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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- N.Y.C. Private School Says Phrases Like 'Mom and Dad' Should Be Avoided to Be 'Inclusive'

If The American Public Continues To Sit Back On Their Asses and Do NOTHING, Say NOTHING This is What Will Continue To Happen. STOP Sitting Around Waiting For Someone Else To Solve These Issues and Take A Stand On Your Own.

How Much More of Your RIGHTS Do They Have To Take Away From You and Your Children Before Americans UNITE and Stand Up For Themselves Instead of Sitting Around and Waiting For Government Officials To Fix What They F-ked Up In The First Place?

At This Point Americans Have Become The Laughing Stock of This Planet and People Who Live In Other Countries are Laughing Their Asses Off at Americans.

WHY? Because People Can They Can See Through The B.S. and Americans Too Dumbed Down To Figure Out They Re Being Played Over and Over Again By The Satanic Cabal Who Continues To Throw Their Shyt at The American Public and Americans Continue To Lap It Up and Ask For More. Click HERE To View.

2- Dutch Police Discover 'Underworld' Prison with Torture Chamber in Shipping Containers - Click HERE To View.

3- Quick News Clips - News & INTEL Updates On The Go - Click HERE To View.

4- NIKE Sells Sneakers Made From Human Remains For The Price of $1,018 Per Pair - This Is Just ONE of The Many Ways The Satanic Cabal Dispose of Humans They've. If This is True The NIKE Brand Name Should Be Shut Down and Those Responsible Who Work at The Very Top of This Cabal Owned Corporation Should Be Arrested ASAP, Tried and Executed. - Click HERE To View.

5- Skies Around The World Are BLAZING and On Fire - Click HERE To View.

6- Very Large Ship Dertained, Stuck and Grounded at The Sues Canal Might Contain Hundreds Thousands of Humans Packed In Cargo Containers. - This Ship Belongs Too or is Affiliated With The 'Evergreen' Shipping Company. Evergreen is Linked To Human Trafficking - Click HERE To View.

7- ONE Shipping Container Can Hold 75+ Humans - Click HERE To View.

8- Shipping Containers Designed To Transport Humans - Click HERE To View.

9-Smugglers Who Traffic Humans Try New Tactic - Click HERE To View.

10- Large Shipping Boat Stuck, Grounded and or Detained In The Suez Canal - This Ship Is Packed with Over 20,000 Shipping Containers Properly Equipped with Specialized Air Vents and Seating Shipping Containers Can Hold/House/ Ship 75+ HUMANS.

Until This BIG "EverGreen" Boat is Moved Other Boats Might Also Be Detained or Unable To Pass Through. ?????? How Many Boats Blocked In By This Very Large "EverGreen" Ship Might Also Contain Human Cargo?

Pay Attention Because This Breaking Story Could Affect The Entire

Shipping Industry. If They Ship Humans By Boat They Can Ship Humans Using Other Methods of Transportation. The Main Concern Right Now is To Safely RESCUE The Humans Who Very Might Be Trapped On This Boat.

"EVERGREEN' Boat Shipping Company is Connected To Bill/Hillary Clinton and it is Known For Trafficking and Shipping Humans as Cargo In Boats.

This Big Boat Has The Word "EVERGREEN" Written In Bold Letters On Its'; Body. I Don't Think I Need To Explain Anymore, I'm Sure By Now Yall' Get The Picture of What's Unfolding Here.

Author: Sue-B

11- Truck Carrying Evergreen Container Causes Traffic Jam in China - Click HERE To View.

12- GoldFish Report Impromptu World News Updates - Click HERE To View.

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