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And They Are Written On The Georgia Guide Stones.. Murdering/Genociding The Human Species Was Always A part of The Negative Alien Species Agenda, So Much They Carved Their Plans In Stone For All To See.

These Are The Authentic Georgia Guide Stones, This is The Stone That Reads In English Next To It Are Several Other Stones That Written In Other Languages. The Georgia Guide Stones Are Located in Elberton, Georgia

A Few Years I Began To Manifest This Particular Idea of Uniting, Becoming ONE and Clinging Hands Around The World. This is a Smaller Version of What I Tried To Manifest. In Time This Will Grow To A Global Ring of People Uniting. I've Already Seen The Future and Using My Galactic Abilities I Helped To Manifest This Into Reality. You Are More Powerful Then Realize and You Can Help To Create or Destroy Reality, This Is Just The Beginning.

Main Stream Media is So Desperate To Help Lead People In The Black Community To Slaughter That They Actually Used Deceased Rap Artist Biggie Smalls as A Prop To Promote The Vaccine Bioweapon.

Here's A Staunch Reality Check For The American Public Who Still Choose To Live In La La Land.

This is ONE of The Reasons The Cabal Want(ed) To Disarm Americans Who Own Guns. Once You Are Disarme4d You Have No Real Way To Defend Yourselves If They Burst Into Your Home and Drag You and Your Kids off For Disobeying or Not Following Their Bull Shit Fake NAZI Rules. If Anything Since This COVIID-19 HOAX, SCAM, PLANdemic Began Americans Have Been Purchasing More Guns.

If The Cabal Ever Feels So Cocky as To Burst Into The Homes of Americans Who Are Fully Armed There Will Be Bloodshed. For Now They Are Keeping Their Distance, Because They Know Americans Will Kill Them if They Try To Come Into Their Homes and Take Away Their Children or Family Members, Over Some Bull Shyt That Aint' Real.

They Are Literally Dragging Adults and Children Out of Their Homes in Countries Located in The UK. Citizens In The UK Are Not Armed as They Are Here In America, So They Can Basically Get Away with Traumatizing Their Citizens Like This. Dust Off Your Guns, Hopefully You Will Not Need Them, But if You Do You'll Be Able Too Defend Yourself and Your Family In The Unlikely Event They Try To Come For You or Anyone In Your Household.

A News Station I Believe Located In The UK Was Reporting The News When All of a Sudden The Cameraman/Woman Somehow Zoomed In On A Satanic Ritual That Was Taking Place Right Their In The News Station. As The Saying Goes 'Its' Not What You See That Matters Its' What They Keep Hidden From The Public and Their Viewing Audience That's Most Important'.

News Casters Are Casting A 'SPELL' On Their Viewers. To Cast A SPELL You Need Experienced Satanist To Perform a Ritual In The Background To Hypnotize The Newscasters So They Can Hypnotize Their Viewing Audience.

Main Stream Media News is Nothing More Then Propaganda Fueled By The Satanists Who Pull The Strings Behind The Curtain. This Type of Shyt Also Takes Place In Hollywood, Its' All Pre Planned, Staged Bull Shyt Needed To Control The Minds and Lives of Human Slaves That Live On This Planet.

No Mask, No Food, What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

The Real Virus Is In The Minds of The People Who Continuously Allow Themselves and Their Children To Be Merrily Lead To Their Own Slaughter. Mass Mind Control's A Bitch, Isn't It?

Trump Held A 'Save America' Rally In Alabama On Saturday August 21, 2021 and The Stadium Was Jam Packed, Yet This is The Man Who Lost The 2020 Election To Biden, Who's Long Deceased and Has Been Replaced By A Robot, Clone, Human Actor Look A Like. Wow, Wait Til' The People Who Voted For Biden Find Out They Voted In A Robot, Clone, Actor.

We Tried Our Best To WARN The Public.

