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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: May 7, 2021

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----- Questions & Answer Session


Listed Below Are A Brief Sample of a Variety of Questions People Often Ask Me. I've Answered The Questions Based On The Knowledge of My Own Galactic Alien Species. Every Alien Species is Unique and No ONE Answer Can Be Used To Define Any Specific Galactic Human/Alien Species/Race.

I Am Not Asking Nor Do I Expect Most Of You To Believe What I Am Saying. What I Do Ask of You is Before You Cast Doubt On My Experiences 'Do Your Own Research' and Feel Free To Compare, Verify, Validate Any Of The Information That I've Posted On This Web Page. Draw Your Own Conclusions Based Not On What I Say or My Personal Experiences But On Your Research and Your Knowledge Feel Free To Draw Your Own Conclusions.

Feel Free To Book Mark This Web Page Because More Questions & Answers Might Be Added In The Future.


1- How Do You Transport Yourself From Earth To Other Planets? ANSWER: As a Galactic Human I Am a Multi Dimensional Being. Meaning I Have The Ability To Appear in More Then One Place at a Time. Once My Physical Body Falls Into a Deep Sleep My Etheric Body Will Exit My

Physical/Avatar Body.

Depending On The Mission I Am Assigned To I Can Faster Then The Sound of Light Transport Myself To Wherever I Need To Be By The Power of My 'THOUGHT'. If There's an Emergency Off Planet My Galactic Guides Will Automatically Transport Me To Where I Need and They Will

Give Me Instructions On The Mission That I Have Been Assigned Too.

2- Can You Transport Yourself Using a Portal? ANSWER: YES, But I Only Use A Portal When Am Allowed To Return Home To Visit My Galactic Family Inside Of The Sun. That's The Only Time I Remember Using A Portal In My Current Life Time Here On Earth.

I Am Blessed To Have The Natural Galactic Ability To Transport Myself Wherever I Need To Be Without Using A Portal or Any Type of Human/Alien Derived Machinery. When I Am Lucky On Some Rare Occasions My Galactic Guides Will Allow Me To Travel Wherever I Want To Go. However A Few Years Ago I Violated One of The Minor Galactic CODE-X Rules and To This Day I Am Still Paying For and or Being Punished For That Very Minor Infraction.

3- Is Earth Time The Same as Time Off Planet? ANSWER: 'Time' is a Concept and Really Does Not Exist Unless You Build a Power Structure Around The Concept of 'Time'. On My Home Planet and Many Other Planets I Have Visited There is No Concept of 'Time'. Clocks, Calendars and Watches Do Not Exist.

We Function Utilizing Our Biological Clocks ie; Eat When We Are Hungry, Sleep/Rest When We Are Tired, Work When We Are Motivated Too. On My Planet We Function as a Community, So Work is Not Work Its' What We Want To Do To Help Maintain Our Homes/Ships and Community. On My Home Planet I Do Not View What I Enjoy Doing as Work or a 9-5 Job.

Maintaining Our Ships Mechanical Function is What I Enjoy Doing or Traveling To Other Planets To Mediate Confrontation is Part of My Galactic Families Heritage That Has Been Instilled Within Me, So Its' Not Viewed as a 9-5 Job as It Would Be Here On Earth. One Minute of Earth Time is Equivalent to One Week Of Time Off Planet.

4- On Your Planet Do You Celebrate Holidays and Birthdays? ANSWER: We Have Celebration Gatherings, But We Don't Celebrate Birthdays and Holidays That Are Traditional Here On Earth. I Remember A Few Years Ago I Returned Home For A Quick Visit and My Galactic Family Wanted Me To Feel Comfortable and Welcomed After Being Away For So Long. Using Holographic Technology Based On Images They Received From Earth They Decorated The Front Lobby of Our Ship With Bright Colorful Decorations, Presents and Balloons .

I Was Touched, Honored, Surprised and a Bit Saddened. Had I Been Away From Home For So Long My Family Felt They Had To Treat Me as If I Were an Earth Human and Not Their Galactic Family Member? I Was Grateful and Humbled But I Knew My Galactic Family Understood What I Was Feeling. Without Any Questions From and With a Wave of My Dad's Hand The Party Room Was Transformed Back To Our Galactic Ship and It Looked Just as It Did When I Left Home A Long Time Ago.

