and Expertise of Various Rogue Alien Races Have Developed Technologies To 'Chemically Lobotomize' A Human Being Before Its' Born Into This 3D Physical Realm.

Since The Mid 1990's Humans Have Been Purposely and Continuously Sprayed and Poisoned with A Myriad of Toxic Chemicals. On Tthis Planet Humans Are Un Knowingly Forced To Breath, Eat, Drink, Absorb and Are Injected with an Onslaught of Poisons 24/7.

Many of These Poisons are Specifically Designed To Alter The Brains Natural Development of The Fetus Nesting In Its' Mom's Womb. Babies Born with A Variety of Severe Psychological Problems is Not an Accident. Like Most EVERYTHING On This Planet The Deliberate Destruction of Human LIfe On This Planet is Pre Planned and Deliberate.

WHY? They Want To Create A Sub Human Species That They Can Program and Control 24/7. Once They Control Your Brain Functions, They Control YOU and If They Can Manage To Gain Control Over The Human Brain Before A Child is Physically Born They've Won More The Half of Their Battle..

As A Survivor of Childhood Abudse and Domestic Violence 20+ Years Ago I Wanted To Freely Provide Online Counseling and Support Services For Survivors Like Myself, So I Created A Website Entitled 'Climbing Out Of The Spiral.'

Soon After My Website Made Its' Online Debut' I Began Receiving Messages From Distraught Parents Who Were Literally Terrified of Their Toddlers/Children. They Were Afraid Their Children Wwere Going To Harm or Kill Them, Their Other Children and Any Pets They Had In Their Home.

They Were So Terrified of Their Child, They'd Either Lock Themselves Into Rooms at Night or They'd Lock The Offending Toddler/Child Into Their Oen Room. I Had Just Started My Online Counseling and Support Services, So I Was A Newbie and I Had No Experience in The Flood of Information That Was Being Shared with Me By These Terrified Parents.

I Did Not Know How To Help Them, Because I Had No Knowledge of What They Were Telling Me. I Wanted To Help, But I Didn't Know How, It All Sounded So Bizarre To Me. How Could Any Child Be So Full of Rage They'd Want To Harm and Kill Their Parents and Siblings Without Thought?

What Would Push a Toddler/Child To That Point? ANSWER: That Child Was Pre Exposed To Poisons and Its' Developing Brain Cells Were Altered and 'Chemically Lobotomized' While It Nested and Developed In Its' Mothers/Hosts Womb.

There You Have It The Creation of The 'Sub Human Species' That Can Be Programmed, Controlled To Act Out In Un Controllable Rage and Violence Without Thought or Conveying Empathy or Any Type of Natural Human Emotion. These Type of People Are Generally Labelled as "Psychopaths.'

Once They Become Too Un Controllable Most of Them Are Thrown In Psychiatric Wards and Drugged For The Rest of Their Lives On This Planet, With Very Little Chance of Leading A 'Normal' Peaceful Life.

The Cruelty Towards Humans on This Planet Extends Way Beyond My Wildest Imagination. What's Most Mind Boggling is Humans at Least Here In America Actually Believe They Are Superior, Free Beings. They Haven't A Clue That They Are All Being Re Enslaved Over and Over Again, Even Before They Are Born.

When You See an Adult, Child, Toddler, Teen Acting Totally Emotionless, With Rage, Violence and Out of Human Character There is a Very Strong Possibility That at Some Point This Person Is A 'Genetically Modified Sub Human Species.' Its' Brain Cells Were Purposely Damaged/Altered Before They Were Born.

This is The Creation of 'Super Soldiers and The Sub Human Species.' A Race of Beings That Can Be Programmed and Controlled To Do, Act, Feel, What Has Been Pre Programmed Into Their Brain. These Programs Can A Wide Range of Emotionally Crippling Nemesis That Are Designed To Hinder and Eventually Destroy That Persons Life.

Author: Sue-B

1- What Does It Mean To Be Human? - Click HERE To View

2- Donald Marshall Cloning Centers - Click HERE To View.

3- Celebrity Human Cloning Centers - Click HERE To View.

4- DNA Activation Genetic Engineering - Click HERE To View.

5- The Transhumanistic Agenda The Final Stage - Click HERE To View.

6- Super Soldier Ttalk - Click HERE To View.


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