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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Jun 13, 2021

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

To View Non-Stop Behind The Scenes News and INTEL Feel Free To Visit Our Telegram News Blog. Use Your Phone/Tablet/Computer, Sign Up is Fast and Free. Here's The Web Link To Our Telegram Page

1- Kerry Cassidy of 'Project Camelot' Interviewed By Jean' Claud Of 'Beyond Disclosure' - Click HERE To View.

2- MedBed Tesla Energy Technology for the Whole Body Available NOW - Click HERE To View.

3- Fake President Joe Biden Loses His Way and His Wife Comes To His Rescue - Click HERE To View.

4- If These So Called Religious Demon Monsters Have The Balls To Abuse Your Babies and Children In Front of You WTF Do You Think They Are Doing To Them Behind Your Back? - ALL Religions Were Created By The Alien Races Who Enslave Humanity. Its' ALL Pre Scripted Bull Shit and The Religious Demon Minions Who Work Under These Demonic Alien Races Like This EVIL Thing Here Have Hidden Behind The Church Pulpit From Day ONE.

Yall' Do Not Want Me To Break Down The TRUE Meaning Of All These Demonic Religions That Promote NOTHING But Abuse and Oppression of Children and Women. In Their Mind Set They Want YOU To FEAR The FAKE GOD They Created. From The Day of Your Birth, You Are Indoctrinated To Believe You Must Love, Bow Down Too and Obey A Made Up Character. Disobey This Imaginary GOD and You'll Spend YOUR Eternity In The Fiery Pit of Hell.

Meanwhile This So Called Loving GOD Has Allowed His Supposed 'Children' That He Loves To Suffer Unspeakable Acts of Rape, Sodomy, Torture, Abuse and Outright MURDER. Then Their Bodies are Sacrificed, Dismembered, Cooked and Eaten. What Type of Loving GOD Would Have Allowed This Type of Suffering To Go On For Centuries and Not Intervene By Banishing The Culprits?

I'm Very Sorry To Have To Tell Yall' The UGLY Truth, But Not Knowing The TRUTH Has Kept Humans Enslaved On This Planet For Way Too Long. We've Reached The Point Where ALL Truth MUST Be Revealed and That Includes The Truth About ALL Religions and Their Origins. The Beings Many of You Worship, Love, Honor and Obey Are Nothing More Then Made Up Characters Part Of a Never Ending Story of MK Ultra Mixed with Mind Fuckery and Control.

This Video Burns My Brain and Angers Me Because This Catholic Clergy That You Are Supposed To Respect and Look Up Too Is Literally Abusing A Baby While The Parent is Holding The Baby In Their Arms and The Parents/Adults Seem To Be Allowing it To Happen. If This Were My Baby This Demon Possessed Catholic Clergy Would Have Been Picking His Ass Up Off The Church Floor and I Guess They'd Cart Me Off To A Jail Cell For Protecting My Child.

Yall' Are So Blindly Indoctrinated To Honor and Respect These Religious Alien Controlled Demons For Centuries You've Allowed Them To Rape, Sodomize, Torture, Sacrifice Your Babies and Children. Back In The Day These Demons Would Literally Throw Infants and Babies In A Burling Fire On Easter. Women Were Forced To Sacrifice Their Babies To The GOD of Fire Named Esther On Easter. Hence 'New LIFE Rose From The Ashes'.

They Told You The Character Jesus Rose From The Dead On Easter, But Did They Tell You About The Fire GOD Named Esther Who Demanded Child Sacrifice In Her Honor? No, They Did Not Tell You About Esther. Why? Because They Knew Humans Would Not Celebrate The Live Burning Death of Children, So They Sanitized The REAL Story and Created The Character of Jesus, His Life, Death and His Rebirth On Easter, Which is The Hidden Word For The God of Fire, Esther.

Anyhow, The Video is Very Mild Compared To The Many Videos I've Watched of Priest From ALL Religions Abusing Babies and Children, While Parents/Adults Are Sitting Around Twiddling Their Thumbs, Doing NOTHING To Stop The Abuse.

In Case Yall' Don't Know This The Roman Catholic Church aka The Vatican is The Heads of All Churches/Religions Created On This Planet. That's Probably Why A Very Large Head Of A Snake Is Engraved In The Ceiling of he Front Entrance of The Vatican. The Reptilian Alien Race Rule and Control The Vatican and Anyone Who Works In The Vatican.

The Vatican Sets The Rules For ALL Religions, Based On How They Want To Control and Manipulate The Minds and Spirits of The People Who Believe In A Particular Religion. Many Alien Races Contributed Their DNA To The Creation of The Human Body, With That In Mind Negative Alien Races Demanded That Their Human Creation Worship Them as Their GOD(s). They Had To Create a Believable Story and Characters That Humans Would Love, Fear, Worship, Bow Down Too and Obey.

ALL Alien/Human Souls Were Created By a 'Source' That No One Til' This Day Can Truly Define or Understand. The Human Soul is Very Different Then The Soul of Any Other Being and This is Why Negative Alien Races Want To Steal, Imprison and Control The Human Soul, Because They Do Not Understand It.

In This Galaxy The Human Alien Hybrid is Considered Royalty. WHY? Because ALL of You Have The Mixed DNA of Many Different Species of Aliens. You Have The POWER To Kill with The Power of Your Minds or You Can Literally Create an Entire Reality.

ALL Religions On This Planet Are Used as A Weapon To Keep Humans From 'REMEMBERING and KNOWING Who and How POWERFUL They Are'. Deceiving Humans Into Worshipping Something/Someone Outside of Themselves Has Kept The Human Mind, Body and Spirit Oppressed For Many Millions of Years. 'KNOWING' and UNDERSTANDING Who You Are Gives POWER Back To You and That is What Scares The Shyt Out of These Negative Vampiric Aliens and The Satanic Cabal Minions.

'Religion is The Biggest Most Powerful Weapon of Mass and Global Destruction Ever Created'. The True GOD You Seek Has Always Dwelled Within YOU, Not Outside of You, It Is You' and That's A True Fact The Cabal Do Not Want Any of You To Ever Figure Out. - Click HERE To View.

5- The US Senators Call Out Dr. Fauci and Big Tech For Lying and Suppressing Vital In formation On Their Connection To China's Communist Party and The Fact That The Virus is a Bioweapon Created In A Lab In Wuhan China - Click HERE To View.

6- Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill to Punish Businesses That Require Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Click HERE To View.

7- World Health Organization’s Chief Scientist Served with Legal Notice for Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence - Click HERE To View.

8- Predictive Programming and The Cabal Plan For Humanity - Click HERE To View.

9- Time Lines Multi Dimensional Realities - Click HERE To View.

10- The Characteristics of Cults - Click HERE To View.

11- Trump WON The Election By A Land Slide The 1st Time In November of 2020 and He WON The 'Recount' By A Land Slide The 2nd Time In June 2021 - The Media Knew, The Democrats Knew and BIG Tech Knew. These Traders of The United States Are Being Dealt With. In The Mean Time Here's A Message From The REAL President of The US, Who Will Hopefully Be Re-Instated/Inaugurated In August of 2021. - Click HERE To View.

12- World Governments, Intelligence Organizations, Schools, Churches, Child Protective Services, Porn Industry, Epstein, Hollywood Celebrities etc. Involved In Child Trafficking/Human Slave Trade Both On/Off Planet - Click HERE To View.

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