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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Buffalo Horn Guy - The Big Reveal!! With Alien Technology Patents Revealed

2- Who Is In Charge Of Our Country? - Click HERE To View.

3- Sex Trafficking Survivor Slams Twitter CEO Over Purge: 'How Do You Sleep at Night'? BRAVO!!! Its' About Time These Cabal Owned Social Media Platforms CEO's Be Charged with Promoting Criminal Acts and Thrown The Fuck In Jail for The Ret of Their Miserable Lives. They Are The Slugs of This Planet. - Click HERE To View.

4- Joe Biden Slams America as ‘Morally Deprived’ - Look at The Pot Calling The Kettle Black. This Dead and Cloned Cyborg Should Know Very Well About 'Depravity and Immorality' He Not Only Raped and Tortured His Own Kids, But He Raped and Tortured Many Babies and Children That He Helped Steal and Traffic. He Was A Worthless Piece of Crap and Those Who Support Him, Are In Support of The Satanic Cabal and All They Stand For. - Click HERE To View.

5- How Does The Evil Masters of This Planet Keep Control Over Its' Human Slaves? - Click HERE To View.

6- Now We Know - Click HERE To View.

7- Democrat Legislation Would Label Half of Americans Domestic Terrorists – Setting Them Up For Mass Arrests, Detentions - Click HERE To View.

8- Texas Police Officer Threatens to Taser Man For Not Wearing a Mask - Click HERE To View.

9- The Cosmic Take Down of The Deep State - Click HERE To View.

10- Democratic Senators Introduce Legislation to Make Washington, DC The 51st State Not Gonna Happen. The Democrats Who Work In Government Need To Sit Down and Guzzle A Nice Tall Glass of 'Shut he Fuck Up'. They've ALL Been Arrested and or Executed and Replaced By Clones. Clones Can't Talk Unless They Are Pre Programmed, Therefor They Have No Authority Over Anything or Anyone. Case Closed. Click HERE To View.

12- China Begins Using Anal Swabs to Test for Covid in Beijing Because 'they are Much More Accurate'. - Just Another Way To Demoralize, Degrade and Experiment On Humans. These Mother Fuckers are Sick and They ALL Need To Be Dealt with Destroyed and or Removed From This Planet. For Those Who Do Not Know This China is Owned, Controlled and Ruled By The Draco Alien Species. Most Countries Including The United States is Ruled and Owned By A Specific Negative Alien Species. Click HERE To View.

13- CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower "Seniors Are Dying Like Flies After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine. - How Many Injuries or Deaths Related To The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not Being Reported? Take Note They'll Report The Deaths From COVID-19, But Are They Reporting The Deaths and Injuries From The COVID-19 Vaccines?

ANSWER: NO.. WHY? It Doesn't Suit Their Diabolical Agenda and it Doesn't Promote Their Narrative. REMEMBER The End Goal is To Scare The Public Into Accepting The COVID-19 Vaccine.

If They Tell You That People are Being Injured and Dying Right After Receiving The Vaccine, Most People Will Be Scared and Wont Get Vaccinated. If They Tell You How Many People Are Dying From COVID-19, The Public Will Get Scared and Run To Get Vaccinated.

I'll Say It Again "If You Want To Live Stay The Fuck Away From ALL Vaccines". Iif You Are Not Here For Your Children and Grandchildren Who'll Be Here To Protect Them From These Satanic Homicidal Maniacs. In Case Yall' Haven't Figure This Out Yet They Want Your Children, BUT They Have To First Get The Parents and Grandparents Out of The Way. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

WARNING From Rome Priests Concerning The Attempted Satanic Cabal Cult Take Over of The Planet - Click HERE To View.

14- Going Abroad Britons? Soon Traveling Abroad Could Be Illegal - Travelers Will Now Be Required To Fill Out a Declaration Stating Why They Must Travel Abroad.

15- Members of The New Government of The Republic Of America - Click HERE To View.

16- President Trump Was Forced To Support The Vaccine Because The Cabal Threatened His Life - Click HERE To View.

