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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Sep 9, 2021

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This is Just ONE of The Thousands of Magnificently Beautiful Buildings That Was Built By The Tartarian Species. The Tartarians Were Masters of Architectural Design. Each of Their Buildings Generated an UNLIMITED Supply of Wireless Energy. How Dare The Cabal Owned CIA Try To DELETE, ERASE and DESTROY The Tartarians Magnificent Buildings and Artwork In an Attempt To Hide The History of The Tartarians From Future Generations of Alien/Human Beings Who Inhabit(ed) This Planet.

The Tartarian Race is Just ONE of Many Alien/Human Species That The Satanic Cabal Went Out of Their Way To Destroy Their Existence To Prevent Us From Knowing and To Screw Up The Organic History of Earth. BUT, Guess What Cabal Low Life Snakes? The Tartarians Have Returned To Earth Along With Many Other Galactic Species To Help Restore and Rebuild This Planet After YOUR Destruction.

I Wont Speak For Any Other Galactic Human, But Me Personally I've Had Enough Playing Games. My Galactic Abilities To Manifest and Create Shall Be Put To Use On This Planet, Starting NOW!!!! No More Hiding and Pretending I Am Who I Am and I 'MYSELF' Will Call This Into 'MY REALITY' 'From Here On In EVERYTHING The Satanic Cabal and Their Minions Try To Do To Destroy or Harm Earth Humans Shall Back Fire, Redirect and They Will Become Targets of Their Own Evil and Will To Destroy Others' and 'It Shall Be Done'.

Author: Sen-I

This is a Map of Tartaria It Was Designed By Tartarians a Lost Civilization That Appeared During The 1300's and Seemingly Disappeared During The Early Part of the 20th Century. The Tartarians Were A Highly Advanced Civilization. They Used Technologies That We Are Using Today, But Once Their Civilization Disappeared So Did Their Advanced Technologies. It is Believed That The Tartarians Were Time Travelers. They Lived On Earth Among Us For Close To 6 Centuries, Then Magically Disappeared and it is Said They Returned In 2016.

These Are The Flags of All Nations That Tartarians Created During Their Time Here. These Flags Existed During and Before The 1800's. According To The Tartarians, What We View as The American Flag was/is Considered To Be The National or Flag That Represents ALL Nations.

As Usual History Was Once Again Erased By The Cabal Controlled Portion of The CIA and Very Few People Knew Anything About The Erased Civilization of The Tartarian People. The CIA and Their Goon Squads Destroyed as Much Evidence of The Tartarian's Existence as Possible.

This Might Seem Like A Very Difficult Task For Many But When It Comes To The History of This Planet and The History Of The Creation of The Human Species You Will at Some Point Have To Forget Everything You've Been Taught and You Will Have Start Anew and Relearn History as it Should Have Been Taught From The Beginning.

Here is an Extensive Article That Will Explain A Little More About The Tartarian's, Their Civilization and How and Why They Were Erased From This Planets History. Click HERE To View.

A Gigantic Tree That Existed In Tartaria. Tartaria. Tartary Encompassed the Vast Region of Siberia ( Russia ), Mongolia, Manchuria ( China ), Turkestan ( Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, southern Kyrgyzstan, Southwest Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region ( China )) and sometimes Tibet ( China ).

This is What The Industrial Part of Tartaria Looked Like During The 1930's.

This Is Tartaria During The 1800's. Take Note of The Technology and The Architecture They Had During That Time. Those Who Did Not Want Us To Know About The Tartarian Civilization Was Destroyed as it Was With Many Other Civilizations.

The Tartarians Were Average Sized People BUT They Were Also Giants Among Them.

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