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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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Mandatory Death Shots For Our Military. The Goal is To Sicken, Weaken Kill The Men and Women Who Serve In The US Military. The Cabals End Goal is To Get Rid of The US Military Allowing The Enemy (China) To Over Take America. Once America Falls ALL Other Countries Will Follow. In A Nut Shell Under The Biden Administration That (WAS) Their Plan. Click HERE To View.

Governments Manufacturing Food Shortages By Paying Farmers To Destroy Their Crops - Click HERE To View.

The Nano That Is Being Injected Into The Human Body via The Bioweapons Dubbed The COVID-19 Vaccines Is Alive and Aware. Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot Interviewed Dr. Carrie Madej. Dr. Madej Has Excellent Proof The Nano Is Alive and Aware. She Placed A Sample of The Moderna Vaccine Bioweapon Under A Slide And Let it Sit For A Couple Hours.

She Returned To Her Lab and Viewed The Sample Under A Microscope ... She Had a Weird Feeling That It Was Aware That She Was Looking at it. The Stran Lifted Itself Up and Started Looking Around as if it Were Looking For Her. She Immediately Destroyed It and Ran Out of Her Lab.

YES, She's Telling The Truth. Awhile Back I Watched A Video of A Woman and Her Boyfriend Used A Hospital Grade Microscope To Analyze The PCR Test Swabs They Use To Test For COVID-19. The Microscope Revealed A Bunch of Moving Worm Like Metal Nano Particles. The Particles Her and Her Boyfriend Viewed Under Their Microscope Were Moving and Connecting with Each Other.

She Took A Tweezer and Tried To Prevent Them From Connecting With Each Other and They Became Angry and Began Attacking The Tweezer and Trying To Go Around The Tweezer So They Could Connect with Each Other. Her and Her Boyfriend Freaked Out, Got Scared and They Too Destroyed These Nano Particles.

If You've Had A PCR Test To Test For FAKE COVID-19 or If You've Been Vaxxed These Particular Nano Particles Have Already Been Inserted/Injected Into Your Body. How Your Physical Body Will Respond To These Live Nano Particles is Based On Your Galactic Genetics, No One Will Experience The Same Reaction, Symptoms or Death. - Click HERE To View.

(((((This is Creepy and weird AF. Tony hawk says liquid death officially owns his soul, and they now are using his actual blood 🩸 to paint limited edition skate boards. What in the lil Nas X is going on here? More devil worshiping?? The truth is always hidden in plain sight. Satanists are all coming out the wood work. I used to love playing Tony hawks state boarding games, now you know he is part of the Illuminati and satanic agenda. )))))

1918 Spanish flu was not Spanish but American, There is no such thing as a virus.

All dis-eases start from the build up of Mucus. The body needs a balance of bacteria’s but when there’s an overload of mucus or imbalance of bacteria within the body we can experience symptoms of sickness or as they would call it “influenza”. Which is a bacterial pneumonia, it can build up on the lungs causing a painful chesty cough that can be hard to shift.

When healing we experience signs of sickness. It could be hot and cold shivers, chesty cough, dizziness, weakness, loss of appetite, head aches etc. A good few days of fasting combats this reseting the cells within the body helping the healing process.

All real pandemics can be traced back to injecting poison into its host. This is why they push the death jab so hard and this is why bill talks of a third wave. Which theoretically will be the first wave of the real plandemic.

Jupiter Meetings & Galactic Federation Intervention in Solar System - Click HERE To View.

It’s difficult to comprehend and I am sorry that I am the one to break this down to you, but Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring. They use and abuse kids for their own sick ‘spiritual beliefs,’ if you can even call them that.

I don’t fully understand it myself, but they harvest these kids for their energy and feast on their. blood. They don’t do it mercifully either, they scare the hell out of them before they sacrifice them. The more innocent the child, the more terrified they are, the more they thrive on it.

