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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Grooming Children For Whom and For What? The Panda Bear Means The Child Has Been Sodomized. When Babies and Children are Sodomized The Pain, Stress On Their Body Causes The Veins and Blood Vessels Around The Eye Socket To Burst. This I Turn Causes The Child Eyes To Form Large Black Circles On The Outside of The Child's Eyes. Hence Panda Eyes. Celebrities Who Draw/Paint Black Circles Around Their Eyes Are Openly Admitting That They've Sodomized Children.

1- 8 Year Old Social Media Star Dating 13 Year Old Influencer with Mom's Blessing - NOTE: Many of The So Called 'Influencer's Are Males In Process of Transitioning Into Whatever The Hell They Want To Transition Into, This Includes As You'll See Here Pre Teens/Teens as Well.

They are Deliberately Fucking Up Your Kids Minds and Confusing Them about Their Genders. However These Satanic Bastards Can/Will Only Do What The Public/Parents Allows Them To Do To Their Kids. Some Parents are So Fuckin Low They Sell Their Kids Into This Shyt. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

2- Another False Flag Shooting Live and In The Making - That's It, Stage Another Fuckin' Fake Ass Mass Shooting and Then Create Tighter Gun Control Laws. This Shyt is So Staged Yall' Got To Be Dumber Then A Brick Not To Have Figured This Game Out By Now. With The Acception of Trump, They've Been Playing The Same Tired Ass On Thew American Public For Years Now.

The Majority of The American Public Keep Falling For The Same Game and That's Why They Continue To Create Fake, Staged Mass Shooting aka 'False Flags'. They Realize The Bulk of The American Public is Dumber Then a Goddamn Brick and They'll Believe ANYTHING. Someone, Please Tell Me I'm Wrong.

Now, I Didn't Speak Out On The Recent Mass Shooting That Affected Many In The Asian Community But That Too Was A STAGED False Flag Event Designed To Push an Agenda That Would Hopefully DISARM. Understand This Iam Not Saying No One Was Injured or Killed During These Recent Mass Shootings. There Are Two Types of False Flags 1- People/Crisis Actors Are NOT Killed or Injured. 2- Participants Are Set Up and Killed or Injured. It All Depends On Which Way They Want To Swing Their Narrative To Promote Their Hidden Agendas.

The Longer The American Public Chooses To Keep Their Eyes Wide Shut, The Crazier and Harsher Things Will Become. Get For Americans Are ALLOWING The Satanic Cabal Cult To Fuck Over Them, Because Yall' Are Not Sstandingb Up For Anything. Right Now Citizens In Most Countries Are LAUGHING at Americans. WHY? Because They See What Yall Are Too Mind Controlled, Dumbed Down or Too Lazy To Figure Out.

What's Even More Hilarious is Dumbed Down Americans Are Being Ruled By A Fake President Who's No More Then a Clone, Holographic/CGI Image and or Paid Masked Actor. I'll Say This ONE More Time 'The Real Biological Joe Biden is Deader Then A Fuckin' Door Knob. He Was Executed For The Crimes He Continuously Throughout His Life Time Chose To Commit Against Children and Humanity.'

I Can Surely Understand Why The World is LAUGHING Their Asses Off at Americans Right Now, Cause Guess What? I'm Laughing Right Along with Them, But at The Same Time I've Cried Many Tears Over The Years. As an American it Hurts My Heart and Soul To See The Bulk of The American Public Like Sheep Be Willingly Lead to Their Own Slaughter Without Fighting Back. At This Point I Will No Longer Feel Sorry For The Good/Bad You've Chose To Make and The Consequences Your Choices Will Bring Forth in Your Lives.

For Years/Decades People Like Myself Have Dedicated Our Lives To Be of Service To Humanity During This Planetary Awakening Process. We've Spent Countless Hours Researching, Studying, Cataloging All Types of Information, so That We Could Bring Out The Truth To The American Public so Yall' Could Make Informed Decisions Fr Yourselves and Your Families.

Sadly, No Matter What We Say or Do, Most Americans Have Made The Conscious Choice To Be Lead To Their Own Slaughter Like Sheep. I Will No Longer Worry, Feel Bad, Sad or Feel Sorry For The Consequences That Your Blind Ignorance Will Bring Forth To You and Your Families. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

3- Trucker Catches AMAZING Footage of A UFO - Click HERE To View

4- Film Director Stanley Kubrick Admits That He Helped Staged The Moon Landings Click HERE To View.

5- SWAT Team Moves In As Spring Breakers Commit Violence, Destroy Restaurants…City of Miami Beach Declares State of Emergency - Click HERE To View.

6-10 Military Choppers Flying The Coast of Fort Walton, Florida - This is Not A Drill. This is Preparation For an Imminent Attack From Several Forces Including Aliens and Their Ships Click HERE To View.