5- How Many Times Have You Incarnated On Earth? ANSWER: I Can Not Remember ALL of My Previous Lives Here On Earth, BUT I Do Remember Four Lives On This Planet. My Earliest Life On Earth That I Have Memory of Was In The 13th Century.

6- What Type of Clothes Do They Wear On Your Planet? ANSWER: When We Are On The Ship Traveling We Wear Our Galactic Uniforms, So That We Are Identifiable To Neighboring Planets. When We Are Relaxing at Home On Our Planet My Family Wears Casual Light Clothing and Comfortable Shoes.

Believe it or Not We Get Some of The Material To Make Our Clothing From Earth. We Like The Comfort and Feel of Certain Materials That We Can Not Manufacture On Our Planet. There Are Many Planets That Trade Goods and Merchandise with Earth.

Some Planets Get Coffee, Wine, Fruit Juice, Ice Cream, Clothing, Shoes etc. From Earth. YES, Fed Ex and UPS Deliver Off Planet. Many Alien Races Look Similar To Earth Humans and Many Races Look Scary and Very Strange But We Some How Share Similar Taste and Interests. We Are Different But We Are The Same.

7- Do People On Your Planet Establish Intimate Relationships? ANSWER?: YES, We Establish Personal/Intimate Relationships and We Can and Do Create Family Units, BUT Our Method of Creating a Family Unit is Different Then It is Here On Earth. How We Pro Create is A Bit Complicated For Me To Explain In This Post But In Due Time ALL Will Be Revealed To Humanity.

In This Life Time I Am a Mom of 7 Hybrid Children. Throughout My Life I Willingly Donated My Genetic DNA To Be Harvested and Mixed With The DNA of A Dying Species Aliens In Hopes of Creating Hybrid Children To Help Preserve The Species. My Hybrid Children Are Being Raised On Different Planets. Throughout Their Lives I've Been Allowed To Visit and Spend Time With Them and They Know I Am Their Genetic Mom.

All But One of My Hybrid Children Are Healthy. My Youngest Boy Who is Around 5 Earth Years Old Was Born Sickly. Although I Know He's Being Well Cared For as His Mom I Am Willing To Abandon My Mission Here On Earth To Gain Full Custody of Him. My Galactic Family and I Will Take Care of Him On My Home Planet Inside of The Sun. I Know He Will Recover Because We Have The Technology To Cure Him.

ALL of My Hybrid Children Are Beautiful, Happy, Intelligent Beings, But I Know My Youngest Needs Me The Most of All. As You Might Imagine it is Very Difficult For Me To Be Separated From Any of My Children, Especially When They Are Not Well.

If I Am Allowed, I Will End and or Abandon My Mission Here On Earth To Get Custody of My Child and I Will Take Him Home and Care For Him. At This Point His Condition is Stabilized and I Am Assured That He's Getting The Best of Care Off Planet, But I Have a Strong Connection To Him and I Feel Him Missing Me.

8- What Type of Galactic Abilities Do You Have and Can You Use Your Abilities Here On Earth? ANSWER: I Have a Variety of Galactic Abilities. I'll Just Say There is Not Much I Can Not Do When I Am Off Planet.

Here On Earth My Galactic Abilities Are Limited Because I Am In a 3D Construct and The Frequency On This Planet is Very Low. When I Am Off Planet My Frequency Rises As High as To The 10th Dimension.

I Can Pilot a Galactic Ship Using The Power and Energy of My Mind. I Can Walk/Fly Through A Building Made of Brick Without Harming Myself, I Can View The Entire Planet at a 360 Degree Angle All In One Shot. I Can See With My Eyes Closed. I Have The Ability To Heal. I Can Communicate Telepathically. I Can Visit With and Communicate With A Persons Soul Whether They Are Alive or Dead. etc., etc., etc.

I've Been On Missions Where I've Had To Use My Abilities To Complete Subdue Someone. I Can Look at a Person and They Will Drop To Their Knees or Die if That's What Needs To Be Done. I ONLY Utilize Those Harmful Abilities When I am On A Mission Off Planet, I NEVER Used or Will Use Them Here On Earth.

