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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Why And What Are We Celebrating?

1- China's Communist Party (C.C.P.) Has Invaded America.

2- The Satanic Cabal Have Activated The New World Order Here In America.

3- The NAZI Regime Have Infiltrated America and Activated The 4th-5th Reich.

4- Corrupt Western Medicine is Forcing American Citizens To Submit Themselves To Be Injected With COVID-19 Vaccines That Were Specifically Designed To Injure, Kill and Rewrite, Alter/Damage Human DNA and Create A Race of Robotized, Programmable Transhuman Beings.

5- They've Systemically Poisoned The Air We Breath, The Food We Eat, The Water We Drink, The Land Used To Raise and Grow Our Food.

6- We've Been Forced To Wear Face Masks That MUZZLE and SILENCE Our Voices and Hide Our Identity and Facial Expressions.

7- Social Distancing Instills Fear, Standing 6 Feet Apart Eliminates The Natural Human Need and Desire To Experience Physical Contact.

8- A Rogue A.I. Bioweapon Virus Was Purposely Unleashed On The American Public Creating Months of Panic For A Virus That Can Not Be Prevented By Wearing A Mask, Social Distancing or Being Injected By A Fake and Deadly Vaccine.

9- Millions Of Men, Women and Children Have Lost EVERYTHING They Own Because of The Greed and Selfishness of Those Who Remain Power.

10- Whole Large Owned Cabal Owned Corporate Businesses Continue Earning Billions of Dollars A Day, People Who Owned Small Businesses Have Lost Their Business Because of Shutdowns Surrounding This Fake PLANdemic.

11- Homelessness On The Rise, Shelters Filled To Compacity, Food Banks Running Low On Essential Supplies For Those In Need. Winter In America and Many Families Are Sleeping In Their Vehicles, or On The Cold Hard Ground.

12- The Elderly, Physically/Emotionally Disabled and Children, Babies and Adults Who Are Sick are Left Alone In Their Homes, or They Remain Alone Hospitals, Nursing Homes Unable To Receive Visit with Family and Friends Due To Draconian Lock Down and Quarantine Rules Based On A Fake PLANdemic.

13- Most ALL Forms of Outdoor/Indoor Social Activity Events Are Cancelled or Running On Limited Time Slots and Schedules. Now The Government Tells You What You Can Enjoy, When and For How Long.

14- Thousands of Highly Trained Military Personel Are Risking Their Lives To Rescue and Save The Lives Millions Upon Millions of Women, Men and Children Who are Being Rescued From Their Enslavement From Deep Underground Bases. Where They've Been Tortured, Raped, Sodomized, Locked In Electrified Cages, Starved To The Point Many Are Literally Etaing Themselves To Survive.

15- We Live On A Planet Where Human Lie is Not Valued at All. We Live On A Planet Where Many Different Alien Species View Humans as Entertainment, Their Food Supply, Guinea Pigs etc. They Consider Themselves Superior, This is THeir Planet and The Rule and Control It as They See Fit. Humans Are Nothing More Then Enslaved Bugs Under Their Skin.

The America or World I Believed Once Existed Actually NEVER Was The World We Live In Was Cleverly Designed By Aliens To Keep Their Human Toys Pacified and Forever Enslaved Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually.

The More Their Slaves Awaken To The Truth The Faster They Work On New Ways To Re Enslave Humans, Put Us Back To Sleep, Dumb Us Down, Destroy and or Kill Off The Human Species. Their Game of Control Can Not Continue as Long as Their Slaves Are Awake and Aware. Humanities Awakening Process is What Our Alien Overlords Fear The Most.

December 31, 2020, New Years Eve Will Have Different Meanings For Each Person. This New Years Eve My Oppinions are Based On My Own Personal Views of Current World Situations. In My Eyes and Mind What Used To Be A Joyous Once a Year Celebration Doesn't Exist This New Years Eve.

How Can Optimistically Enjoy, Reflect and Look Forward To A New Year, New Beginnings a New Start When Horrific Life Altering Events Still Plague The Lives of MILLIONS of People Around Us? Over The Pat 10 Months MILLIONS of Our Fellow Americas Lives Were Destroyeed and Changed Forever.

In a New Year Does Not Mean We Can Forget and "Let Go" of ALL The Pain and Damage That Has Been Done? Have ALL The Above Issues That I've Mentioned Been Magically Resolved? Have Our Alien Over Lords Freed Us From Their Putrid Enslavement? Are We Free To Live, Travel, Enjoy LIFE On This Planet Without Fear of Retribution? Can We Speak Our Mind Without Being Shut Down and CENSORED?

Can We Remove The Masks That Hide Our Facial Expressions? Can We Physically Engage In With Each Other During Indoor/Outdoor Activities or Must We Continue Practicing 'Social Distancing' and Stand 6 Feet A part.

All The Pain We've Been Forced To Endure iS On Temporary Hold This New Years Eve December 31, 2020. Its' All Hiding, Festering In The Bowels of Darkness Waiting Once Again To Pounce and Attack One Minute Past Midnight January 01, 2021.

Celebration is Just A Temporary Fix or or Quick Feel Good Get High To The Hell That Lurks In The Shadows Masked as This Years Festive Events End.

Author: Sue-B

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