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The Demons Who Run Hollywood

1- Former 'Disney' Child Star Actor 'Kyle Massey' Charged with Crimes Against Minors - Many of You Might Remember Actor 'Kyle Massey' He Co Starred with Actress 'Raven Symone' In The Hit Disney Comedy Series 'That So Raven'. Kyle Played The Role of Raven's Younger Brother. Like Most Child Star Actors Kyle Began His Hollywood Career at a Very Young Age. He Secured His Biggest Role In Acting In 'That's So Raven' at Age 11.

Many People Do Not Know This But Most EVERY Child Star is Emotionally, Physically, Sexually Abused and Deprived of Many of The Rights That Come with Just Being A Child Once Their Parent/Guardian Signs Their Career Contract. The American Public Has Watched Many Child Star Actors Literally Grow Up Before Their Eyes On Their Favorite Weekly Kids TV Show.

Have Any of You Noticed When Child Stars Reach a Certain Age They Begin Suffering with Emotional Issues Such as Depression, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Some Child Stars Become Drug Addicts, Alcoholics, They Act Out in Public and Eventually Many Become Uncontrollable, No One In Hollywood Wants To Offer Them Work and They Become Unemployable.

Hollywood Child Stars are Placed Under an Enormous Amount of Stress and Pressure to Act and Be 'Perfect' at All Times, When They Mess Up They Are Severely Punished and Many Are Placed Under One of The CIA's MK Mind Control Programs, They Are Emotionally, Physically and Sexually Abused On a Regular Bases To Break Their Spirit and Their Minds To Create Alternate Personalities. Each Personality is Assigned a Specific Tasks and It Can Be Called Upon at any Time To Complete Whatever Task it is Assigned.

Hollywood Producers, Directors etc. Control The Children By Calling Up Whatever Personality They Want To Deal With. ALL Child Star Actors Have at Least One Personality That is Used For Sexual Pleasure. Producers/Directors etc. Can Make The Child Who's Under Mind Control Do Whatever They Want Them To Do, Without Question. Many Child Star Actors Are Placed Under The Cabals Monarch Program and Turned Into Sex Kittens/Slaves.

The Monarch Program Grooms Child Celebrities To Become Sexual By Voice Command. Each Child is Passed Around The Studio Like a Piece of Meat. Where Are The Parents? Well, Most Parents Sell Their Kids To The Cabal Under Specific Terms That Can Not Be Re Negotiated Once Money Exchanges Hands.

Some Parents Are So Desperate To Live The Lavish Life Style Through Their Childs Talent and Labor, They Don't Care, All They See is Their Child Making Money To Support Their Life Style. The Cabal Use The Parents Greed To Gain Control Over The Child. Once The Parent Signs On The Dotted Linen and They Accept The Very Large Lump Sum of Money The Deal is Sealed.

During The Term of That Contract, The Child Becomes The Property of The Cabal That Owns and Runs Hollywood. YES, The Child Lives with The Parents BUT The Parents Have No Power or Say So When It Comes To Their Childs Work Schedule, Leisure Time or What Happens On The Set.

The Cabal Don't Care About The Emotional/Spiritual Damage They are Causing These Children. Their Only Concern is Profiting off of These Children's Talent and Body. Directors, Producers, Other Celebrities etc. Will Pay Big Money To Spend A Few Hours or a Night with a Child Celebrity in Their Bed. Under MK Ultra/Monarch Mind Control and Drugs The Children Can't Fight Back and Their Parents Are Not Around.

As The Child Gets Older The Cabal Make Sure Drugs and Alcohol are Always Available To Them. Actress Drew Barrymore Openly Admitted She Was Getting Drunk On The Set Starting at the Age of 8 Years Old. She Said She Was Constantly Surrounded By Drugs and Alcohol and No One Supervised Her and No One Really Cared. In Hollywood A Mind Controlled, Drugged Up Child is A Free For All Because They Can't Defend Themselves When They Are Being Raped, Beaten a Sodomized and Their Screams Go Unheard and Fall On Deaf Ears.

When Child Stars Grow Up They Can Easily Wind Up Repeating The Cycle of Abuse They Endured. They've Been Pre Programmed To Accept Abuse as 'Normal'. They Were Never Taught How To Respect Their Body, or Someone Else' Body. Their Right To Say 'No' Was Silenced and Taken Away From Them.. Hollywood Bred and Groomed Them To Accept Being Abused and Its' 'Normal' and ok To Sexually Abuse Children. Hollywood Encourages Seasoned Celebrities To Sexually Break In Newcomers, Even If They Are Children.

