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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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The American Public Will Either Rise Up or Fall Down and Be Prepared To Die. Time To Make A Choice Against Medical Tyranny That is Banging at Your Front and Back Doors.

Hotel Lock Downs In The UK and Multiple Forced PCR Testing On Children. Will Americans This Medical B.S. Tyranny Happen To Their Kids? Yall' Either Rise The Fuck Up Like People In Other Countries Are Doing or Be Prepared To Sacrifice Your Kids Well Being. Those Are The Choices You Are Now Left To Deal With.

These Giant Steps Belong To The Giant Humans and Animals. In Some Remote Areas and In Underground Bases These Giants Are Still Alive. The Tallest Giant Recorded Was 300 Feet.

Giant Elephant Died During a Sudden Cataclysmic Catastrophe That The Aliens Created To Destroy The Giants, Because They Could No Longer Control The Giants They Created.

Deceased Alien Woman Found On MARS and Brought Back To Earth. She and Her Co Pilot Were Found Deceased In Their Crashed Ship. Her Body Was Intact and Her Co Pilots Body Was Found Dismembered. It is Believed Their Remains are Thousands of Years Old.

Human Clones Being Created In an Underground Laboratory.

Statues Depicting Abuse Against Children.

My Only Question is 'Who and Why Would Anyone Create Statues Depicting Abuse of Children? As I've Been Saying To The Elite Demons ALL Children On This Planet are Viewed as Prey and Their Only Lott In The Prison MATRIX is To To Be Physically, Emotionally, Sexually, Spiritually Abused, Murdered and Eaten.

A Human Body Cooked and Prepared To Eat By These Demonic Satanist Singer/Performer John Legend and His Wife and Former Presidents Bill Clinton's Wife Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Sucking an Infant Boys Penis Is Part of What Religion? As Far as I Am Concerned This Fake Priest Is Nothing More Then A Pedophile Rapist Dressed In A Religious Costume.

Time Traveler Using a Cell Phone In The 1930's-1940's.


Giant Petrified Woman Frozen Where She Lay.

This is One of The Cabal Owned Companies That Add Human Remains To The Food Supply.

This is an Ancient Portal That Leads To Other Dimensions/Realities.

Human/Pig Hybrid. My Heart Goes Out To ALL The Precious Beings Who Were Created In Underground Laboratories By Psychopathic Demon Alien/Humans For Their Sick and Discusting Pleasure.

These Precious Beings Throughout Their Lives Are Caged, Starved of Affection, Food, Beaten, Cut Into and Used For All Types of Experiments. I Say The High End Top Demon Human/Alien Bastards Who Are Responsible For Creating and Abusing These Precious Beings of LIFE Should Be Turned Over To The Public, Let Justice Be Dealt With The Old fashioned Way.

I Have No Pity In My Heart For Anyone Who Took Part In This Abuse of LIFE. These Precious Beings Deserve To Be Loved, Cared for and Treated with Kindness and The Bastards Who Created Them Should Be Dealt with In The Worse Way Possible.

For Those Who Forgot.

Alien Bodies Retrieved After Their Ships Crashed In Roswell 1947.

Alexa Speaks The Truth.

Angry Mom Speaks The Truth at Town Hall Meeting.

This Is The Director of The Center For Disease Control (C.D.C.) This Video Could Be Fake or Real, None The Less This is How These Satanic Pedophile Freaks Act Behind Closed Doors.

Deborah Tavares of Stop The Crime.Net - Talks In Detail About The Cabals Plan To Force Those Who Do Not Comply By Their NAZI Rules Will Be Forced To Live In NAZI Style Prisons Operated By FEMA.

Deborah Tavares is a No Nonsense, Straightforward Woman. She Does Not Mince Her Words or Sweet Talk The Truth. If You Can Not Deal With The Harsh Ugly Truth, Do Not Listen/Watch This Video Because it is Based On The Cabals Genocidal Plan For Humanity - Click HERE To View.

Alex Jones of 'Info. Wars' Speaks Candidly About The Global Elites Plans To Re Enslave Humanity. According to The Elite Cabal Diabolical Plans "You Will Own NOTHING And Be Happy". However People Are Waking Up To The Truth! - If You Are Not Able To Handle The Listening To Truth, Do Not Watch/Listen To This Video. - Click HERE To View.

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