17- President Trump and Vice President Pompeo Wil Be Sworn In On March 4, 2021 - Click HERE To View.

18- Thousands Upon Thousands Of People In Europe Peacefully Protested In The Streets Against The Satanic Cabal's Global Dictatorship - Click HERE To View.

19- Hence The Infamous Star Trek Phrase 'Beam Me Up Scotty' - YES, We Have The Technology To Teleport Anywhere We Want To Go, Including Off Planet. Teleportation Devices Can Transport Humans and Large and Small Supplies Both On/Off Planet Within a Blink of an Eye, Making The Standard Mode of Transportation That We Currently Use Obsolete.

Using Zero Point Energy, Teleportation Has Been Available On This Planet For Many Decades. As With Everything Else This Alien Based Technology Was Purposely Kept Hidden From The General Public. However The Cabal, High Ranking Government Officials and Members of The Secret Space Program Have Always Had Access To A Variety of Teleportation Devices, Including One Device Known as A 'Jump Room.'

The Presidential Plane 'Airforce 1' Has A Jump Room Built Into The Plane. YES, Trump and Previous Presidents Have Traveled To Other Planets Many Times Using A 'Jump Room'. This Video Is A Clip From The 1988 Movie 'They Live'. It Shows A Teleportation Device Similar To The 'Beam' Used In Star Trek Movies and TV Series.

Most All Technology Viewed On Sci Fi Movies and TV Series Exist in Real Life and is Not Based On Fantasy, Its' Based On Reality and Has Been Secretly In Use For Decades Here On Earth. - Click HERE To View.

20- How Do Aliens Transform/Morph Themselves From Alien Form To Human Form? There Are Billions of Alien Species and There Are Billions of Ways They Can Transform Themselves From Alien To Human.

In My Home Planet (Inside of The Sun We Are Known As Light Beings, Meaning We Do Not Need A Physical Body To Exist, We Are Light Beings of Conscious Energy. However When If Needed We Can Transform Into Any Type of Physical Body Through Visualization = Thought' = Transformation.

For The Most Part Off Planet I Can Travel Around in My Natural State Which is My Light Body. I'll Appear as a Shimer of White Light and or as a See Through Shadow of Light. In My Natural Alien Form In General I Am Visible Only To Animals, Babies and Children. However Certain Types of Alien Species Can Detect Me, But Many Can Not, Unless I Manifest A Physical Body.

My Galactic Family Chooses To Walk Around In Human Loke Body Most All The Time. As For Me I Guess I Am The Nudest of My Galactic Family I Personally Prefer Not Having Any Type of Physical Body.

WHY? Because I Do Not Like The Feeling of Being Weighed Down. In My Natural Light Body I Am Free and I Can Literally Fly Through Buildings, Walls or Any Physical Obstacle Freely.

If I Am Bogged Down in My Physical Body I Can't Move About Like I Want Too. I Have To Open Doors and Move Physical Obstacles Instead of Flying Through Them. Depending On What Planet I Am Visiting I Can Transform Myself Into Whatever Type Alien is Native To That Particular Planet. YES, I've Had To Transform into A 6-7 Foot Reptilian, Which is a Small Reptilian. No, I Was Not Happy and I Did Not Like it at All and I Was Ticked Off, But I Was On A Specific Mission and I Had To Obey Orders.

There Are Millions Upon Millions of Cloaked Aliens On This Planet. Every Earth Human Has Already Interacted with Several Different Alien Species That Were Cloaked as Humans. This Video is a Clip From The Alien Movie Titled "Arrival". It Shows One of The Many Ways Aliens Can Transform Themselves Into A Human Body.

For Those Who Don't Know This Authentic Aliens Often Play Roles as Themselves In Hollywood Movies. How Do You Think Movie Script Writers Come Up with Ideas and Actual Sets For Alien Based Movies? The Information To Create Alien Based Movies Come Directly From The Aliens Themselves. I've Seen Several Videos of This Type of Alien Species That Appear in This Video, However I Am Not 100% Sure if The Actual Alien Species Appeared In This Movie 'Arrival' - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

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