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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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The Satanic Cabal Cult Are Grooming YOUR Children To Be Their Next Generation of Sex Slaves and Its' Time For Parents, Grandparents and Caretakers To Get Up Off Of Your Butts, Stand Up and Protect The Children.

1- Elementary Schools Giving Kids Condoms & Teaching Students How To Use ‘$ex Apps’ Like Grindr - For Those Who Do Not Get This Fact 'Humanity Is Ruled and Owned By a Global Satanic Cult, This Cult is Ruled and Controlled By Several Different Very Evil Alien Species. These Negative Aliens Took Over Earth and Earth and Its' Inhabitants Millions of Years Ago.

They Have No Respect For Human Life, Matter a Fact They Hate Humans and They View Themselves Superior To Humans. In Their Minds and Eyes Humans Are Nothing More Then Lab Rats, Their Personal Play Toys, Entertainment and Slaves. They Literally Feed Off Of Human Pain and Suffering.

Their End Goal is To Keep Their Human Slaves In Servitude Indefinetly. If They Can't Do That They Will Kill Off The Human Species or Transform The Human Species Into Transhumans. Transhumans Are Humans Who've Been Turned Into Obeying, Mind Controlled Robots.

I'm Not 100% Sure Why But On This Planet Children Have Always Been Their Preferred PREY of Choice. Sexually, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually, Torturing, Abusing and Eventually Sacrificing, Drinking The Blood and Eating The Flesh of and Murdering Newborn Infants, Babies and Children On This Planet is Their #1 Priority and it Brings Them Great Pleasure.

Over The Years I've Had The Opportunity To Read Several Detailed Articles Which Blatantly Explained The Cabals Diabolical Manifesto For Earth Humans. In Every Article I Read The Cabal Made it Specifically Clear That 'This Generation of Children Would Be Theirs'. Meaning Starting Soon After A Childs Birth They'd Begin Grooming That Child To Be an Obedient Subservient Sexual Slave.

Unless You've Taken Time To Research and Study How The Cabal Operate 9 Out Of 10 Times You're Not Going To Be Aware of The Diabolical Agenda The Cabal Have Waged Against Your Children. They Use Black Magic and Spells To Keep The Average Human Unaware of What's Taking Place Right Before Their Eyes.

The Cabals Next Agenda is To Use The School Systems To Groom and Sexualize Your Toddlers and Children To Be Their Next Sex Slaves. In Some States They Already Managed To Normalize Sexual Acts Between Adults and Children, Now They Want Teachers To Teach Your Kids How To Perform Sexual Acts and Masturbate. They Want To Groom Toddlers and Children To Make Them Feel Comfortable and Safe Being Touched Sexually By Adults.

Parents and Grand Parents Are Going To Have To Get Up Off Of Their Behinds NOW and Speak Up To Protect These Kids. The Days of Sitting Back, Doing Nothing and Waiting For Someone Else To Fix The Problem Will Not Work Anymore.

The Days of Trusting Teachers To Do Right By Your Children is Long Gone, Because The Truth is Unless They Are Willing To Stand Up and Fight Against This Diabolical, Sexually Perverted School System To Most Teachers Your Child/Grandchildren is Nothing More Then A Pay Check To Them. In Some Instances Teachers Have Quit Their Jobs, Because Morally They Were Against The Purposed School Curriculum.

However In Most Cases, Right or Wrong A Teacher Will Do Whatever They Have To Do To Keep Their Paycheck Coming In, Because They Have Rent/Mortgages, Bills To Pay and Kids To Feed and Clothed. When Its'; All Said and Done The Responsibility Will Fall On The Parents, Grandparents, Caretakers of The Children Who Attend Public/Private School Systems.

If You Don't Stand Up, Speak Up For YOUR Kids Who Will? and If You're Waiting For a Magic Fairy To Swoop Down and Fix This Situation You'll Be Waiting Forever. I'll Say This Again 'These Sexually Perverted Psychopaths Want To Groom YOUR Children To Be Their Next Generation of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves'.

What The Fuck Are Yall' Going To Do About This Situation? Are You Going To Sit Back, Do Nothing and Allow Them To Kidnap YOUR Child and Put Them In One of Their Child Sex Trafficking Rings? They Are Grooming YOUR Kids In Their School System, Which Means They Have Trackers On ALL of Your Children. They Know Where You Live, They Know What Schools Your Kids Attend, Who Their Friends Are etc.

If Your Kids Took The COVID-19 Jab(s) They Can Hook Up To Your Childs Biometrics. Meaning They Know Your Kids Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Temperature, When Your Kids Wake Up, Goes To Bed, Eats, Plays, What They Hear, See, Feel etc. If They Want Snatch Your Kid, They Can Do It at Any Time Because Your Child is Trackable 24/7.