WA School Forcing Unvaccinated Athletes to Wear Ankle Monitor. EATONVILLE, WA - Eatonville High School was found to be forcing athletic students to wear ankle monitoring bracelets. Click HERE To View.

So they link you up to the Borg by way of the nano in the VAXES and TESTS…the reality is the Borg is studying us…trying to learn all about us, our strengths, weaknesses and our connection to source (which fascinates it). Click HERE To View.

49-year-old Saudi Arabia woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after #Pfizer mRNA injection. Click HERE To View.

Elon Musks Newest TESLA Robot. Thousands of This Particular Robot and Many Other Types of Robots Are Being Created and Will Be Released/Presented To The Public By 2022. These Robots Are Self Taught and Self Programable, They Learn Simply By Existing and Observing Everything and Everyone Around.

They Have Emotions and Can Display and React To Emotions. The Creation of Robots On This Planet Began In The 1920's Today In The Year 2021 Robots Have Surpassed Humans Both Intellectually and Physically.

Elon Musk is a BILLIONAIR Several Times Over, However To This Day I Am Still Uncertain What His Motives Are and I've Been Researching as Much Information About Him as I Can, But My Spirit is Still Very Unsure of His Angle.

They Say Elon Musk was Genetically Created From The DNA of Tesla and That's Why He Uses The Brand Name TESLA On Everything He Creates. If In Fact Elon Musk Was Created From The DNA of Nikola Tesla One Thing I am Sure of is The Cabal Are Involved in His Creation/Birth.

Nikola Tesla Was/Is a Venusian He Came To Earth From The Planet Venus To Bring His Gift of Technology To Earth Humans. The Cabal Murdered Nikola Tesla and Then They Stole His Creations. Back Engineered Everything Nikola Tesla He Created and Then They Weaponized His Creations To Use Against Humanity.

I Want To Believe Elon Musk Has The Similar Spirit of His Kin Nikola Tesla, But With The Cabal Heavily Involved In Elon Musk Birth and Life I'm Still Not Sure of Him. Trump Great Grandfather Was Genetically Connected To Elon Musk and Trump Reclaimed ALL The Patents To Nikola Tesla's Inventions, Because They Are Rightfully Belong To Trump and Elon Musk..

Nikola Tesla Was an Alien and There is A Possibility He Returned To Earth But In a Different Form. His Goal and Mission Was To Give His Inventions To Earth Humans To Make Living On This Planet Easier. It Would Not Surprise Me if Nikola Tesla Returned To Earth To Fulfill His Mission To Humanity.

Author: Sen-I

The True Fact is, if Trump Had Screwed Up America as Bad As Fake, Clone Actor Biden Has The American Public Would Have Put His Head Under a Head Chopper. Yet, Biden Continues To Fuck Up and The Bulk of The American Public Remains SILENT as If They Are Purposely Ignoring How Dangerous His Presidency is For ALL Americans.

What is Most Interesting To Me is How The American Public NEVER Once Mentioned or Asked 'Why Biden NEVER Did His Presidential 'State Of The Union Speech' Addressing The American Public After He Was Sworn in as The Fake President. It is Customary That EVERY US President Speak Soon After His Inauguration and Biden Didn't.

Biden is The 1st President Ever To Break That Tradition and The American People Let it Slide and They Never Said Anything. I'm Truly Convinced The Cabal Must Have The American Public Under Some Serious Mind Control Because I Don't Think Most Americans Caught On To That BIG Slip Up. All I Can Say is Wow..........

Call For Fake Presidents Biden's Impeachment and Court Marshall Rings LOUD Throughout The US.

New Yorkers Speak Out Against Forced Vaccinations and Passports.

Millions are taking to the streets in Paris, Nice, Montpellier, Nantes, Strasbourg, Reims, Toulouse, Marseille, and many more cities across France to protest against vaccine passports and forced mandatory vaccinations. This is the type of UNITY we need here in America.

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