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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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This Monstrous Machine Did This (L@@K Below) Imagine What It Can Do To The Human Body. This Horrific Scene Was Not Caused By A Lightening Strike This Was Caused By High-Frequency Active Aurora Research Program (H.A.A.R.P.) Electromagnetic Frequency (E.M.F.)

Besides Murdering Thousands of Birds, Equatic Life, WildLife etc. Where They Stand, Fly, Swim H.A.A.R.P. That Monstrous Machine Pictured Above Also Controls The Weather On This Planet. Ooooops, I Hope Ya'll Didn't Think The Weather On This Planet Was REAL Because Like Everything The Weather is Staged and FAKE.

Using H.A.A.R.P.'s Electromagnetic Frequency (E.M.F.) They Can Create Any Type of Weather On Any Given Day. They Can Create Tsunamis, Floods, Droughts, Deadly Rain, Snow, Wind Storms, They Can Activate Volcanoes, Earthquakes etc.

'Weather Wars' is When They Use The Weather as a Weapon Against The People. ie; Denying Rain To A Particular Area or Country Can Have a Devastating Affect On Food Production. Too Much Rain or Heat Can Destroy Crops and Life Stock.

They Who Control The Weather, Control The Food Supply, They Who Control The Weather Who Lives and Who Dies. That Monstrous Machine Pictured Above Can Instantly Kill Millions of People/Animals at One Time or it Can Pin Point, Target and Kill Just One Person/Animal.

There Was A Time Where The Weather On Earth Was Natural, But Not Anymore. They Began Controlling Earths Weather During The 1940's. Today In The Year 2021 Natural Weather No Longer Exist.

The Sun, Moon Are Fake As Well. The Moon is a Satellite and It Was Created By Aliens and it is Home To Various Alien Species. The Real Sun Is Being Hidden Behind a Staged Back Drop, and They Program The Fake Sun To Rise and Set Accordingly. I Am Assume That Most Countries On This Planet Are Participating In This MEGA Fraud, BUT I Am Not 100% Sure, But I Do Know The US Is Deceiving The Public With a Fake Sun.

The Real, Authentic Sun (My Home Planet) Its' Color Ranges From Bright Fiery Orange To Bright Yellow. The Fake Sun Has a White Glow and Tint To It. What's Really Funny is When People From Around The World Send In Pictures of Two Suns In The Sky at One Time or When One Sun is Rising and The Other Sun is Setting. The REAL Sun is On Point, Its' The Fake Sun That Was Not Properly Programmed For That Particular Day

Author: Sen-I

This is a Professionally Drawn Picture of The Inside of The Moon. I Had Original Pictures of The Backside and The Inside of The Moon. I Always Manage To Lose The Original Authentic Pictures, Because I Sift Through Tons of Pictures Every Year and I Try To Save What I Can, But Its' Too Its' Way To Many Pictures For Me To Keep With and Catalog, That's a Whole Nother' Job.

This is an Actual Picture of a Tiny Portion Depicting The Surface Of The Moon, Magnified Many Times Over.

Entrance To The Inner Earth.

This is ONE of Earths Entrance Ways That Lead Into The 'Inner Earth'. There Are Many Human, Alien, Galactic. WildLife Civilizations That Live and Thrive Inside of The Earth. Just Like The Moon and The Sun, The Earth is Hollow Inside. Depending On The The Ecological Needs of A Civilization The Inhabitants Cam Survive On The Surface of a Planet as Well as Inside a Planet.

People On My Planet Can Only Survive Living Inside of The Sun. The Outside of The Sun is Used as a Portal and as a Natural Source of Energy To Refuel Thousands of Galactic Ships That Park Near and or Zoom Through The Sun Everyday and Night.

The Agarthan's Are Just ONE of The Many Human Like Galactic Civilization's That Live Inside of The Earth. The Oldest Agarthan Is Over 1,000 Years Old and Does Not Look a Day Over 35 Years Old. Earth Humans Were Tricked Into Believing That Old Age and Time To Die is Between 80-90 Years Old and Your Damn Lucky If You Live Past The Age of 100 Years.

Well, Guess What Earth Humans Have The Natural Ability To Survive 1,000 - 2,000+ As Part of Human Enslavement On This Planet The Genes That Control The Aging Process Were Purposely Altered and or Turned Off Reducing The Average Human Life Expectancy By More Then 95%. Truth Be It Told The Galactic's View Humans as Infants When They Die.

70-100 Years Old Is Not Considered Old, You're Actually Still an Infant. On My Home Planet We Do Not Celebrate Yearly Birthdays. Off Planet Time is 'Infinite' But If I Had To Calculate My Age In Years Off Planet I Am 700+ Earth Years Old. For My Species I Am Still Considered a Teenager. Do Not Buy Into The B.S. Old Age Theory ALL Earth Humans Are Considered To Be Infants When They Move On From This Planet. The Aliens Who Enslaved Earth Humans Altered The Natural Galactic Aging Process of Humans. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

The Truth That No One "Especially" Those Who've Been Vaccinated Do Not Want To Hear and They Will Find it Very Difficult To Comprehend and Deal With.

COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapon Booster Shots Will Roll Out In The Fall of 2021. Those Who've Been Vaccinated With The COVID-19 Bioweapon Are Now Being Urged To Get The Upcoming Booster Shot. My Question is 'Who'll Be Dumb Enough To Accept The Booster Shot After They've Already Been Poisoned with The COVID-19 Bioweapon?

Whether They Realize This or Not Those Who've Been Vaccinated With The COVID-19 Bioweapon Have Decreased Their Life Expectancy By More Then 95%. Millions Will Die Within 2-3 Years After Taking The Initial Two Jabs/Dosage.

What is Very Sad is The Majority of The People Who Were Vaccinated Were Not WARNED and They Did Not Give Their Consent To Be A Part of a Diabolical Experiment That Has NOTHING at All To Do With Preventing or Protecting Them From COVID-19. They Have No Idea That They Have Decreased Their Life Span and They Have Exposed Themselves To Becoming Severely Ill and Disabled with Blood Clots, Paralysis, Brain Bleeds etc.

They Did Not Consent To Give Up/Die Within 0-3 Years After They've Been Injected. They Weren't WARNED About ANYTHING. All They Were Told is COVID-19 Bioweapon Would Protect Them From Getting COVID-19 and if They Did Get It COVID It Wouldn't Be So Severe.

Unfortuately Many Who Stood In Line To Get The Jab The 1st and 2nd Time Will Stand In Line To Get The Booster Shot and Any Other Shots They Create and Present To The Public Thereafter, Until They Kill Them Off. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sen-I

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