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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Unless They Are Pre Programmed Clones Can't Think For Themselves, Let Alone Run A Country. Any Questions?

1- Republicans Move to Remove Ilhan Omar from House Committees - Good Cause She's Another Cabal Controlled Puppet - Click HERE To View.

2- Texas Permanently Ends Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood - Click HERE To View. 3- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Announces Major Crackdown on Big Tech - Click HERE To View.

4- Texas Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Ban Transgenders from Women's Sports - Click HERE To View.

5- “China Suffers Taiwan Air Battle Defeat As U.S. Military Goes On The Offensive - Click HERE To View.

6- Coronavirus and Vaccine Crime Documentary - Click HERE To View.

7- Deep State Begins Pushing Cannibilism - Click HERE To View.

8- Foster Care Provides An Endless Supply Of Children! - Click HERE To View.

9- 12,400 People in Israel Tested Positive for Coronavirus AFTER Being Injected - Click HERE To View.

10- The 1960's Movie 'The Boy's From Brazil' Explains How They Clone Humans - Click HERE To View.

11- The Final Countdown - Finance guy Jim Willie (eoonomist/analyst) talks about what's happening around the Whitehouse... the foreign state within a state (Washington DC), election fraud, arrests and underground bases. .- Click HERE To View.

12- How Big Tech Elites and the World's People Can Be Enslaved by China CCP or A.I. Click HERE To View.

13- I Will Rescue You Sung By 'Lauren Daigle' - Children Being Rescued. - WARNING Video Contains Images That Might Be Disturbing To Some People.. - Click HERE To View.

14- German Reporter Says That They Are Not Allowed to Tell The Truth and Its' The Same Here In America. Look Up 'Project Mockingbird." - (German Deep-State-Corona Regime sanctions everybody who's telling the truth. They've also created "concentration camps" for those who criticize the Great-Reset agenda. They've created pandemic policies to demoralize peoples freewill!)

Sounds Like The Same is Happening Here In America. Difference is The American Public is So Brainwashed and Mind Screwed For So Long By Their Local Main Stream Media News Outlets They Have Lost Their Natural Ability To Utilize Their Critical Thinking Skills and They No Longer Have The Ability Distinguish The Lies From The Truth.

Its' Easier For Many To Without Question Continue Believing Whatever Their Local Main Stream Media News Broadcasters Tell Them To Believe. This is Very Sad Because The Bulk of The American Public Has No Idea of The Astronomical Events That Are Occurring Right Before Their Eyes, Nor Do They Recognize They and Their Families Are In Imminent DANGER.) - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

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