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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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Ivermectin is Just ONE Of Thousands of CURES For Diseases That Have Purposely Been Withheld From Humanity. Cabals Western Medicine is Not A CURE, It is Specifically Designed To Break Your Body Down, Weaken/Destroy Your Immune System and Your Internal Organs. The Cabals End Goal of Their Western Medicine is To Make You Suffer In Pain Til' You Die While They Make BIG Money Off Of Your Pain and Suffering. Can Anyone Imagine How Many Babies, Children, Teens, Young/Older Adults They've Murdered By Withholding Simple CURES For ALL Diseases That They Created in a Lab? Pardon My Anger But May These Low Life Cabal Mother Fuckers Hang By The End Of a Rope Til' They Are Dead. We Will NEVER Forget, I Will NEVCER Forget.

Murdered Hollistic Doctor Update - Click HERE To View.

These Are Just A Few of The Hundreds of Doctors Who Found Natural/Herbal CURES For ALL Diseases Who Suspiciously Died (Murdered By The Cabal) Under Very Unusual Circumstances. The Cabal Have a Habit of Murdering ANYONE Who Stands In The Way of Promoting Their Diabolical Agendas. If They Can Not Scare You Into Silence, They Will Kill You. Dr. Sebi Was Once of The Last Herbologists They Murdered Him While He Was Being Held In Jail For a B.S. Charge That They Made Up.

The Child In All 'Adults' Still Exist, You Just Have To Look Within Your Spirit and Find Them.

Sadly Most of The American Public Have No Idea That Since Their Day of Birth They've Been Enslaved and Taking Part in All Types of Experiments. Without Your Consent or Knowledge ALL Americans Have Taken Part In A Variety of Psychological Experiments Including MK Ultra and Individualized and Mass Mind Control.

When A Person Says 'I Hear Voices In My Head, I See Images That No One Can See, They ASre Attacking Me etc.' They Are Generally Viewed as 'Crazy', Thrown In A Psychiatric Ward, Pumped With All Types of Mind Altering Drugs and Labeled With A Variety of Mental Disorders, But The Fact is They Are Telling The Truth.

Through Advanced Alien Based Technology These Bastards Have The Ability To Mentally Torture People Until They Drive Them Crazy or They Commit Suicide. One of The Technologies They Use is 'Voice To Skull' Technology.

Through Regular Scheduled Vaccines Microchips Are Injected Into The Victim or They Can Introduce Microchips Into The Human Body Via Food/Water Supply. Once The Microchips Enter The Body Travel To The Brain and Literally Turn Hundreds of Thousands of Unsuspecting People Into Live Antennas.

By Use of Electromagnetic Frequencies That Radiate From Cell Phone Towers They Can Broadcast All Types of Messages Directly To Your Brain. The Brain Interprets The Sounds as Voices. Once These Satanic Bastards Gain Access To Your Brain They Own and Control You. Most of The People Who Are Homeless, Living Out In The Streets, Talking To Themselves Are Targeted Individuals Who Are Being Emotionally Tortured, Spiritually and Physically Tortured By an Un Seen Enemy.

The Mental, Physical Experiments They Have Been Performing On The American Public Without Their Consent or Knowledge Flow Way Beyond Inhumane. They Also Psychologically Torture Babies, Children and Animals, No One is Exempt. Again I Must Ask Yall' To Pardon My Anger, But As Far as I Am Concerned These Mother Fuckers Should Be Thrown in Vat of Boiling Tar Oil. I Will NEVER Forget and I Hate Them More Then They Could Ever Hate Me..

Author: Sen-I

The Picture Above is an Example of a 'Confirmed Consent Form' That a Reputable Medical Facility Would Give To Their Perspective Patients Before Beginning Any Medical Procedures, Especially 'Experimental Vaccines', That Have Not Been Approved By The FDA. How Many Americans Received An 8 Page 'Confirmed Consent Form' Before They Were Vaccinated With The Experimental Vaccine Bioweapon That Has NOTHING To Do with Curing COVID-19 or Preventing COVID-19?

How Many People Were Told That This Vaccine is A BIOWEAPON Designed To Alter/Change Your Genetic Make Up? How Many People Were WARNED That Within 0-3 Years After Receiving Their 1st or 2nd Jab They Will Die? How Many People Were WARNED That This BIOWEAPON Could Permanently Disable Them or Make Them Severely Ill For The Rest of Their Lives?

How Many People Were WARNED This BIOWEAPON Would Sterilize Them and Their Children?

How Many People Were WARNED This BIOWEAPON Ultimate Goal is To Transform Them Into Another Species, a Transhuman Being? How Many People Were WARNED That Once They Are Injected with This BIOWEAPON The Supreme Court States They Are No Longer Considered Part of The Human Species.

I Could Go On, But I Wont. If The American Public Were Informed of All The Risks Regarding This BIOWEAPON Posing as a Vaccine For COVID-19 Millions Upon Millions Of Adults and Children Would Still Be ALIVE Today. Millions Upon Millions of Adults and Children Would Have Not Suffered Permanent Physical/Mental Damage To Their Body.

I Lay The Majority of The Blame For This Medical Tragedy On The Satanic Cabal and The Medical Profession, However Mentally Cape able Adult Victims of This Medical Tragedy Must Also Assume Some Responsibility Because They Did Not Ask Questions or Do Their Own Research. Instead They Chose To Blindly Put Their Faith In Western Medicine and as I've Been LOUDLY Screaming For The Past 5 Years 'The Next Time The American Public Puts Their Trust In The Cabals 'Black Magic Medicine' It Will Cost Most People Their Lives and The Lives of Their Children' and Sadly Here We Are Today.

This 8 Page 'Form Of Consent' and Proper and Truthful Information Could Have SAVED MILLIONS of Lives. Word of Advice If These NAZI Bastard Pigs Do Not Present You With A Consent Form For an Un Approved 'Experimental Drug' Walk The Fuck Away and Tell Them To Kiss Your Ass. These Bastards No Exactly What They Are Doing.

They Are Actively Committing Global Genocide of Humanity. Unless Yall' Have A Death Wish For Yourselves and Your Children I Suggest You Act Like You Know Something, Because Your Blind Ignorance Will Get You and Your Kids Killed.

All I Can Say Is 'Let Me At These Mother Fuckers as A Galactic Human I Am Ready To Rip Them Apart for What They've Done To People On This Planet. 5 Fuckin' Minutes is All I Need Here On Earth. Again I Apologize For My Anger, But When It Comes To Harming People/Animals/Babies etc. I Forget That I Am Here To Be Human and My Galactic Abilities Pop The Fuck Out and I Am Not The Same Easy Going Person That People Know Me To Be. Here is an 'Example' of The Medical Consent Forms EVERYONE Who's Been Vaxxed Should Have Been Presented With. Click HERE To View

Author: Sen-I

Almost Every Episode of The Cartoon The Simpsons Reveals Truth of What The Cabal Plan On Doing To Humans. Hollywood Plays A Very BIG Role In 'Predictive Programming' The Minds of Americans. As I've Always Said 'If You Want To Know What's Going On and What The Cabals Next Moves Are, Simply Watch Sci Fi Movies, TV Series and Cartoons. They Are Blaring Right Before Your Eyes.

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