I Do Not Like Using My Power To Harm Anyone or Anything But Sometimes On A Mission Off Planet I Have No Choice.

9- How Long Can Your Species Survive? ANSWER: My Species Can Survive For Thousands of Years. The Oldest of My Specie Was 50,000 Earth Years Old. Outside of Our Human Body/Avatar We Are Known as 'Beings of Light'. As A Light Being In Our Natural Form We Are Virtually Non-Destructive.

Everything and Anything Can Pass Right Through Us. We Exist Because We Are Conscious Energy, Placed In A Human/Avatar Body. When I Am Outside of My Physical Human Body Only Babies,

Children and Animals Can Sense My Pressence Because They Vibrate On The Same Frequency That I Exist In. Only Two of My Adult Human Friends Had The Ability To Tune Into My Frequency When I Was Outside of My Physical Body. They Were Able To See and Sense My Frequency and They Raised Their Frequency High Enough To Tune In To My Frequency.

ALL Human Babies, Children and Animals Naturally Have a High Frequency So They Have No Trouble Seeing or Telepathically Communicating with Me When I Am Outside My Physical Body/Avatar.

10- Kent Dunn A Galactic Human Who is Co Host From The Show "The Quantum Shift" Often States That Many Galactic Humans Like Yourself Live On Earth In an Avatar Instead of a Human Body. Are You An Avatar or Do You Have a Real Physical Human Body?

ANSWER: I Was Born Into A Real Human Physical Body However I Have The Ability To Exit My Physical Body and Jump Into a Avatar Body When I Work Off Planet. Depending On what Planet I Am Assigned To I Am Placed in an Avatar That Represents That Particular Planet or Area of

a Planet.

For Instance a Year Ago I Had To Board a Ship That Was Owned By Reptilians. To Blend In I Jumped Into an Awaiting Reptilian Avatar. A Few Weeks Ago I Was Sent Back To The Year 1985 Where I Has To Assist a Woman Who Was Emotionally Troubled. For Me To Blend Into Her Time Frame I Had To Jump Into a Human Like Avatar That Represented The Year 1985. Everything About Myself Had To Speak 1985.

ONE Tiny Mistake and I Would Have Been Trapped In That Time Zone. There are Many Time Travelers Here On Earth Who Traveled Here From The 50 To 200 Years Into The Future. They Made ONE Mistake and Now They Are Trapped In The Year 2021. Some Time Travelers are Lucky To Run Into a Natural Portal and They are Zapped Back To The Future From Which They Came.

My Galactic Guides Have Been Training, Teaching and Preparing Me All of My Life For The Missions I Am Doing Today. Through Them I Learned Very Well and I Take My Lessons and Missions Very Serious. ONE Mistake Could Have Detrimental Affects For Myself as Well as For The Person I Am Assisting.

11- What Was The Most Challenging, Scary, Disappointing Mission You've Been On? ANSWER: The Most Scariest Mission I've Been On Was When My Tiny Two Pilot Ship Was Sucked Into A Giant Mothership and We Were Captured.

My Partner and I Were Goofing Off and Not Paying Attention. I Didn't Notice The Ship Until it Was Too Late. We Tried To Shift Gears and Pull Away From The Mothership. But Our Little Two Passenger Ship Was No Match For The Larger Ships Gravitational Beam. Our Ship Was Liyterally Sucked Into The Belly of The Gigantic Mothership.

There is Certain Protocol We Must Follow When We are Captured Violating a Ships Air Space. I Did What I Was Taught To Do and My Galactic Guides Were Able To Get Me Released.I Do Not Know What Happened To my Partner.

My Most Challenging Mission Is When I Am Sent On A Mission and All I Am Instructed To Do is Observe The Situation and Not Intervene. When I See Someone Being Harmed My Natural Instinct is To Jump In and Assist. On Certain Missions I Am Not Allowed To Intervene and That's Very Challenging For Me.

My Most Disappointing Mission Happened A Few Days Ago and I'm Still Trying My Best To Recover Emotionally From The Experience. I Was Called In To Service To Help Save The

Life of a Little 10 Year Old Boy Who Had Suffered A Head Injury While Outside Playing with His Two Older Brothers.

