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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Feb 8, 2021

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Could This Be ONE of Many Reasons Why The White House Has Been Fenced Off and Shut Down For Good and Why Thousands of US Military Troops and The National Guard Are Surrounding The White House 24/7 and Barbed Wire Fences Surround The White House.

Interesting Fact: 'The Barbed Wire Surrounding The White House is Turned Inward.' Barbed Wire is Generally Turned Outward, To Keep People From Climbing The Fence To Get In. Barbed Wire Turned Inward Prevents People From Escaping Outside The Premises of The White House.

The Cabal Have Built Many Underground Tunnels and Escape Traps Right Underneath The White House. A High Speed Rail System is Also Available For For A Quick Get Away.

The Cabal Trafficked Children In/Out of The White House By Using These Underground Bases and High Speed Rail System. Disney World/Disney Land Also Has The Same Set Up. Every Day That Disney's Parks Are Open Thousands of Babies and Children are Being Trafficked From Underground.

If The Cabal are Now Trapped In Those Underground Bases Underneath The White House, If They Try To Come Above Ground They'll Be Captured and Trapped Within The Confines of The White House.

1- NFL to Open Every Stadium in League as A COVID-19 Vaccination Site - ALL Professional Sport Teams Are Owned and Controlled By The Satanic Cabal. ALL Professional Athletes Are Owned By The Cabal. Just Like Hollywood Celebrities Athletes MUST Sign A Contract with The Cabal If They Want To Be Professional Athletes and Earn Millions of Dollars Each Year and Enjoy All Rewards and Fringe Benefits That Come with Being A Professional Athlete.

Fame and Fortune Come with a Steep Price On This Planet for Anyone Who Works In The Sports, Entertainment or Media Business. Once You Sign A Contract In Blood They Own You and Your Children For The Rest of Your Lives.

The Cabal Offering ALL Sports Stadiums as Vaccination Sites Does Not Surprise Me. Especially If You Understand Symbolically What Sports Arena's/Stadiums Mean To The Satanic Cabal. Basically ALL Sport Stadiums Will Be Used as a Mock Mass Satanic Ritual.

Thousands of People Who Flock To These Sport Stadiums Will Be Un Knowingly Participating in a Mass Satanic Ritual By Entering These Sports Stadiums/Arena's, Acepting The Vacinations and Sacrificing Themselves To The Cabal, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and The Transhuman Agenda.

The COVID-19 Vaccines Have NOTHING At All To Do With Protecting People From A Virus That Does NOt Exist. The COVID-19I Vaccines are Designed To Alter The Human DNA and Transition The Human Species Into Transhuman Beings, Which is an Upgraded Version of The Human Species.

Those Who Survive The Series of COVID-19 Injections Will Eventually Be Transformed Into Obeying, Emotionless Transhuman Beings with Super Powers and ABilities, Similar To Augmented Super Soldiers. Look Up 'The Transhuman Agenda and Super Soldier's. - Click HERE To View.

2-Message To The Cabal "We Have It ALL, Make A Deal or Die Motherfuckers.' - Click HERE To View.

3- Exposing a Sport Coach Who Made Sexual Advances To One of His Young Female Students Click HERE To View.

4- Conspiracy Theorists are Investigating Crimes: No Wonder They Want to Silence Us! - Click HERE To View.

5- Rapper Pitbull Warns of Communism: Castro Would Be Jealous of Lockdowns - Click HERE To View.

6- MSNBC Host Calls for Drone Strikes to Be Used to Kill American Citizens - And These Are Psychopaths That The Bulk of The American Public Chooses To Believe and Follow - Click HERE To View.

7- Biden Orders Big Fines, Possible 'Criminal Penalties' for Travelers Not Wearing Masks - Click HERE To View.

8- Election Fraud, Proof, Military Intervention, Major Arrests made, Media Mind Control - Click HERE To View.

9- Gail of Gaia Interviews Drake Bailey - The United States is Under Martial Law and The US Military Has Taken CONTROL Over The US. The Illuminati Cabal Controlled Media Has Fallen Into A Trap. The US Military Has Seized ALL Main Stream Media Outlets. - Click HERE To View.

10- Loud Explosion Over Malaysia Shakes Homes, Creates 'Skyquakes' that Rattle Residents - Click HERE To View.

11- Super Soldier Talk Current Galactic/Earthly News with James Rink and Teah - Click HERE To View.

12- COVID-19 Vaccine A Slow Motion Genocidal Bioweapon - Click HERE To View.

13- The Quantum Shift Weekly Earthly Galactic News Update with Dr. Sam Mugzzi and Kent Dunn They Rescued Children From Underground Bases Located Underneath The White House. Cabal Criminals Are Locked Inside The Perimeters of The White House. Over 60,000 US Military Soldiers Have Taken Control Over Washington DC. - Click HERE To View.

14- Massive Moons or Planetoid like Objects Filmed in the Dubai Sky - Click HERE To View.

