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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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Self Explanatory..........

1- Florida Governor To Pardon Everyone In State Charged with Breaking Covid Restrictions - ALL Democratic Run State Need To Jump On Board NOW.. You Can Not LEGALLY Jail, Fine Anyone For Not Wearing a Mask, Social Distancing etc. Because There Are No Laws On The Books Stating You Have To Social Distance or Wear a Mask.

Its' ALL Made Up B.S. Designed To Instill Fear and Control The People and The States Continuously Pushing This Sham and B.S. Are 1- States Run By The Democrats 2- Government Officials Who Are Controlled By The Satanic Cabal Cult and or They Are Being Threatened By The Cabal or They Are Loyal To The Cabal.

What's Their Game? Because There Are No COVID Restriction Laws On The Books, Its' ALL Made Up By Idiots Who Are Not Medically Certified. If They Were REAL Doctors They'd Know These B.S., Rules are Causing More Harm, Sickness, Injury and Death To The People.

Matter A Fact These Cabal Controlled Idiot Minions Are Well Aware of The Harm They Are Causing People Who Believe Their B.S.. Tell Me I Am Wrong, Because I Want To Be Proven Wrong.- Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

2- Ahh The Magic of a 'No Gas Sign' It Can Magically Make Gas Pump From A 'Supposedly' EMPTY Gas Tank - Need I Say This 'Gas Shortage' is Just Another False Flag, Staged Event Designed To Divert Your Attention, Instill Fear, Create Chaos and Destruction Among The American Public.

As Always They'll Blame This B.S. Gas Ransom Attack On an Invisible Enemy, In This Case They Blamed A Russian Hacker For This False Flag. REMEMBER They Blamed 9/11 On I Believe Sadam Hussein and Then They Turned Around and Waged War On That Country For No Fuckin' Reason.

This Is How These Low Life Cabal Operate. They Stir Up Shyt, Then Blame it on Someone Else and Then They Sit Back and Watch Their Shyt Show and Laugh as Peoples Lives Are Destroyed. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

3- Kerry Cassidy of 'Project Camelot' Interviewed By Jean-Claude of 'Beyond Mystic'. - Click HERE To View.

4- At Least 12 Dead as Tornadoes Rip Through Wuhan Chinese Province - No Coincidence Here. Click HERE To View.

5- Dr. Robert Willner Accusing Dr. Fauci and Others at the NIH of Genocide for Their Role in Pushing Deadly Drugs on Unsuspecting People in Their AIDS Programs. - I Guess The COVID-19 BIOWEAPON is A Repeat with More Devastating Affects as Far as The "Death Rate" Numbers Go. Click HERE To View.

6- Cyber-Crime: Irish Health System Targeted Twice by Hackers - Click HERE To View.

7- Robert F. Kennedy Truth Over Fear - Robert Kennedy Talks About Fauci, CDC, Big Pharma and Their Corruption Against The American Public - Click HERE To View.

8- Those Who Take The COVID-19 BIOWEAPON Jab Are Ironically Are Suddenly Diagnosed with COVID - NEWS FLASH: There is No Test To Diagnose COVID. There Are However "Pre Labeled" COVID Tests That Specify In Color Code: RED Pre Labeled COVID Test Means The Medical Staff Must Tell That Patient/Person That They Tested Positive For COVID.

The GREEN "Pre Labeled" Tests Means Medical Staff Must Tell The Person/Patient They Tested Negative For COVID. I Posted The Pictures of The COVID-19 Scam Test Last Week. This is a Horrific and Deadly Game These Psychopathic Satanic Cabal and Their Alien Friends are Playing Against Humanity Whom They View as Their Expendable Game Pawns. - Click HERE To View.

9- Characters/Actors/Clones Playing The Role of Biden Are Given Termination Date - Hopefully This Will Be The End of The 'Joe Biden Fake President Scam'. If Not Their Next Scam Will Be To Bring Fake Vice President Kamala Harris In as The Next Leading Actor and Fake Vice President.

BIG Question 'Who Will Play The Leading Role of Kamala Harris? Because She/He is Already Locked Up In A Prison Cell at GITMO Awaiting Execution Date". While Yall' Are Shopping For Survival Food and Supplies Don't Forget To Stock Up On The Popcorn, Cause This Cabal Shyt Show is About Ready To Burst. - Click HERE To View.

10- Israel Purposely Destroys Its' Main Stream Media News Buildings To Cover Up Their Heinous Crimes Against Their Own People and Humanity - Don't Forget Israel Worked With The American Cabal To Blow Up The Twin Towers In NYC Where They Purposely Injured and Murdered Over 3,000 People In One Day. As Its' Being Said 'The Downfall of Israel Will Be Saved For Last' - Click HERE To View.

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