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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Jan 12, 2021

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

This is a 'Wet Room' This is Just ONE Of The Places Where The Satanic Cabal Torture, Rape, Sodomize, Sacrifice and Murder Babies and Children.

1- Airspace Over VA-DC-MD Being Closed Off!*FAA Gives Official Story *Vatican Blackout* - Click HERE To View.

2- Overstock CEO Bombshell - Click HERE To View.

3- First They SILENCE You, Then They Come to KILL You - Mass Genocide Against Conservatives is No. 1 On The Left’s List of Priorities - Click HERE To View.

4- Pence Receives Strange Coin After Certifying The Fraudulent Election - Click HERE To View.

5- Young Doctor Left Paralyzed MINUTES After Taking Pfizer ‘Covid-19’ Vaccine In Mexico - Click HERE To View.

6- Up to 60% of U.S. Healthcare Workers Refusing Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccine - “Don’t Want To Be A Guinea Pig” - Click HERE To View.

7- Why Bill Gates Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines - Click HERE To View.

8- Barrels of Adrenochrome - How Many Babies and Children Were Tortured, Drained of Their Blood and Murdered For Their Adrenochrome (Blood)? How Many Children Did These Satanic Pedophile Vampires Murder To Fill Up These Containers with Their Adrenochrome "(Blood?)

The Satanic Cabal Purposely Torture and Terrify Infants, Babies and Children To Get Their Body To Produce Adrenochrome. As They Are Being Terrified and Tortured These Satanic Vampires Are Draining Their Blood From Their Bodies.

I'm Very Sorry if This Information Makes Any of You Uncomfortable, But Ya Know Something? at This Point I Really Could Care Less About How Uncomfortable The Truth Makes Yall' Feel. I'm Not Here To Pacify and Sugar Coat The Truth To Make Yall' Feel Safe and Comfy. I'm Here To AWAKEN The Sleepers and To Expose The Truth. Because Humanity Must NEVER , EVER Allow These Atrocities To Happen Again.

As A Galactic Human Myself and Millions of Others Like Myself Have Incarnated On This Planet Many Times Throughout The Centuries To Help Liberate Earth Humans and Remove These Satanic Pedophile Vampires Who Prey On Children. This is The Closest We've Ever Came and We Are Not Going To Lose This Time Around. This Will Be Our Last Incarnation On This Planet, Its' Time For Us To Move On, Return To Our Home Planets, Rest and Take On New Missions if We Choose To Do So.

In Order For The Public To Truly Understand The Seriousness of These Heinous Crimes Committed Against Infants, Babies, Children For Centuries, The Public Must Visually See and Hear The Raw Truth. How Each of You Choose To Deal With It it or Not Deal With, Is Up To Each Individual, Regardless You Still Need To Know The Ugly Truth.

Humanities Fight For Freedom Affects Every Living Being On This Planet and Sorry, None of You Are Excluded. This is a Planetary Event and Everyone Will Be Affected One Way or The Other. The Main Goal and Purpose is For The Military To Continue The Ongoing Global RESCUE Mission and Cut Off The Supply of Babies, Children From These Satanic Pedophile Vampires. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

9- 10 Days Of Darkness Has Begun - Click HERE To View.

10- Joe Biden's Ties to Big Tech Emerge Amid Anti-Conservative Purge - Click HERE To View.

11- Facebook Is Paying Fact-Checkers Funded By Chinese Communist Party - Click HERE To View.

12- This is The Garbage The Music Industry Owned By The Satanic Cabal Sells To The Public and The Dumbed Down American Public Eats It Up - Buys Into It Cause They Think This Mind Controlled Misguided Slave To The Hollywood Industry is Cute and Sexy.

This Young Woman Start off as an Innocent Child Playing A Child Actor in A Disney/Nickelodeon Show. Can Any of You Miley Cyrus Fans Tell Me What The Fuck Happened To This Child Star? Come To Think of It What Happens To Most Child Stars Promoted By Disney/Nickelodeon?

Why Do They Turn Out Like This or Worse? Why Do You and Your Kids Idolize and Continue To Buy Into The Self Destruction and Outright Exploitation of Hollywood Child Celebrities?

I Know Most of You Might Not Like What I Am Saying, But Guess What? I Don't Care. My Task is To Bring Out The Truth and Make You STOP and Use Your Critical Thinking Skills.

Any Time You Accept Shyt Like This as 'Normal' and ok You Are Not Using Your Critical Thinking Skills. When You Accept Shyt Like This You've Become Very BIG Part of The Problem of Exploiting Children.

Miley Cyrus Like Many Other Child Celebrities Started Out In Hollywood as a Innocent Child. Do Yall' Know What They Had To Do To Her To Groom and Transform Her Into This?

I Don't Think Yall' Want To Know The Mind Boggling, Gory Details, Cause it Aint' Too Fuckin' Pretty.

And Any So Called Man Salivating and Lusting For This Young Woman Yall' Need Your Asses Kicked In Royally, Because Yall' Don't Have A Fuckin' Clue of What They Put This Young Woman Through and That is "IF" The Original Biological Miley Cyrus is Still Alive.

Many Child Star Celebrities Are Killed Off at Some Point and Replaced By Clones and or The Original Soul That Inhabited The Physical Body Has Been Removed and Replaced By A 'Demonic Walk In' Spirit.

Like I Said I Know Yall' Don't Want To Hear This Shyt, But Guess What? Like I Said "I'm Sorry If Yall' Are Not Ready To Deal With The Ugly Truth. At This Point I Really Don't Care." Cause This Aint' About You and Your Feelings. Its' About EXPOSING The Satanic Cult That Owns and Runs and Controls Hollywood.

Its' About Protecting and Rescuing The Children That Are Born Into and or Sold Into This Sickening Hollywood Satanic Cult By Their Own Parents or Caretakers. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

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