15- Michael Jackson Appeared On The Larry King Talk Show Years After His "Death" - He Appeared as A Burn Victim Named "Dave, Dave." Do Any of You Remember When Michael Jackson's Hair Caught On Fire While He Was Rehearsing?

Think About It That Tragic Incident Scarred His Scalp and Face. Michael Never Allowed The Public To See Him as He Really was After That Tragic Incident. His Fans Nor The Public Ever Questioned Not Seeing Any Visible Burn Scars On His Face and Scalp. Michael Was A Master of Dressing Up In Costume and That's How He Appeared To Us After His Accident.

When He Appeared On The Larry King Show As He Actually Looks, Not Many People Knew it Was Him. I Myself Did Not See The Larry King Show That Michael Appeared On Until Several Years After It Aired. When I Saw The Video and I Listened To His Voice, I Knew It Was Michael Jackson.

There Are Many Reasons Why Michael Would Not Want His Fans or The Public To See Him In His Natural Form After His Accident, ONE Reason Might Be Because He Feared Being Mocked or Rejected By His Fans Because of The Way He Looks.

Michael is Still Very Much ALIVE and Well. When I See Michael In True Form I See Beyond His Outer Looks and Into His Beautiful Soul and I Hope His Fans Will Do The Same. Our Outer Looks In No Way Determine The Content of Our Character. - Click HERE To View.

16- We Are Here In America, Yet We Have To Get Important Vital News From People Who Live In Other Countries, Because ALL Mainstream Media News Outlets Have Become ENEMIES Of The United States. - Wake The Fuck Up People, We're In WAR Right Here On American Soil and What Are Most Americans Doing Today? Sucking Up Beers, Nachos and Chips Watching The Goddamn Cabal Owned Super Bowl.

Most Americans Still Don't Have A Rats Ass Clue About What's Taking Place Right Outside Their Goddamn Doors. Yall' A Bunch of Stupid Assess and That's Why Yall' Are Staying Behind, Because You Made Your Choice to Stay Stuck on Stupid. What's Sad is Your Kids Are Gonna Suffer For Your Stupidity and Ignorance. Go Back To Watching The Super Bowl Pre Show, IDIOTS.

Author: Sue-B


ROBERT DAVID STEELE. EXCERPT: Alert Reader says: A friend forwarded this info to me. It comes from a blogger in Belgium named Mike Doms. The text was originally in French, so I used for English:

The official announcement of martial law and legitimate military government, in place since 12 a.m. on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday January 29 at 6 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT). The official announcement of the arrest of Biden as well as 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (or 464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 p.m. EST (10:35 p.m. GMT).

These announcements were communicated on the above dates and times to all American media (television, radio and national newspapers) as well as to all world press agencies. As expected by the legitimate military government governing America as well as Trump and Qforce this official news has been 100% censored by all of the world’s official media.

The US military government knew it and wanted it. As with Biden’s and his party’s coup, the legitimate US government allows the US media to commit the act of high treason of censoring official communications from the legitimate government regarding measures of national security and immediate danger to the nation. American nation.

The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich all fell into the trap.

From now on the legitimate military government can take (provisional) control of all these media guilty of terrorism whenever it wishes, as provided for by the laws and the American constitution.

The US military government will take control (by force) of ALL of the official media (radio, television, newspapers) on Friday February 5 at 6.30 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT or midnight in France) exactly on all American territory.

This includes taking control of all American channels on direct broadcast satellites broadcasting in France and Europe. This also means that all French and Europeans with a satellite reception antenna receiving American channels can no longer be censored and will therefore learn the truth from Friday evening.

Among other things, the American army will broadcast by force on all these American mass media the revelations on Biden’s coup d’état, on his arrest with elected officials on Sunday January 24 and Monday January 25 …

Finally, on February 12, the government American military will officially publish (evidence submitted to all world governments and the international press) all the evidence of the plot perpetrated by the French government and China to create a false global epidemic to overthrow the American government. This by ruining its economy by destroying the entire world economy. It is an act of war which gives among other things the legitimate right to the American government to overthrow the Macron government.

Phi Beta Iota: The above is not verified. We are waiting to hear from Juan O. Savin (P) and have inquired of two others sources. This feels plausible as well as necessary if America is to survive and prosper. We note with interest that 15 February is Presidents’ Day, an epic day on which to announce plans for the re-inauguration of our rightful lawfully elected President Donald Trump on 4 March 2021 at midnight.

UPDATE 1: Alert Reader

I don’t doubt the validity of the Mongoose assertions. This will play out eventually. I am uncomfortable with the date predictions, though. We’ve all been jacked-off enough by this. I think that dates are leaked out to get the DS to expend ammo.

I personally believe that this unfolds after the Superbowl. The Q drops make references about certain events making “the Superbowl look like a puppy show.” PBI: Superbowl is 7 February, above tracks for week after.--ROBERT DAVID STEELE - Click HERE To View.

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