The Little Boy Along With His Two Older Brothers Were/Are The Next Generation of Galactic Humans Sent To Earth To Complete Their Specific Missions. The Youngest Child Was Assigned a

Vital Mission Here On Earth.

His Head Injury Was Very Serious and it Was Internal, Meaning His Mom Did Not See Any Visible Scars and She Assumed He'd Be Ok. My Tasks Was To Sit With Her All Night, Communicate with Her Spirit and Convince Her To Take Her Youngest Son To The Hospital ASAP. She Was/Is A Loving, Caring Mom, But Her Spirit Was Extremely Stubborn.

There Was Nothing I Could Do To Convince Her Spirit That Her Sons Life Was In Danger. I Knew Her Youngest Son Would Be Deceased Come The Next Morning If She Did Not Get Him To The Hospital.

He Died Peacefully In His Sleep During The Night and I Witnessed His Spirits Departure From His Human Body/Avatar. In Another Form He Will Return To Earth To Finish His Mission. The Next Morning His Mom Found Him Deceased I His Bed. She and Her Other Two Sons Screamed and Cried and I Left.

I Hurt For His Mother, Brothers and Family and Friends That He Left Behind. Just Like Myself He Will Incarnate Again On This Planet. When His Spirit Left His Body He Said To Me "I'll Be Back" and I Smiled and I Said "Yes You Will".

I Was More Worried and Hurt For The Loss That His Mom and Brothers Experienced. They Were A Loving Close Knit Family and One Wrong Decision Changed Their Entire Lives Forever.

12- When You Are Able To Freely Travel Outside of Your Physical Body Where Do You Go And Do You Travel Off Planet During Your Time of Leisure? ANSWER: I Live In The US When I Am Allowed To Freely Travel Outside of My Physical Body/Avatar I Enjoy Traveling To Other Countries.

Using My Galactic Teleportation Abilities Through The Power of My 'THOUGHTS' I Can Zapp Myself Anywhere I Want To Be. I've To Paris, China and London. My Mode of Transportation is 'Me'. I Can Fly, Float or Cruise. Outside of My Physical Body There is No Boundaries and Reality is Limitless. I Most Enjoy Cruising Above The Mountains Tops and Over Oceans and Rivers The Scenery From an Aerial View is Beyond Breathtaking.

I Also Enjoy Visiting Zoo's and Animal Reserves That are Located Throughout This Planet. No One But The Animals Can See Me, So I Have The Pleasure of Playing with and Loving The Animals Until They Get Tired of Me and Throw Me Out of Their Habitats/Home.

When I Am Out of My Physical Body I Also Enjoy Testing My Galactic Abilities and I'll Purposely Stand In Front of a Moving Plane, Train, Automobile Just To Watch It Go Through Me and Not

Injure Me, or I'll Fly Through A Brick Building Just Because I Know I Can Do It and Not Get Hurt.

When I Am Really In a Crazy Mood My Human Sense of Humor Kicks In and I'll Stand In Front of a Person and Make a Crazy Face Knowing They Can Not See Me. Its' The Thrill of Doing Something Funny, Not Hurting Anyone and Being able To Get Away With It. Sometimes I Quietly Check In On People I Love and Care For.

I Also Have The Ability To Visit with Those Who've Died and Moved On To Another Dimension. I Spend A lot More Time Now With Friends/Relatives Who Are Deceased Then I Did When They Were Alive. I See and Communicate With Them as I Did When They Were Alive.

13- Is It True That The Cabal Are Aware hen Galactic Humans/Star Seeds etc. Are Born On or Transported To Earth and Do They Keep Track of Them? ANSWER: YES, It Is True The Cabal Know When People From Other Planets Are Going To Inhabit Earth.

We Came To Earth at The Beginning of The 1940's. The 1st Wave of Galactic Incarnates Began During The 1940's. I Was Born During The 2nd Wave of Galactic Incarnates Which Began During The 1960's. The 3rd Wave Bean During The 1980's and The 4th Wave Began During The Year 2,000 The Last and Final Wave of Galactic Incarnates Began In The Year 2020.

The Cabal are Very Much Aware of Our Births and Transport Dates and YES They Keep Track of ALL Galactic Incarnates. They Do Whatever They Can To Hinder Our Missions and Tasks That We Have Been Assigned.

