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Born Without Limbs - Many Pregnant Women Back in The Late 1950's Early 1960's Including My Mother Was Prescribed Thalidomide. Born Missing Our Arms, Legs or Both We Were Known as The 'Thalidomide Babies'. I AM ONE of The 1,0000+ Original Thalidomide Babies Still Alive. I NEVER received any Financial Compensation For Being Born Without My Arms, Then Again My Parents Did Not Partake in The Class Action Lawsuit Against The Makers of Thalidomide.

Although I Was Born Missing My Arms and Other Minor Health Issues Related To Thalidomide, I Consider Myself Blessed, Because I Was Born with Two Very Strong Healthy Legs. In My World My Legs Are My Arms, My Feet Are My Hands and My Toes Are My Fingers. Sometimes I'm Curious To Know What It Might Feel Like To Have Arms, Hands and Fingers, But I Can't Really Miss What I Never Had In The First Place.

As For Financial Compensation, My Parents Should Have Sued The Makers of Thalidomide, But For Whatever Dumb Reason They Chose Too. When Its' All Said and Done No Amount of Money Will Magically Grow Me A Pair of Arms, No Amount of Money Could Erase The Hardships I've Been Forced To Endure Because I Was Born Without Arms. Being Born with a Physical/Emotional Disability Can Make or Break A Persons Soul. Being Born Without Arms Gave Me Super Emotional Strength To NEVER Give Up and NEVER Allow Anyone To Tell Me 'I Can't', When I Know 'I Can'.

What Hurts and Confuses Me The Most is Knowing That Thalidomide Was Placed Back On The Market and Its' Being Used as a Panacea for A Variety of Illnesses and Diseases. That's All Fine and Daddy, BUT I've Noticed Over The Past 20+ Years Many Babies Have Been Born Missing Their Arms, Legs or Both. My Concern is ' Are We Seeing a Repeat of The Damage Thalidomide Did Back in the 1950's-1960's or is This Just a Coincidental Fluke'. - Click HERE To View.

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