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The Article Posted Below Was Written By Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. No Alterations To The Article Have Been Made.

1- Pls read “Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States, the Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens! The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr .: “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient's genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime. The coronavirus VACCINE IS NOT A VACCINE! ATTENTION! What has always been a vaccine? It was always the pathogen itself - a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened - and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies. Not even a coronavirus vaccine! She's not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly "vaccines" Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein. That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! That is, it is an instrument of genetic influence. Gene weapon! That is, they were going to destroy from earthlings, and the survivors will become GMOs! Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way. Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever! This clearly means: if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because DAMAGE CAUSED BY VACCINATION WILL BE GENETICALLY Irreversible. ❗️Vaccination - weapons of genocide of the 21st century. Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeedon has once again expressed his position that it is too late now to save those who have been injected with a substance publicly called "the Covid-19 vaccine." He encourages those who have not yet received the lethal injection to fight for their lives, those around them and the lives of their children. The internationally renowned immunologist goes on to describe a process that he says will kill the vast majority of people: "Immediately after the first vaccination, about 0.8% of people die within two weeks. The average life expe...

((((Apparently DR. JUDY MIKOVITS knows Dr. Luc Montagnier and I checked with her to find out if this is real. UPDATE: she just texted me she will talk about the statement by Dr. Montagnier on Thursday on my show! Sounds like it must be a real statement... or she would have just said it's it is not fake... very interesting....Kerry. FURTHER UPDATE: Judy is now texting me there is a video interview in French...they are translating it now... She basically is saying they warned everyone but no one she obviously agrees....))))

Author: Kerry Cassidy of 'Project Camelot'

2- Nuremberg Trial 2.0 Is In Preparation: World Health Organization (W.H.O.) And World Leaders Will Have To Answer For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ - Click HERE To View.

3- COVID-19 Virus Was Created In Wuhan China and The Virus Escaped From The Chinese Bio Lab - Lying Ass Tony Fauci Helped Fund The Lab in Wuhan China, No Doubt with The Amereican Tax Payers Money - Click HERE To View.

4- They Stopped The COVID-19 Vaccine Testing On Animals Because They Were Dying! - Click HERE To View

5- 10,000 PLUS Canadian Doctors Form Strong Opposition Standing Up and Calling Out The COVID-19 Virus and Vaccine FRAUD. - Click HERE To View.

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