7- Full Vaccine Ingredient List - REMEMBER: You Can't Make An Informed Choice If You Do Not Keep Yourselves Informed - Click HERE To View.

8- Hundreds of Tourists Break Out of Kiev Airport After Refusing to Enter "Corona" Quarantine.. - When Americans Get Tired and They've Had Enough Maybe They Too Will Rise Up Off of Their Asses and Do Something To Help Put A Stop Their Tyranical Government - Click HERE To View.

9- The COVID-19 Vaccine Is Not Just Another Flu Shot It is A Bioweapon - Click HERE To View.

10- Royal Caribbean Cruise Will ONLY Accept Passengers Who Can Show Proof of Being Vaccinated. - Click HERE To View.

11- Moderna Begins Testing Its' Vaccines On Children - Remember They Can Only Do To Yoiu and Your Children What You Allow Them To Do - Click HERE To View

12- ASTRAZENECA mRNA VACCINE: 5 DEAD AND 722 VACCINE INJURIES IN SOUTH KOREA IN THE FIRST 4 DAYS - We Are BLARING Out The Information To The People of The World Are Yall' Paying Attention? If Not and You Decide To Get The COVID-19 Jab You Wil Die. These Vaccines Are BIOWEAPONS and YOU and Your Children Are Their Human Guinea Pigs. - Click HERE To View

13- WalMart To Offer Mind Controlled, Dumbed Down Customers Immunity Passport if They Are Stupid Enough To Take The COVID-19 (BIOWEAPON) Jab - This is How Desperate They Are To Commit Genocide and MURDER Humans. Those Who Wasn't To Sign Their Death Warrants Go Ahead and Stand In Line with The Rest of The COVID IDIOTS.

WOW..... This is Just Sickening.. Sleepers Are Yall' Payin' ATTENTION? I Hope So If Not You and Your Kids Will Be Honored To Stand Online With All The Other Sheeple and Let WalMart A Corporate Cabal Owned Dollar Store CONTROL Your Freedom.

They'll Give You an Immunity Passport That States You've Been Vaccinated and Now Have The Right To Travel and Live Your Lives The Way (They Want You Too.) ANYONE Who Falls For This Draconian Bull Shyt Trap is Dumber Then A Fuckin' Ice Cold Brick. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

14- It’s Getting Biblical, Plagues, Demons, UFOs, Cyborgs and Covid Squatters - Click HERE To View.

15- Windows 10 Secretly Listens To You And Records All Your Key Strokes - Kiss My Ass Dead Ass Bil Gates How About That, Can You Se and Hear That? - Click HERE To View..

16- Vaccine Passports to Become MANDATORY in USA as Prelude to Mass Extermination Event - Click HERE To View.

17- Halt COVID-19 Vaccines or Else Deal with Consequences - Click HERE To View.

18- Deadly Chinese Pig Virus Purposely Injected Into American Children - Click HERE To View.

19- Gender-Neutral Mr Potato Head Proves Unpopular with Public, Polls Shows - This is How STUPID Shyt is Getting, Their Even Fuckin' with Mister Potato Head Who's Been A Staple of Children's Toys Since I Was A Kid in the 1960's - Click HERE To View.

20- CNN Accused Of STAGING Video of Coyote Smuggling Illegal Immigrants As Biden’s Border Crisis Worsens - In This Reality Do Yall Expect Anything Less From a Cabal Owned Media Network? EVERYTHING Is STAGED.. - Click HERE To View.

21- Trump, The Border and The UFO's - Click HERE To View.

22- Alien/Earthly Galactic Battle Continues Its' Rage All Around Us - Above Our Heads and Cloaked Within Our Skies, People Throughout The US and Around The World Are Reporting Hearing Loud Mechanical Sounds Coming From The Sky and Earth Shaking Vibrational Rumbles From Underground.

As The Battle Continues The Galactics//Aliens are Moving and Positioning Their Ships In Our Skies as They Shoot Their High Powered Lasers, Remember In This Ongoing Battle Some Debris Will Break Through The Protection Shield and Fall To The Earth Creating A Variety of Very Loud and Strange Mechanical Noises and Earth Shattering Vibrations..

This Galactic/Earthly War That We Are In The Midst of Also Extends To Thousands of Underground and Sea Bases That Are Owned By A Variety of Alien Races. These Sea and Land Bases Are Located In Every Country Throughout The World and Have Been In Existence For Thousands and Millions of Years.

The Aliens Homes Are Literally Being Destroyed All Around You So YES, Many of You Will Hear Some Noise and Feel The Earth Shaking Under Your Feet. WELCOME To The Real Life 'War of The Worlds'. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

23- Locals Report Bright Fireballs, Loud Booms Over US, UK and Cuba! - Click HERE To View


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