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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

YES, This is a 'Star Gate' Similar To The Star Gate Filmed In The Sci Fi TV Series 'Star Gate SG-1.' Earth is Full of Star Gates and Natural Portals That Lead To Other Planets Dimensions and Star Systems. Star Gates and Portals Can Automatically Activate Themselves at Specific Times Throughout The Day. Portals Can Literally Manifest Themselves Anywhere, Even Inside of Your Home.

There Was A Man Who Crawled Under His Kitchen Sink To Fix A Water Leak. As He Crawled Under The Sink A Portal Opened and He Kept Crawling and Before He Realized It He Had Traveled To A Future Dimension Where He Met Up and Spent an Entire Day with a Twin Version of Himself and His Twin Lead an Entirely Different Life Style.

There Have Been Many Instances Where Security Cameras Have People, Animals, Cars, Trucks etc. Popping Up On Their Cameras Out of Nowhere. Just as Quick as They Pop Up They Disappear or Many Have Literally Become Entrapped In Our Dimension. This Happens When They Can Not Locate or Reactivate The Portal That Brought Them Here.

Star Gates Are Physically Visible. Most Natural Portals Are Invisible and That's How Many Have Just Happened To Stumble Upon Them and Find Themselves In Another Dimension or Planet.

1- Time Traveler: The Man From 3036 - Whether This Story is True or Not Use Your Critical Thinking Skills and Your Discernment. I Myself Can Say 'YES' It is Possible That Humans/Aliens Can and Have Traveled Through Time Portals and Star Gates to Other Dimensions.

As A Galactic Human I Myself Have Had The Natural Ability To Travel Off Planet and To Other Dimensions and Time Lines Since I Was 16 Years Old I Am Now 58 Years Old. Earth Humans Were Taught and Indoctrinated To Believe That LIFE Exist Only ONE Way and That is The Way They've Been Taught To Believe.

Sadly People Who Think This Way Confine Themselves To Living In A Box or They Have Tunnel Vision and They Can't See or Dare To Venture Beyond The Reality They Have Set In Stone For Themselves Based On Systemic Indoctrination. Expand Your Way of Thinking and You'll Expand Your Reality and You Will Experience Life in Ways You'd Never Imagined. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

2- Top 10 Time Travel Theories - Click HERE To View.

3- Current Stats From COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths - Click HERE To View.

4- Chip Girl Here - - Getting Microchipped Will Be Appealing To People Who Are Into The Latest Techy Devices. However People Have To Stop and Read Between The Glitz and Glamour of High Tech. ALL Technology Has A Central Control System, Be It A.I. or A Human.

What Happens When The Controller Decides To Turn Your Microchip Off? Everything Around You Can Only Be Accessed Through Use of Your Microchip? You A re Locked Out of Your Car, House, Office Building, You Can't Pay For Groceries etc., etc., etc.

People MUST Stop and Think Before Buying Into This High Tech Stuff. Who Controls High Tech? You Don't, You Are Just The Receiver and Nothing More. - Click HERE To View.

5- More Bus Loads of National Guards Arrive in Washington DC - Click HERE To View.

6- Military Troops Continue To Arrive at Capitol - Click HERE To View.

7- Arrests, Resignations, Suicides and Murders Over Child Trafficking - Prepare Yourselves Emotionally Because This Runs Very Deep Into The Rabbit Hole and Involves Thousands Upon Thousands of High Profile People, People From ALL Backgrounds and Walks of Life Are Involved In Child Trafficking, Rape and Torture of Babies and Children, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Murder etc.

Hollywood Celebrities, The News Media, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Teachers, Parents, Social Workers, Child Protective Services, Hollywood, Pastors/Priests, Hospitals, Day/Child Care Centers The List Runs Very Deep When It Comes To The Torture and Murder of Millions/Billions of Babies and Children On This Planet as Well as Off Planet.

Throughout The Decades Hundreds of Thousands of Children Have Been Transported Off Planet and Used For Slaved Labor, Experimental Purposes, Alien Breeding Programs and as a Food Source For Alien Races That Consume Human Flesh. Prepare Yourselves Because You Will Not Like What You Hear or See. - Click HERE To View.

8- The US Military Knows The Presidential Election Was Stolen By The Chinese Communist Party (C.CP.) and The US Military Is Still In Control of The United States - Click HERE To View.

9- This Young Ladies Intelligence is Amazingly Refreshing - Click HERE To View.

10- Apparently A Woman Singing In Her Garden Has Become an Illegal Activity During COVID Lock Down - This is How Crazy and Bad The COVID Lock Down is Getting In Many Countries. The Rights of The People Are Consistently Being Ignored and Law Enforcement Have Become Tyrant NAZI Bullies. - Click HERE To View.

11- NO, The Great Reset Is NOT Good For You – NESARA/GESARA Are Very Dangerous!

12- When The Military Take Over is Lit - Click HERE To View.

13- Mc Donald's Is Paying "BRIBING' Their Employees To Get The COVID-19 Vaccine - Mc. Donald's is Paying Their Employees 4 Hours Leave To Go Get Vaccinated. Mc Donald's is A Cabal Owned Corporate Company. There is No Amount of Paid Leave That Can Compensate People Enough To Get Vaccinated with Poison That Will Permanently Disable and or Kill The Person. FUCK Mc. Donald's and Their Food Filled with Poisons, Toxins and Human Remains of The Children/Adults That Were Murdered By The Satanic Cabal. Click HERE To View.

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