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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

1- Is The Fauci Scandal A Decoy For Something BIGGER? - Click HERE To View.

2- FAKE Biden White House Administration Puts The Rush On To Genocide The American - Click HERE To View

3- The Damning EMAILS That Will Destroy Cabal Puppet Fauci - Click HERE To View.

4- UK News Reporter Lies While Standing In Front of a Staged Green Screen - This is Hilarious Because You Can See For Yourselves How Cabal Owned Main Stream Media News Outlets Make Up and Pre Record Fake News That Does Not Exist, Then They Doctor it Up and Then Post It as Authentic News. Over The Years I've Watched Many Videos of Behind The Scenes News Clips Before They Present Them To The Public. ALL I Can Say is 'They Are PAID Big Bucks By The Cabal To Consistently Create FAKE News That Will Ultimately Control The Thoughts and Actions of The Public. - Click Here To View.

5- The Center For Disease Control (C.D.C.) Has Resorted To Advising Pregnant Women To Take The BIOWEAPON 'Vaccine' Jab - The CDC Are Straight Up Baby Murderers and ANYONE Who Takes Their Advice To Heart Without Doing Their Own Research is a Straight Up Idiot. - Click HERE To View.

6- Missouri Man Sentenced For Role In Largest "Organic Food" Fraud In American History - Click HERE To View.

7- What's Going On with Women's Menstrual Cycles? - Click HERE To View.

8- China Military Uses ArtificiaI Intelligence (A.I.) to Track Rapidly Increasing UFO's - Click HERE To View.

9- Documentary 'The War Against Humanity' - Click HERE To View.

10- Antarctica, the Dark Fleet & Human Liberation Webinar - Click HERE To View.

11- Former FAKE President 'Barack Obama' Says 'Proof of Aliens Will Lead to New Religions and Massive Military Spending - First of ALL Whatever Happened To The Saying 'Dead Men Tell No Tales'? Obama Has Been Dead Since 2019 or They Might Have Got Rid of Him Prior To 2019, Because These FAKE Dignitaries and Government Officials Have So Many Clones, Body Doubles, A.I. Bots, Dopple Gangers etc. Walking Around, It Can Get Confusing.

In Any Case From My Understanding and Continued Research The True BIOLOGICAL Barack Obama Was Executed Several Years Ago and So Was His Tranny Man Wife 'Michelle Obama' aka 'Big Mike'.

What Most People Don't Understand or Know is That World Leaders/Government Officials Have Been Hob Knobbing, Having Tea and Crumpets and Signing Deals/Treaties With Over 900 Different Alien Races For Over 80 Years, They Just Didn't Bother To Tell The Public About it, Until Now.

As Far as The Military Spending Zillions of Dollars To Run Up Against Alien Races, Over The Past 80 Years The Military Has Funneled and Spent Zillions of Dollars Creating and Maintaining a 'Secret Space Program' That The Bulk of The US General Public Know Nothing About.. Earth Humans Have Colonized Many Planets and Trained MILLIONS of People Whom They Kidnapped and Forced Into The S.S.P. To Battle Off Planet In Wars Against A Vast Variety of Alien Species.

As They've Done Here On Earth The Cabal Have Threatened, Over Powered The Weaker Alien Races and Took Over Parts of Their Planets. I Wont Even Discuss How They've Enslaved and Tortured Many Aliens Here On Earth and Forced Them To Reveal The Secrets Of Their Technology and Their Ships.

So, This Whole Thing About American Fake Government Acting Like They Don't Know Anything About The Alien Crafts or Aliens is Just That 'Another Planned Staged Act' or as I Like Say 'More Bull Shyt They Are Trying To Push Onto The Un Suspecting Public'. They've Lied So Much About Everything They DoN't Know The Meaning of The Word 'TRUTH' So They' ll Continue Doing What They Do Best and That is To Lie and Deceive The Public Who Desperately Need and Want To Know The Truth.

As For Aliens Creating New Religions, Based On My Research and Personal Experience as A Galactic Human 'We' Do Not Worship God(s) Nor Do We Associate with Religions. Planets Who Worship God(s) and Practice Religions Have Been Taken Over By Negative Alien Races.

They Created and Use GOD(s) and Religions as a Tool To Control Their Human/Alien Slaves Through Mind, Body and Spirit. They Control Their Slaves By Creating Characters That The People Love and Fear at The Same Time. Keeping In Mind 'Some' People Will Do Just About Anything For Someone They Love, Believe In, Idolize and Fear.

From My Own Personal Experience as a Galactic Human In General We Believe There is a Creator of 'EVERYTHING' But The Creator Does Not Demand That We Worship, Honor and Obey It or Face Eternity In Hell. We Are Not Separate From The Creator, The Creator is Part of Us and We Are Part of The Creator. The Creator Dwells With Us and We Dwell Within The Creator, There is No Separation. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

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