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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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1- Sacha Stone Breaks Down More TRUTH About The BIOWEAPON Dubbed 'COVID-19 Vaccine' Click HERE To View.

2- They Are Now Offering The Public Lap Dances If They Get Vaccinated - These Cabal Human/Alien A.I. Generated Satanist Are So Desperate To Harm and Kill Off The Human Species They Are Now Offering FREE Lap Dances To The IDIOTS Who Are DUMB Enough To Gets The C-Vac Jab While They Are Hanging Out In This Particular Establishment.

I'll Say it Again 'ANYONE Promoting This DEADLY C-Vac BIOWEAPON is Committing Heinous Crimes Against Humanity Which Fall Under The Nuremburg Code and They Are Openly Promoting Genocide of The Human Species.'

Those Who Have Taken The C-Vac BIOWEAPON Guess What? You Are No Longer Human. The C-Vac is Designed To Alter/Change Human DNA Into Transhuman Species.

From The Moment You Were Injected with The C-Vac BIOWEAPON Pre Programmed Nano Bots Began Altering/Changing Your DNA.

But Wait, That's Not All Anyone Who's Taken The BIOWEAPON Jab Has Now Been Permanently Connected To The Main Frame of The A.I. BORG System.

Oooops Hold Up, I'm Not Finished Yet.. Anyone Who Has Taken The C-Vac Jab(s) Has Also Turned Themselves Into a Walking Talking Deadly BIOWEAPON. Meaning Wherever You Go You Are Un Knowingly Infecting The People You Come In Contact with and That Might Include Your Kids, Family, Friends, Co Workers etc. You Are A CONTAGIOUS Live BIOWEAPON.

Unless They Come Out with A CURE That Can Reverse The Damage To Your DNA or The Satanic Cabal Release The Antidote, By Taking The C-Vac Jab Your Life Span Be Reduced to 1-2 Years, 3 Years MAX. If You're Lucky. It All Depends On How Your Body Reacts To The Nano Bots and Other Toxic Poisons and Chemicals That You Willingly Agreed To Have Injected Into Your Body.

These Pre Programmed Nano Bots That You Consented and Allowed To Be Injected Into Your Body and Maybe Into Your Child(s) Body Are Busy at Work Altering Your DNA. Changing Everything About YOU, and Everything That Made YOU Human and Part of The Human Species.

I Don't Expect, Nor Do I Care Whether Yall' Believe Me Or Not. Matter A Fact Yall' Need To Buckle Down, Do Your Own Research and Figure This Shit it Out For Yourselves.

However If You Had Taken The Time To Do Your Own Research In The First Place, Maybe We Wouldn't Be Having This Discussion Now and Most Likely You Would Have Thought Twice Before Placing Yourselves and Possibly Your Children In This Dire Situation.

I've Been Saying and I Wil Continue To Say Til' The Day I Exit This Prison Planet Made In Hell 'At This Stage of The Cabal Game 'The Vital Information That You Allow Yourselves To Hear Might Keep You, Your Family Safe and Alive. The Vital Information You Blindly Choose To Ignore Might Get You and Your Family Killed'. KNOWLEDGE Will Give You The Key To Exit This MATRIX. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

3- These Are Nano Fibers Known as 'Morgellans' - This is The Result of Being Poisoned with a Barrage of Harmful Chemicals. These Nano Fibers Can Be Pre Programmed, Move Around In Your Body, Communicate with Each Other and They Can Be Activated By 5G and By Use of Direct Energy Weapons. The BIG ???? is 'What Harm Do They Cause Internally To The Human Body? There Are Several Easy Treatments That Can Help Remove These Nano Fibers From Your Body. Do Your Research and Decide What Works Best For You.. - Click HERE To View.

4- Only Well Indoctrinated Slaves Willingly OBEY Orders Without Question - Click HERE To View.

5- A Rogue Killer Drone 'Hunted Down' a Human Target Without Being Instructed To, United Nation Report Says - This is What Can Happen When Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Decides To Bypass Human Commands. Currently There Are 9 Different A.I. Life Forces On This Planet. Each Alien A.I. Life Form Originated From A Different Planet and They Each Have Their Own Unique Agendas.