Childhood Vaccinations is ONE of Many Ways They Try To Erase Our Memories and Destroy Our Pineal Gland. Our Pineal Gland is Located At The Bridge of Our Nose Right Between The Eyes. Our Pineal Gland is Where Our Powers and Galactic Memories Are Stored. If The Pineal Gland is Weakened or Destroyed It Limits Our Galactic Abilities and Destroys Our Memories of Our Galactic Families, Homes and Our Mission Here On Earth.

They Don't Understand Why But Many of Us Seemed To Bypass The Cabals Constant Attacks. I Can Not Speak For Any Other Galactic Being, But My Galactic Family Remained In Contact with Me Throughout My Life Time On This Planet. The Odds of Me Forgetting Who I Am, Why I Am Here and What My Missions Are Were Very Slim, My Galactic Family Would Not Allow That To Happen.

Look Up 'Project Looking Glass' and It Will Explain How The Cabal Use Technology To Teleport To The Past and The Future By Doing This Can Pre Plan Specific Events To Turn Out In Their Favor.

14- Are Any of Your Human Siblings Galactic Humans? ANSWER: YES, Two of My Brothers Were/Galactic Humans. However Their Memories of Their Galactic Families Were Erased.

15- Were Your Human Parents Aware of Your Galactic Heritage/Abilities If So How Did They Relate To You? ANSWER: As Far as I Know My Human Biological Family Was Not Aware of My Galactic Heritage. When My Life On Earth Was Planned It Was Decided That My Biological Earth Parents Main Role In My Life Was To Create My Human Physical Body and My Biological Human Mom Would Provide The Door Way To My Entry Here On Earth By Giving Birth To Me.

Once My Biological Mom Gave Birth To Me Her and My Biological Human Dad's Parental Responsibility Towards Me Ended Within Two Years After I Was Born and In A Galactic Sense It Was Meant To Happen The Way it Did. My Biological Hum an Parents Would Not Have Been Able To Provide Me With The Life I Needed To Do The Work I Am Doing Now.

This Does Not Mean They Were Bad People or Parents It Just Means They Were Not Meant To Be Permanent In My Life. I Will Forever Be Grateful To Them For Creating My Entry Into This World/Planet. I Can Not and I Will Not Speak For My Other Human Biological Siblings, I Can Only Speak For Myself On This Matter.

14- Did You Volunteer To Come To Earth or Were You Drafted? ANSWER: No, I Wasn't Drafted (Smile) I Volunteered Because I Saw Earth Humans In Distress Because They Were Being Abuse and Mistreated and I Wanted To Help In Anyway I Could.

I Also Wanted To Experience Life On Earth and I Wanted To Experience How It Felt To Have a Human Body. I Wanted To Learn About The Different Aspects of Love, Care and Nurturing From a Human Perspective.

Being Born On This Planet with a Physical Disability Was Not an Accident It Was Planned and I Agreed To It. On My Planet Inside of The Sun People Are Not Sick or Born with Disabilities If They Are They Are Immediately Cured and Healed. I Wanted To Know How Earth Humans Treat, Love and Care For People with Disabilities.

My Stay On This Planet is a Learning Experience For Me, I Will Share What I've Learned Here On Earth With The People On My Planet. My Lessons On Earth Will Help Increase Our Knowledge Of Life Off Of Our Planet.

15- What Was The Last Memory You Had Before You Were Born On Earth? ANSWER: My Last Memory Was Me Standing Before My Galactic Dad and Him Pleading With Me To Reconsider Participating In The Rescue of Earth and Earth Humans.

My Galactic Family and I Are a Close Knit Family None of Us Have Ever Been Separated From Each Other For an Extended Period of Time. My Galactic Family Was Afraid For Me and They Did Not Want Me To Leave Them, But I Chose To Do So, Because I Wanted To Be of Service To Humankind.

16- Do You Have Any Regrets About Leaving Your Family and Home Planet? ANSWER: I'll Just Say 'YES and NO'.

17- What Are Psychic Downloads? ANSWER: Psychic Downloads Are A Form of Communication Between The Galactic's and Their Relatives That Live On Earth. My Galactic Family Have Communicated with Me Through Psychic Downloads Since The Age of 4-5 Years Old.