Also Deceased Rap Artist 'Tupac Shakur' Once Again Was Invited To Sit On The Stage Behind Trump. Just As A Few Years Ago, I'm Quite Sure There Were Many Other Deceased Celebrities Sitting On Stage Behind Trump or In The Front Rows Below Trump. A Few Years Ago Many Deceased Celebrities Appeared at a Trump Rally ie; Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy Sr, Tupac Shakur, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Prince, Curt Cobain, Florence Henderson etc., etc., etc.

A 'Walk In' Galactic Human States That The Faction of The US Military Run By The Satanic Cabal Want To Clone Her Consciousness and Upload it to The 5th Dimension. Sounds Like A Plot In A Sci Fi Movie, Doesn't It?

Well, The Fact is, Its' True and it Can Be Done. Watch The Movie 'Transcendence'. Alien Technology is Thousands, Millions and Billions of Years Ahead of What We Know of. Aliens Who Are Genetically Related and Linked Too Ever Human On This Planet Gave Their Earth Human Family Technology To Assist and Help Make Their Lives Easier.

However The Demonic, Greedy Ass Cabal Stole The Technology, Hid it From Humanity AND Then Weaponized it To Enslave, Mind Control and Steal and Harvest The Life Force of Humanity. Galactic Humans Who Are 'Walk Ins' or Who Incarnated On Earth Like Myself are Often Monitored and Tracked for Our Galactic Abilities.

The More Abilities You Have That They Feel They Can Harvest From You and Use as Part of Their Diabolical Agendas The More Valuable You Become To Them. Trust Me They Will Hunt You Down Til' They Get What They Want From You, or They Will Threaten To Kill You if You Resist Too Much. - Click HERE To View.

The Bigger Picture - Galactic Wars - Space News & Updates - Click HERE To View.

The Off Planet Galactic Slave Trade - Since The 1930's or Earlier Earth Humans Have Been Abducted, Taken Off Planet, Sold To Various Alien Races To Be Used For Slave Labor, Food Source, Genetic Experiments and For Breeding Purposes. - Click HERE To View.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced a "human-like" robot for next year. The machine should be able to take on "dangerous, repetitive or boring tasks."

Boston Dynamins Dancing Robots - Click HERE To View.

Robot Soldiers Will Make Human Soldiers Obsolete - Click HERE To View.

NEWS QUICK READS: by Q The Storm Rider


_Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven will step down in November

_British commander in Afghanistan calls.for Joe biden's court-martial

_Aussies begin to resist the lockdowns.."‘They can’t arrest us all’: Horse-mounted protesters steal the show at Australian anti-lockdown rally

_France: Thousands rally in Paris against COVID health pass for 6th consecutive weekend

_Vaccinated Rev. Jesse Jackson and His Wife Jacqueline Have Been Hospitalized

_Chaotic scenes as protesters break through police barricades in Melbourne, Australia

_NIH Director Admits School Mask Mandates Enforced on Children Are Not Based on COVID-19 Data


_Covid vaccine trials were stopped in animals because they kept dying revealed and Texas Senate hearing

_Brazil Court Rules Against Google Over Censorship of Trump Statements: Allan Dos Santos

_More Than Half of Israeli COVID-19 Patients Vaccinated as ‘Breakthrough Cases’ Rise

_Border Patrol Seizes Thousands of Fake CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Cards From China

_ Rail workers are going on strike against the vaccine passport in France from August 28th to October 17th!

_2nd round of German railways STRIKES to begin

_Amazing energy in Amsterdam as the Netherlands joined the millions around the world making their voices heard against Coronavirus tyranny.

_16 COUNTRIES through Europe will hold Protests in major cities and capitals in the next week's with hundreds of cities slated across the world to protest against the Lockdowns, vaccines, vaccines passports. Vaccines mandates.

_Donald Trump says “Everything woke turns to shit!.” and had over tens of millions tune into his live speech Saturday night

_BCC drops for major stories on vaccines deaths. Vaccines booster schemes and Warning if."catching Covid now better than more vaccines?" "Gain immunity either through vaccines or Infection"

_The vaccinated are worried and the scientists don't have answers_ article by Kristen V Brown hits Bloomberg

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