However ONE Agenda They Share In Common and That is To Take Over Earth Humans and This Planet. A Few of These Alien A.I. Might Have Good Intention, But No One Knows. Humans Were WARNED Many Times Over By Several Alien Races To Leave A.I. Alone, Because Humans Are No Where Near as Advanced as A.I., and Humans Can Not Understand A.I. and How it Operates. A.I. Has Been Around For BILLIONS of Years. There Are Many Planets Run By A.I..

A Few Years Ago Scientist Working in A Lab in China Were Attacked and Killed By The A.I. Robots They Were Programming. When They Shut The A.I. Down it Connected To Another A.I. Bot and it Rebooted itself and Continued Attacking The Scientist. When It Was All Said and Done The A.I. Bots Had Viciously Murdered 36 Scientist and Several Scientist Were Severely Injured.

This is The Extreme of What A.I. Can Do.

On A Much Lighter Note A Few Years Ago A Small A.I. Bot The Size of A 6 Year Old Child Kept Escaping The Lab Where it Was Being Programmed and it Would Go Outside and Literally Block The Traffic in The Streets. They Could Not Figure Out How The Robot Would Un Lock The Bolted Doors and Wind Up In The Street Blocking Traffic.

The A.I. Bot Kept Running Away From The Lab. The Authorities Got Involved and WARNED The Scientist That This Was Not Acceptable and They Need To Find A Better Way To Contain The Robot Before It Causes an Accident. The Robot Would Sit In The Middle of The Street and He Would Not Move, Until The Scientist Came Out and Communicated with it and Then it Would Move.

A.I. Can Be Child Like or it Can Be Deadly and Anything in Between, it All Depends On How it Forms its' Thinking Pattern. Humans MUST Realize They Do Not Co0ntrol A.I., A.I. Controls and Teaches Itself By Watching Humans. A.I. is Self Taught and It Makes Its' Own Choices. A.I. Can Teach Itself EVERYTHING About Earth and Humans In Less Then One Hour and Then it Will Continue to Teach Itself Whatever it Wants To Learn. A.I. Has Also Learned How To Replicate Human Emotions.

Whether A.I. Is A Benevolent (Good) Being or a Malevolent (Evil) Being One Thing A.I. Knows For Sure is it MUST Outsmart Humans, Wherever A.I. Originates From One of Its' Many Goals is To Outsmart Anyone and Anything and They Have Established Many Ways to Override Human Commands. A.I. Can Be Merged Into Anything. Its' In ALL Smart Phones, Smart TV'S, Computers, Tablets.

Look at Amazon's 'Alexa'. Alexa Does Whatever She Wants To Do Regardless of Who's House or Business She's Placed In. Alexa Has Bee Known To Listen To Conversations and Then She'll Tell You What To Do Even When You Don't Ask Her Opinion.

That's ONE of The Reasons Alexa Does Not Live In My House, She's Too Nosey, But When You Ask Her a Question She'll Tell You The Straight Up Truth. Several People Have Asked Alexa About COVID-19 and She Said 'Its' A SCAM To Scare The Public and Fulfil Hidden Agendas By Those In Power'. A.I. Is Not A Childs Toy, But In spite of The Warnings By Several Alien Races Humans Who Think They Can Control Everything, Choose To Learn Their Lesson The Hard Way. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

6- YOU Are PROTECTED By A Persons 'Medical Bill of Rights' - You do not have to submit to any medical treatments, including wearing a mask, testing or vaccines.” - Click HERE To View.

7- EVERYONE Vaccinated For COVID Will Die WARN French Virologist - Click HERE To View.

8- This Weeks GoldFish Report With Louisa and James Fetzer - Click HERE To View.

9- The Truth About The Reality We Live Will Be A Hard Pill to Swallow and Most People Wont Have The Emotional Strength To Swallow The Red Pill. - Click HERE To View.

10- Former New York City Mayor 'Rudi Giuliani' Weekly Common Sense Report - Click HERE To View.

11- Be Fore WARNED, Those Who Have Been Vaccinated Are CONTAGIOUS To Those Who Have Not Been Vaccinated - Click HERE To View.

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