When I Was a Child My Galactic Family Connected with Me via A Portal From The Sun. The Portal Would Open and I'd Psychically Lock Into The Suns Portal and Receive Communication and Downloads From My Galactic Family. When This Happens My Physical Body Temporarily Freezes or Stands Still In Place Until The Transmission is Complete.

As an Adult My Galactic Family Mainly Sends Psychic Downloads/Messages To Me When My Physical Body is at Rest or Asleep. When I Awake My Head Feels Full and I Feel A Bit Groggy Like I've Been Studying All Night.

Most of The Information is Stored In The Part of My Brain That Stores Subconscious Memory. When I Need The Information it is Automatically Recalled and Placed in The Portion of My Brain That Stores My Conscious Memories.

My Brain is NEVER Over Loaded with Information I Can Not Use. Every Bit of Information is Stored Where It Needs To Be Until I Need To Recall It. 95% of The Information That is Downloaded Into My Brain I Have No Idea What It is Until It is Time For Me To Recall It. Most of The Information That is Downloaded Into My Brain Relates To My Mission Here On Earth.

18- Will This Life Be Your Last Life Time On Earth? ANSWER: I Hope So, Because I Am Ready To Return Home For Good and I Am Looking Forward To Taking On New Missions On Other Planets Once I Am Well Rested.

20- Does Your Planet Have a Monetary System? ANSWER: NO, The Concept of Money Does Not Exist Inside of The Sun. We Have Technology That Provides Us With Everything We Need To Survive and We Have The Ability To Create/Manifest Whatever We Need Through The Power of Our "Thoughts".

We All Contribute To Our Society Freely Because All of Our Needs Are Provided For and No One Goes Without The Basics Which Include; Housing, Food, Clothing, Medical Care, Education.

Regardless of What Planet You Live On The Basic Necessities of Survival Should Be Provided To EVERYONE Free of Charge. Planets That Charge People For The Basic Necessities Of LIFE Are Planets That Have Been Taken Over and Have Enslaved Their Inhabitants.

21- What Type Of Food Do You Eat On Your Planet? ANSWER: There Are Several Different Alien Races That Live Inside of The Sun. Each Race Has Their Own Unique Dietary Needs. My Species Eats Vegetables, Fruits and Various Types of Plants.

We Do Not Consume Animal Meat. Animals Are Considered Our Neighbors, Family and Friends. If So Desired We Have The Technology To Artificially Create Foods That Contain A Substitute For Animal Proteins. We Can Artificially Create Steaks, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Fried Chicken etc. If We So Desire However Our Creation Process Does Not Include The Harming/Killing Live Animals.

22- Presently There is a Galactic War Being Waged Between Earth and Other Planets, Are You and Other Galactic Human That Live On Earth Taking Part In Their Galactic War? ANSWER: YES, Part of Our Mission/Soul Contract Here On Earth is To Help Defend Earth Against Enemies Be They Human or Alien. To Date Hundreds of Thousands of Galactic Humans Are Currently Actively Participating In The Galactic War In Some Capacity.

Not ALL Are Participating in The Physical Battle Because There Are Many Ways Participation is Required. For Instance at One Point My Task/Mission Was To Pilot a Medium, Sized Cargo Ship To Deliver Supplies To A Fleet of Awaiting Galactic War Ships That Were Hovering Right Above Earth.

A Few Days Ago I Was Given A Prep Warning From My Galactic Guides To Prepare To Be Called In at Any Time as The Battle Continues To Intensify. For Me It Will Be Just Another Off Planet Mission That Will Occur Like Any Other Mission. In My Galactic State of Being I Am Am NEVER Afraid and I'm Always Prepared To Assist In Any Way That I Can.

If Anything Should Happen To Me While I'm Outside of My Physical Body My Physical Body Will Die and My Galactic Body Will Return Back To My Home Planet. I Will Rest and Rejuvenate and I Will Decide When/ if I Am Ready To Take On Another Challenge/Mission On A Different Planet or In A Different Dimension. ALL Galactic Humans Will Have The Same Option, Some Might Want To Return Back To Earth or Assist Earth From Their Own Home Planets.


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