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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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1- Hillary Clinton Was Hanged at GITMO Monday, April 26, 2021 22:35 - Click HERE To View.

2- Cabal Minions Somehow Manage To Bring Racism Onto The Game Show Jeopardy. - There are Man Types of Hand/Finger Gestures That People Display For A Variety of Reasons."Some" Hand/Finger Gestures Are Associated with The Satanic Cabal/Masons Symbolism. Just Because a Persons Throws Up A Hand/Finger Gesture That Might Be Associated with Cabal/Masons Symbolism Does Not Mean That Person is Promoting The Cabal, The Masons or Racism. Some People Do Not Know or Understand The Meaning of Certain Hand/Finger Gestures.

On A Recent Episode of The Game Show Jeopardy One of The Contestants Threw Up A Specific Hand/Finger Gesture That Many People Associated With Racism, Maybe It is or Maybe It Isn't an Offensive Hand Gesture. I Don't Know, I Can Say That Hand/Finger Gesture Identifies A Variety of Symbols. I Don't Know This Guy and I Don't Know What His Intent Was When He Threw Up That Specific Hand/Finger Gesture.

What I Do Know is at This Time In Our History The Cabal Are Doing EVERYTHING They Can To Keep Shyt Going. One of Their Main Ways of Keeping Shyt Going is Always Throwing Out That Black/White Race Card B.S. Every Year Around This Time They Pull Out The Same White Against Black Race Card and Like Mind Controlled Idiots The Bulk of The American Public Feeds Into The B.S.

ALL of These Sudden White Cop Black Victim Police Shootings Are Not Occurring By Accident or Coincidence These Are Well Planned Out False Flag Staged Events. Whether People Are Killed or Injured During These Staged Events That All Depends On How The Cabal Decide To Swing The Narrative. As A Black Woman What's Very Disturbing To Me is the Ignorance Within The Black Communities. How Many Times Does a Brick Have To Fall On Your Heads Before You Figure This Game Out?

Yall' Are Destroying Your Neighborhoods, Fighting, Hating and Killing Each Other For What? For A Psychological Mind Game That is Been Continuously Played Year After Year Within The Black and or Minority Communities. Like Clock Work Yall' Fall For The Same White Cop Kills Black Man/Woman/Kid Game Tactic Every Year. Then Yall' Rioting and Protesting Throughout The Spring/Summer Months and Then The Same Shyt Happens Again The Following Year During This Time.

The End Goal of This Game of Racism is That Black People Continuously Destroy Their Communities While They Continue To Riot, Harm and Kill Each Other. In Case Ya Haven't Figured This Out Yet The Ed Goal Is For People I Various Communities To Genocide Themselves, So The Cabal Who's Using Yall' as Pawns In Their Game Wont Have To Do The Dirty Work.

Its' Time For People In The Black Communities To Stop, Step Back and Pull Your Heads Out of Your Asses, Cause Right About Now Yall' Are Lookin' Mighty Fuckin' Stupid and The White/Black Cabal Are Sittin' Back Laughin;' at Ya Dumb Asses, Cause You Haven't Figured This Shyt Game Out Yet.

I Really Don't Give A Rats Ass Whether Yall' Like What I aid or Not I'm Just Sick and Tired of People Within The Black Community Being Played Like a Fuckin' Grand Baby Piano. Like I Said 'How Many Bricks Must Fall On Your Head Before You Figure This Shyt Out?'

There is a Severe Lack of Critical Thinking Skills NOT Being Used Most Americans Right Now. This Psychological Mind Game is Not Just Hitting People in The Black Communities its' Affecting People of All Races, Backgrounds, Religions, Genders, Sexual Orientation etc.

Its' Affecting EVERYONE and Now The Psychological War Fare B.S. Is Magically Popping Up On Your Game Shows. People Can't Even Enjoy A Game Show without it Being "Socially Engineered" Into Something About Racism. The Cabal Do Not Want The Public To Turn Away From Their Games of RACISM. This Keeps Your Minds Occupied and Not Focused On The Shyt That Yall' Really Need To Be Paying Attention Too. - Click HERE To View.

3- Microscopy Photos of COVID Swabs, COVID Masks and Mysterious Red and Blue Fibers - Click HERE To View.

4- Ranchers Are Being Target To Destroy Their Chicken and Cattle - War On Food Targeting Ranchers To Outlaw ALL Forms of Meat - Click HERE To View.

5- 5,800 People Test Positive and 74 People Die After Receiving The COVID-19 Jab - Click HERE To View.

6- COVID-19 Vaccine From Pfizer Confirmed To Cause Brain Damage and Neuro Degenerative Disease - Click HERE To View.

7- Globalist Next Move, Ostracize The Un Vaccinated Like Hitler Ostracized The Jews - Click HERE To View.

8- IBM, Provided The Punch Card Computing Systems to Power the Holocaust, Now IBM is in Charge of “Vaccine Passports” - Click HERE To View.

9- Racial Hatred Against Whites Is Being Incorporated Into School Lesson Planning All Across America - These Cabal Satanist Shyt Starters Just Don't Give Up, Do They? Now Its' Up To The Sane Descent People To NOT Follow The Cabals Game Plan of Promoting Hate Against Anyone. You Can Flip Their Game Board, But You Must First Understand How To Play Their Game of Psychological War Fare - Click HERE To View.

10- Democrat Senators Wage War On “Anti-Vaxxers” with Shocking HIT LIST of Targeted Truth-Tellers - Click HERE To View.

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