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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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If You're Wondering Why Over 2 Million In India Suddenly Became Sick and Died 5G Was Powered Up India and Guess What These Psychopathic Idiots Have A Nerve To Label Their Deaths as COVID Related. 5G Powered Up In India. My Question is 'Did These Poor Birds Suddenly Fall Out of The Sky Dead Because They Had COVID-19 Too?' NO, They Were MURDERED Just Like They Murdered and Are Continuing To Murder 2 Million and Counting People In India.

If You're Going To Outright MURDER Humans and Animals at Least Have The Fuckin' Balls or Tits To Tell The TRUTH About How They Died. Why Shame Them and Their Familied More By Blaming Their Deaths aka Murders on a Fake Ass Virus That Does Not Fuckin' Exist.

This Picture is Further Proof of How Deadly 5G is. These Mother Fuckers Don't Give A Rats Ass Who They Injure, Sicken or Kill. If The People Only Knew How Many Large Flocks of Animals Were Murdered During The Testing Stages of 5G I'm Sure Many People Would Hunt Them Down and String These Sick Bastards Up.

Several Years Before The Satanic Cabal Fully Implemented 5G On The Human Population They'd Seek Out Remote Areas or Farmland Where They Knew Thousands of Animals Were Minding Their Business, Grazing and Just Living Their Lives Peacefully Until These Low Life Bastards Turned On 5G. ALL of The Animals within That 5G Testing Range Dropped Dead.

Millions of Birds By The Thousands Fell From The Sky Dead. Millions of Fish, Whales and All Types of Sea Life Began Purposely Beaching Themselves Because They Were Trying To Get Away From Whatever Was Attacking and Killing Them. Can Yall' Imagine The Pain and Fear These Animals Experienced Before Their Bodies Gave Out and They Dropped Dead? Scientist Claimed They Had No Idea What Was Causing The Sudden Death of Wild Animals Located Around The World, But Many Like Myself Knew The Truth, We Couldn't Get The Public To See, Understand or Believe Us.

The 5G That is Being Used To MURDER The Human/Animal Population is A Military Grade of 5G. While In Office Trump Busted His Butt and He Tried His Best To Implement Safer Alternatives To 5G, Because He Knew The Cabal Had Weaponized 5G and Were Planning To Use 5G As A Weapon of Mass Destruction Against The Human/Animal Population.

A Word of Thought 'Technology In The Hands and Minds of Evil, Satanic Psychopaths Can Prove Deadly To Those They Despise'.

Author: Sue-B

1- 2021 A Year of Pandemic Driven Disruption - Click HERE To View.

2- New Zealand Makes Vaccines Mandatory Under Law With A $4,000 Fine - Get Up Off Your Asses People and Tell The Satanic Cabal Owned Fake Ass New Zealand Government To ' Kiss Your Ass and Fuck Off'. - Click HERE To View.

3- Michelle Obama aka 'Big Mike' - The Fake Obama Family, ONE Of The BIGGEST Scams Played On The American Public. What's Sad is Although Barack Obama and Michelle Obama aka Barry Soetoro and Michael La Vaughn Robinson Have Both EXECUTED For Their Crimes Still Today Many Americans are None The Wiser. Click HERE To View.

4- Forms For Employees and Students Whose Employers and Schools Are Requiring COVID-19 Injections - Click HERE To View.

5- Alien Entity/Being Flying In The Sky - Click HERE To View.

6- A Team of Over 1,000 Lawyers and Over 10,000 Medical Experts Led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Have Begun Legal Proceedings Against The CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for Crimes Against Humanity - This is Just ONE Of Thousands of Lawsuits Being Filed On Behalf of Humanity. - Click HERE To View.

7- Pictures Children Being Rescued - Click HERE To View.

8- Are The Annunaki Alien Race Behind The New World Order/Cabal? - Click HERE To View

9- Nano, A.I. COVID and The Future of Humanity - Click HERE To View.

10- Nuclear Reactors are Smoldering Again at Chernobyl - Click HERE To View.

11- Antarctica & Origins of the Dark Fleet - Click HERE To View.

12- Pentagon Unable To Defend Biden After “Heart Of Country” Ripped From America - Click HERE To View.

13- False Flag "COVID-19 Pandemic" Depopulation Program Exposed Iatrogenic Death Cult - Dr. Ben Edwards - Click HERE To View.

14- Severe Thunderstorm Hits Wuhan, China Turning Day Into Night - Click HERE To View.

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