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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

1- Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON "SM-102 - Not for Human or Veterinary Use" - Click HERE To View.

2- Outcry From Israel, To The World - Click HERE To View

3- Synthetic Protein & DNA Operating System is Being Injected Into The Human Body Under The Guise of COVID-19 Vaccine - The Guy Who Narrates This Video is a Bit Difficult To Listen Too, But His Facts Are 100% Correct. - Click HERE To View.

4- How Trauma, Propaganda & Secret Gov. Programs Rule the World (and How Healing Is Possible) - Cathy O' Brien, Survivor of MK Ultra Programs - Click HERE To View.

5- Scalar Attack On Bridge Across Mississippi - The Bridge Was Purposely Damaged By The Cabal Using Scalar Weaponry - Click HERE To View.

6- New Zealand Hospitals Infected by Ransomware, Cancel Some Surgeries - Click HERE To View.

7- Cyberattack Targeting Alaska’s State Health Department Website Disrupts Some Online Services - Click HERE To View.

8- What is Debt Jubilee - Click HERE To View.

9- WUHAN Has Been Caught Trying To Delete Their Fauci - Click HERE To View.

10- Troops Who Decline Covid Vaccine Could Face Discipline, Official Papers Suggest - Click HERE To View.

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