Unless Child Actors Have Strong Family Support System Set In Place, Receive Extensive Psychiatric Care to Undo The Mind Control and Release Their Altered Personalities Sadly Many Will Self Destructive or They Will Go On to Repeat The Cycle of Abuse That They Were Forced To Endure as Children.

Many of The Sets On Hollywood Stage Lots Have Secret Rooms Where Children are Forced To View and Participate In Satanic Rituals of Live Animals, Babies and Children. I Don't Think Any of Us Can Begin To Imagine The Horror They've Been Exposed Too and Forced To Participate In at Some Point During Their Career.

Once Their Career is Over Hollywood Tosses Them Out and They Are Expected To Move on and Live a 'Normal' Life. They Are Forbidden To Tell Anyone About Their Experiences Until X Amount of Time Passes By. If They Tell or Threaten To Tell They Will Be Murdered and Replaced By A Clone or a Human Look a Like.

Sadly Whenever People Talk About The Ugly Truth They Are Viewed as 'Crazy' and No One Pays Attention To Them. The Cabal Know Most of The Public Wil Not Pay Attention When A Celebrity Brings Out Truth, Because Celebrities Are Supposed To Entertain Their Audience Not Talk About Serious Topics Such as The Rape of Children.

Over The Decades Many Celebrities Have Reached Out To Their Fans and Audience For Help, But No One Cared, Listened or Believed Them. They Tell Yall' What's Going On In Their Music, Videos, Concerts etc. How Many Times Has Kanye West Had A Mental Melt Down On Stage, Where He Starts Rambling About Everything? He's Telling His Fans The Truth About What He's Going Through and People View Him as a Crazy Attention Seeker.

I Wont Even Discuss All of The Child Star Actors Who've Had Their Sexual Gender Switched as a Cabal Sacrifice and Ritual. How Many Actors and Actresses Have Had Their Genders Reversed? There's Way Too Many To Count. The Cabal Use Mind Control and Psychological Trauma To Switch Their Genders at a Young Age. Once You Break Their Mind and Spirit They Can Programmed To Believe Whatever They Are Told To Believe.

Male To Female and Female To Male and Anything Else In Between. Comedian 'Ellen Degeneres Was Born a Biological Male and Look What They Did To Michael La Vaughn Robinson He too Was Born a Biological Male But The CIA Groomed Him To Play The 'The Transgendered' Role of The Fake President Barrack Obama's Wife 'Michelle Obama'.

In/Outside of Hollywood ALL Babies, Children, Teens and Young Adults Are Viewed as Prime Prey On This Planet, Sadly Its' Always Been That Way and I Don't Know Why. These Children Have Parents But Their Parents Don't Give A Fuck About Them all They Care About is Living The Lavish and Rich Life Style Their Child's Pain and Labor Will Bring To Them.

On The Other There Are Parents Who Genuinely Love and Care For Their Children But They Are Struggling To Make Ends Meet, They Are Low On Cash or They Have No Money and That's When Its' Easy To Trick Them Into Signing a Million Dollar Contract Without Reading The Fine Print or Clearly Understanding The Consequences of The Contract and How it Will Affect Their Childs Life and Their Relationship with Their Child.

Desperation Can Sometimes Cause Parents To Make Very Bad Choices That They Can Not Change. Selling A Child To The Cabal The Cabal Who Run and Own Hollywood For Fame and Money is One of Those Very Bad Choices.

By The Time Child Actors Becomes Adults They Are Physically, Sexually, Emotionally and Spiritually Worn Down and Most of Them Are Left Alone Trying To Pick Up The Pieces and Recover Their Lives. Some Are Lucky and They Go Onto to Lead 'Normal' Healthy Lives, But Then Their Are Those Who's Lives Are Changed Forever and They Do Not Make It, Because The Emotional Damage Runs Too Deep, Who They Are Has Been Permanently Ingrained In Their Psyche. They Are Filled With Pain, Anger and They Wind Up Continuously Hurting Themselves, They Wind Up Abusing Their Partners/Spouses or They Become The Next Generation of Hollywood's Child Abusers.

In My Humble Opinion Hollywood Just Like Disney Land/Disney World is Nothing More Then A Glitzy, Sparkly 'Baby Raping' Business. They Keep The Money Flowing In By Literally Draining The Blood, Energy, Soul, and Life Source Out of The Millions of Babies and Children Who's Parents, Blinded By Greed Entered Through Hollywood's/Walt Disney's Golden Gate Looking For Fame, Fortune, Fun at The Expense Forfeiting The Innocence of Their Children. - Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I/Susan Blocker

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