Sit Back and Do Nothing and Your Child Will Become Their Next Victim. Stand Up and Fight For Your Children and They'll Back The Fuck Off. Doing Nothing Gives Them The Impression That You Accept What They Are Doing To Your Children, So You're Giving Them Permission To Groom and Cause Harm To Your Child's Psyche.

This Diabolical Cabal Cult is Also Using The LGBTQ Community To Promote Their Transgender Agenda. They Are Trying To Make it Appear That ALL People From The LGBTQ Community Are Baby Rapers Like They Are and That People From The LGBTQ Community Believe Its' ok For Minors To Make Life Altering Decisions Regarding Gender Reassignment. Well Guess What? I Am A Lesbian Woman and I Am Discusted With The Cabal and How They Are Trying To Fuck Up The Minds of Children When It Comes To Their Gender and Sexuality.

If You Were Born With A Penis You Are A Boy. If You Are Born with a Vagina, You Are A Girl, If You Happen To Be Born with Both Male/Female Genitals You Are a Hemorphodite. Any Other Gender Created After Those Three Genders Was Created and Being Pushed By The Satanic Cabal. Changing Biological Males Into Females Aint' Gonna Happen, Because A Biological Male Will NEVER Be A Female and Vice Versa.

These Perverted, Satanic Ass Holes Are Trying To Confuse Your Little Boys Into Believing They Are Little Girls and Confuse Little Girls Into Believing They Are Masculine and They Are Using People and The Logos That Represent The LGBTQ Community To Mind Fuck Your Kids.

I Have A Very BIG Problem with That, Because There Are Many People Who Are Gay/Lesbian Who Are Hardworking, Descent, Respectable, Loving, Caring Private People. We/I Are Not In Your Face Flaunting Our Sexuality, Because Its' None of Your Damn Business Who I/We Sleep With.

On The Other Hand The Cabal Have Programmed The Minds and or are Paying Gay/Transgender Men Who Have No Pride or Respect For Themselves or Anyone Else and They Lack Common Decency and Morals Yet The Cabal Want These Low Life Scuzz Balls To Represent ALL People in the LGBTQ Community, I Say 'Fuck All of Them, Because They Do Not Represent Me and What I Stand For and Believe In'.

The Low Life Scuzz Ball Transgender Men The Cabal Have Parading Around America Are The Ones Who'll Groom Your Children To Be Sex Slaves, They Are The Ones Who'll Psychologically Rape Your Children Right in Front Of Your Eyes and Think Its' Funny and ok. YOUR Children are at The Mercy of The Cabal and I'll Ask Yall' Again 'What The Fuck Are Yall' Gonna Do About It This Time Around?"

REMEMBER The Military is Still In Process of Rescuing Millions Upon Millions of Babies, Children Adults Who've Been Trafficked and Held Prisoner In Underground Bases Located Throughout The World. Thousands Upon Thousands of Children and Adults Have Died, Because Humanity Chose To Ignore The Previous WARNING Signs.

Once Again We Are Bringing You The Information Yall' Need To Take A Stance To Protect Your Kids and Grandkids Are Yall' Going To Ignore The WARNING Signs Again? The Way I See It is Parents./Grandparents Caregivers Have Two Choices Stand Up and Fight The School System and Put an End To This Sexually Perverted Class Curriculum or Pull Your Children Out of The Public/Private School Systems and Buckle Down and Teach Your Kids at Home.

Whatever Yall' Decide To Do, o It Fast, Because This Diabolical Agenda is in Full Gear. Do Not Allow Your Children To Suffer and Become The Cabals Next Victims Because of Your Laziness and Ignorance.

I Apologize if My Message Seems Harsh and Brash, But When It Comes To Protecting Children, The Elderly, The Disabled I'm Not Here To Sugar Coat Shyt or Play Games and I'm Not Here For 'Likes'. As A Galactic Human I Have The Ability To Travel Into These Underground Bases, I 've Seen and I've Talked To The Children Being Held Captive In These Underground Bases.

If You Saw What The Fuck I Saw Yall' Would Understand Where My Rage, Anger and Passion Stems From. Rescuing The Children and Adults Imprisoned Underground and Protecting The Children Above Ground From Being Groomed, Kidnapped and Trafficked is My Number ONE Priority.

Sorry But I'm Not Here To Make Your World Comfy and Cozy I'm Here To Shake and Wake Up You Up, Because We Do Not Want To Repeat What We're Desperately Trying To Fix Right Now. Your Kids and Your Grandkids and Children In Your Care Are YOUR Responsibility. During This Planetary AWAKNING Process None of You Teens, Young Adults, Adults Get A Free Pass ALL Of You MUST Take Responsibility For Those In Your Care. This Time Around Don't Allow Your Children To Suffer Because of Your Stupidity and Laziness I If Humanity Fucks Up This Time You'll Be Enslaved On This Planet For Another 500,000 Years. Hope I've Made Myself Very Clear To ALL Of You.- Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

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