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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Jan 4, 2021

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Thousands Of Colorado Residents Left Without Heat After Vandals Target 3 Natural Gas Lines - Click HERE To View.

2- National Guard Announces Huge ERROR In West Virginia As 40 People Get Antibody Instead of Vaccine - Click HERE To View.

3- Aluminum Nano Particles In Vaccines Linked To Alzheimer and Other Mental Disorders - The Cabals Transhuman Agenda is To Alter/Rewrite The Human DNA and Create A New Species of Human That is Docile and Can Be Programmed and Controlled. ALL Vaccines Contain Nano Particles and Other Dangerous and Deadly Ingredients That Are Not Meant To Be Injected Into The Human Body.

They Are Literally Creating A New Species of Human as They Poison The Human Body via ALL Vaccines, Food/Water Supply and By Spraying Nano Dust Into The Air We Breath. This Diabolical Campaign Has Been Ongoing Since The 1970's and it is Now Being Sped Up

Their Human Slaves That Were/Are Imprisoned In Underground Bases Are Being Rescued. They Need To Hurry Up and Create A New Race of Slaves, This is Why They Are Quickly Assaulting The Population of Humans Who Live On The Surface of Earth - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

4- Quarantine Camps, Forced Vaccinations - What Will It Take For The American Public To Stand Up, Take A Stance and Say 'Fuck No'? If You Can't, Won't Stand Up For Yourselves Who'll Stand Up For Your Babies and Children? - Click HERE To View.

5- PLANdemic Indoctrination Part 2 - Click HERE To View.

6- Planet Lockdown - Click HERE To View.

7- COVID-19 Martial Law Shocks The World - Click HERE To View.

8- Trump vs. The Globalist Genocide Machine - Click HERE To View.

9- China's Communist Party Deployed Internet Propaganda “Army” to Brainwash Americans About The Coronavirus - Click HERE To View.

10- Covid “Mutation” Stories Show That The Lockdowns Are Designed To Last Forever Click HERE To View.

11- Your Rights Are An ILLUSION - Click HERE To View.

12- The Satanic Cabal Cult is So Bold at This Point They Aren't Trying To Hide Their Diabolical Plans for Humanity - In Bright, Bold, Holographic Technicolor They Are Throwing Their Shyt Directly In Your Face. The BIG QUESTION is? How Many of The Sleepers Will Catch On To The True Symbolic Meaning of This Beautiful, Creepy Display of Utter Hate Towards Humans and LIFE?

Those Who've Done Their Homework Researched, Paid Attention To Stuff Happening Outside of Their Padded, Safe Comfy Zones Got This and Most Likely Are Able To Decode This Bold Blatant Message.

However The Mind Controlled Sheeple Will Sadly Remain Dumbed Down and ill Informed. No Pity Here, Because That's The Choice YOU Made. In Their Blind Ignorance The Sleepers Will Simply Believe This is Just A Beautifully Choreographed Over The Top New Years Eve/Day Festive Event? - Click HERE To View 1st Set

Author: Sue-B

13- NY Democrat Calls for Virus 'Carriers' to Be Removed & Placed in Detention Centers

14- Frontline Workers Refuse To Take COVID-19 Vaccine, Cite 'Political' Reasons - Click HERE To View.

15- COVID Vaccines Alter DNA, Integrating You As A Robot into AI Artificial Intelligence - The Satanic Cabal's End Goal with These Forced COVID-19 Vaccines is To Transform The Current Species of Human Into "Trans Human Being." Trans Human Beings Will Be Programmable, Emotionless Robotic Like Beings. Those Who Survive The Series of Vaccines Will Become Soulless Beings. You Will Lose Every Emotion That Makes You 'Human.'

I Do Not Know How They Achieved This, But These Diabolical Vaccines Have Been Specifically Designed To Disconnect The Human Being From Their Soul Spark. I Remember Year Ago When The Cabal 1st Began Talking Seriously About This Particular Plan of Global Population Control. I Never Fully Imagined or Comprehended How They'd Pull This Off, But They Did.

One Thing About The Satanic Cabal They Begin Working On Their Diabolical Plans Many Decades In Advance Before They Actually Launch Them. They've Been Practicing Altering The Human DNA for Over 70+ Years. The Year 2021 They've Most Likely Perfected Their Diabolical Plan and Are Ready To Test It Out On The Human Population That Lives On Earths. .

At All Costs Stay The Hell Away From The COVID-19 And ALL Vaccines. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

16- Tunnel Children - Tortured Children Imprisoned In Underground Bases, Genetic Experiments, Hell Beneath Our Feet. 'As Above, So Below' - Click HERE To View.

17- Every Corporate Media Co-Conspirator Must Be Shut Down and/or Taken Over - Click HERE To View.

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