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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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The Archons Are Hijacking and Feeding Off Of Human Souls

Because of the continued success of 144K Meditations, Light Forces activities & off-world groups clearing historical akashic records (Soul Fragment Retrieval en-mass) ...

... Archons & astral or etheric Chimera are facing an energy shortage because they're running low on food (negative emotions & life-force energy of humans, plants & animals - but mostly humans).

They're resorting to abducting human etheric bodies ... with Starseeds being their main target ... as we pose the biggest threat (and have the most energy)...

Over the past 24 hours I've had to retrieve the etheric bodies of two high-level Starseeds.

If you've been 'crawling into a ball' ... ( literally or figuratively), or not doing your usual activites ... and being very withdrawn from your life in the 3D with low energy, or feeling disconnected, then there's a high lkelihood your etheric body (andor possibly astral body) has been abducted & held in an archon stronghold that's run/commanded by the Chimera.

Use this Free Tool in the Member's area, (How To Transmute On The Fly Audio & User Guide PDF) to retrieve yourself out of there right away. Then apply the Soul Fragment Retrieval method after doing a bit of clearing using this free tool.

If you're not familiar with the Soul Fragment Retrieval ... I'd suggest you check it out right away.

Not knowing how to do Soul Fragment Retrieval is like a carpenter not knowing how to use a hammer, or a computer technician not knowing how to use a computer.

It's a CORE fundamental of working with energy (never mind freeing yourself & raising your frequency to 'bigger & better').


Once you've retrieved yourself ... there's a good chance parts of your etheric body may be missing completely. If this is the case, simply rebuild it (AND your chakras) by:

1) seeing yourself at a distance

2) ask your Higher Self or psychic mind; 'what's missing'

3) and using white light, visualize that section of your body (quite often, a whole half of it is missing) turning into white light ... and have the white light receding over a given area ... leaving behind a healthy etheric body, (pick your color of choice to represent your etheric body).

4) rebuild your chakras by visualizing them being reformed by the same white light process ... leaving behind a healthy & bright chakra. Make sure you do your Soul Star & Earth Star chakra too.

If you need specific guidance in reconstituting your chakras (for a MUCH faster recovery) ... use this New Tool that's available to Patreon Supporters.

I have had a lot of experience in 'bouncing back from oblivion'. Many times I've been blown to bits by energy pulse weapons ... from the knees up or the waist up. So do follow the guidance above ... because it works.

You're NOT alone! - Click HERE To View.

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