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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

We've Isolated The Virus..

1- Sarah The Worlds First Artificial Intelligent Mental Health Therapist - Click HERE To View.

2- Paradigm-Shifting ‘UFO’ Tech That Alters Space-Time Is “Operable” - Please The Cabal and Their Minions Have FULL Access To All Types of Alien Based Technology That is Up To 50,000+ Years Ahead of What They've Presented To The General Public. Smart Phones, Lap Tops, Tablets etc. are ANCIENT Technologies Created By Alien Races.

The Truth is We Get Their Left Overs and Hand Me Downs. The Latest Smartphone That's Glued To The Pawn of Your Hand is THOUSANDS of Years Old. As For Altering Space and Time These Cabal Fuckers Can Actually Create Gigantic Landscapes That They'll Use To Hide What They Don't Want You To See.

EXAMPLE: A 5,000 Mile Ship Lands On Earth. They Want To Keep This Gigantic Ship Hidden From The Public, They Use Alien Based Technology To Create an Entire Interactive and Fully Functionable City That City Will Hide That 5,000 Mile Space Ship.

People Driving By On The Highway Will See A Functioning City. As Tourists They Can Visit The City, Do A Little Shopping, Grab A Bite To Eat, Chat With Some People and Go To The Bathroom Before They Head Out On Their Merry Little Way. Never Once Realizing That Small City Was Created To Cloak a 5,000 Mile Long Alien Ship.

This is Just A Tiny Sample of The AMAZING Technology They've Kept Hidden From The Public For Over 80 Years. I Want Even Discuss The Medical/Healing Technologies These Satanic Fuckers Continuously REFUSE To Release To Humanity.

WHY? Because There Aint' No Money To Be Made In Curing Humans and These Satanic Parasites Can't Feed off of The Energy of Healthy, Happy Cured Humans. Our Happiness and Well Being Means They Can Not and Will Not Survive. Our Happiness and Well Being is Their Death. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

3- Keyshawn Johnson announces Death of His First-Born Daughter Maia - I Could Be Wrong In Saying This and If I Am Wrong I Sincerely Apologize To Keyshaun John, His Family and Everyone. But, Knowing What I Know I Don't Think I Am Wrong On This One. If You Know About The Satanic Cabal Cult That Rules This Planet Under The Full Control of Various Alien Species, I'm Sure You're Aware That Anyone Who Plays Professional Sports MUST Sign A Contract Created By The Satanic Cabal.

All Professional Sport Athletes Are Owned, Controlled and Ruled By The Satanic Cabal Cult. Their Fame, Fortune and Career Success is Mainly Based on How Much They Are Willing To SACRIFICE To Main Their Celebrity Status and Who/What They Are Willing To Put Up as a SACFRIFICE. 1st Born Children Are Top Sacrifice and 1st Born Children are Generally Used as Re Payment For Achieved Success. A 1st Born Child Sacrifice Could Also Be Used To Bring In Top Dollars or Higher Career Advancements.

I Am Very Sorry That Keyshaun Johnsons Daughter Passed On. My Sincere Condolences Goes Out To Their Family/Friends. Hopefully His Daughter's Death Was In No Way Attached To The Cabal Cult, However My Heart and Spirit Tells Me Different.

Keyshaun Johnson Was/Is A Professional Athlete and Pro Sports is Controlled and Owned By The Satanic Cabal Cult. When/If You Read This Article Take Note How Throughout The Article They Continuously Specify This Was His "1st Born Child". That is Cabal Symbolism Being Flaunted In The Publics Face. However, Sadly Most People Don't Have A Rats Ass Clue Of What This Childs Death "Possibly" Represents, Who's Behind It and Why?

In The Entertainment Industry Those Who Sell Their Soul To Satan For Fame and Fortune The Payback is Always a Bitch. Satan Don't Give You Shyt For Free and In The Realm of Sacrifice Babies, Children are Top Priority. Unless They Can Wiggle Their Way Out Most Professional Sports Athletes Are Sell Outs of The Satanic Cabal. Whether They Truly Understand The Full Implications of Signing That Contract or Not They've Become Representatives /Worshippers of Satan and The Cabal Cult.

When It Comes To Professional Sports The Bulk of The American Public Have Been Lulled, Tricked, Deceived and Manipulated Into Idolizing/Worshipping Pro Sports Athletes Who'll Sacrifice ANYTHING or ANYONE Just To Maintain and or Advance Their Careers. Sadly Many People In The Sports/Entertainment Industry Are Willing To Do Whatever is Necessary To Maintain The Current Status of Their Fame/Fortune Even If It Means SACRIFICING Family Members/Friends, Worship and Honoring The Satanic Cabal Cult and Satan.

Whether Yall' Believe Me or Not Makes N o Difference To Me. Do Your Own Research, Educate Your Minds and Figure It Out For Yourselves How This Game Within The MATRIX Works. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

4- Woman Refuses to Wear Mask in Texas, Again, Gets Arrested - In This Fucked Up Reality Those Who Stand Up For Their RIGHTS and FREEDOM Are Viewed as Tyrants. There Are No Laws Stating People MUST Wear a Mask In Public. All of This Mask Wearing B.S. Came Out of The Empty Minds and Asses of US Government Officials Who Don't Know Jack Shyt About The Medical Care and Well Being of The American Public.

WHY? Because None of These Ass Holes Making These Draconian Rules Have a Medical License. If They Do, It Was Given To Them By The Satanic Cabal That Rules FAKE Ass Western Medicine. ALL You COVID Mind Controlled Zombies Need To Take Your Dumb Asses and Live On an Island By Yourselves, Cause I'm Sick of ALL of You.

You're Blind Ignorance is Infringing On The RIGHTS of Those of Us Who've Done Our Research and Know WTF Is Going On. If You Want To Continue Wearing a Mask and Depriving Your Brains of OXYGEN, That's Your Goddamn Business. But You Better Hurry Up and Realize, YOU or No One Else Has a Right To Make Decisions For Anyone Who Chooses Not To Wear A Mask.

As Long as Your Face is Covered Up Don't Worry About WTF Anyone Else Does, Cause In Reality It Aint' Your Business or Concern. If You're Wearing a Fuckin' Mask You're Protected and That's All That Should Matter To You. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

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