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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

1- The Future of Humanity a Discussion with Kerry Cassidy o Project Camelot and Miles Johnston of The Bases Project - Click HERE To View.

2- James Rink of Super Soldier Talk Interviews Trudy Maassen About Her Horrific Experience as a Satanic Ritual Abuse, Monarch, and Trauma Mind Control Survivor/VIctim. - Click HERE To View.

3- Is China Breeding Mutant Super Soldiers? - The United States and China Have Been Creating Cyborg (Half Human Half Robotic) Soldiers For Decades In Underground Bases and Laboratories. This is Old News That is Just Now Being Exposed To The Uninformed Public. Many Wars Are Already Being Fought Using Armies of Super Soldiers. - Click HERE To View.

4- The Future of Bioenhanced Super Soldiers, Pt. 1 - Click HERE To View. The Future of Bioenhanced Super Soldiers, Pt. 2 - Click HERE To View.

5- Quick News Clips - A Continuous Flow of Breaking Global News - Click HERE To View.

6- White House Cuts Off Biden's Live feed After He Says He's 'Happy to Take Questions' - Biden's Clones Handler Can Not Allow The Biden Clone To Answer Questions. WHY? Clones Can Not Be Pre Programmed To Answer Random Questions - Click HERE To View.

7- Pompeo: World Leaders Watching Biden’s Public Absence ‘Very Closely’ - Click HERE To View.

8- The Los Angeles School Superintendent Violated the Nuremberg Code and Federal Law by Ordering Teachers to Receive an Experimental COVID-19 Vaccination - Click HERE To View.

9- Fauci And CDC Admit Covid Vaccine Is A Giant Test - Click HERE To View.

10- UN Admits Covid-19 Lockdowns Are a Smokescreen For Global Government Takeover

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