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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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A Tiny Sample of The Millions of People Who've Suffered and Died Behind The Pfizer Vaccine Bioweapon. So Far There Have Been 1,517,211 Injuries and 9,027 Deaths Following the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines Recorded in the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), Yet the FDA Went Ahead and Gave it Full Approval Anyway.

What The Public Doesn't Know is The FDA Still Has Not Approved The Pfizer Jab . Once Again They LIED To The American Public To Sooth and Pacify Their Fears. They Know How Easy It Is To Deceive and Manipulate The Sleepers To Get Them To Do What They Want.

Once You Tell The Dumbed Down Sleeping Public The Pfizer Vaccine Bioweapon Has Been Approved By The FDA Most Of Them Would Run To Get Vaccinated Because Their Fake Government Announced It Was Approved By The FDA.

Once Again Without Doing Their Own Research They Chose To Blindly Believe The B.S. The Government and Main Stream Media Shoves In Their Face. Sadly Their Blind Ignorance Will Continue To Sicken, Disable and Kill Them Off.

Its Very Difficult For Me To Garner Sympathy For Most Adults Who Are of Sound Mind and Body, They Can Research All Kinds of B.S., But When It Comes To Researching Information That Will Help Keep Themselves and Their Children Alive and Safe During This Planetary War, Their Mind Goes Completely Blank.

I Truly Feel Bad and My Spirit Hurts For Anyone Who Suffers or Dies Behind These Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapons, But at Times Its' Super Difficult For Me To Feel Empathy Towards Those Who Made A Choice Not To Do Their Own Research and Those Who Continuously Ignore The Vital Information That Many People Like Myself Are Busting Our Asses and Losing Our Lives To Keep as Many People Informed.

YES at This Point its' Very Difficult For Me To Garner Empathy Towards The Idiots That Just Don't Care. However My Heart Goes Out To Their Children, Loved Ones Who Are Under Age, Disabled, Elderly, Mentally/Physically Unable To Speak Up For Themselves For They are at The Mercy of Their Mind Controlled Idiot Family Members/Friends. Click HERE To View.

Author: Sue-B

Remember The Cabal Have Access To Alien Technology and They Can Create Any Type of Planetary Crisis, Including The Removal of The Water Supply. There is No Shortage of ANYTHING or Natural Resources On This Planet, Its' All Man Made. Just As They Made The Water Disappear They Can Make it Reappear.

BREAKING NEWS ! Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States, the Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Click HERE To View.

The So Called 'FEMA Death Camps Are Located Throughout The US. No One But Those In High Level Positions Knows The Purpose For These So Called 'FEMA Death Camps'. In My Opinion Whatever Devious Deed The Cabal Had Planned To Utilize These Camps It Will Backfire and Used Against Them. THINK 1/3rd of The US Population is Comprised of The Cabal and Their Minions. That's Equates To Millions Upon Millions of Criminals That Must Be Separated From The Public and Here in The US Most Jails Are Over Populated. Where Are The Cabal Criminals Going To Be Housed During/After Their Trials and Sentences? Click HERE To View.

Weather Wars Creating Intentional Shut Downs to Create Oil and Food Supply Shortages Throughout The US. Click HERE To View.

Stop Waiting For Someone To Save You. 'YOU Are The Savior You've Been Waiting For'.

This is The Type of UNITY We Need To See Here in America. The World is Rising Up and Letting Their Voices Be Heard and To This Day Most Americans Remain SILENT and I Will Never Understand Why.

This is The Numb Nut Idiot Many Americans Voted In To Replace Trump. Not Only Is He Pushing For Endless Mask Wearing But He's Trying To Murder Americans By Pushing Deadly Fake Vaccines Which Are In Fact BIOWEAPONS.

I Wont Even Talk About How He Screwed Up The Rescue of Americans and US Service Men/Women In Afghanistan Causing Many of Them to Lose Their Lives In The Most Horrific Way. i

I Often Wonder if The Dumbed Down Mind Controlled American Public Knew They Were Voting For Literally For A 'Dead Mans Clone' To Be Their Next President Would Knowledge of The Truth Had Made A Difference?

The Very BRAVE People Of France Take To The Streets For The 7th Day In A Row.

Remember The Tragic Deaths of These Service Members Happened Under Biden's Fake Presidency. NEVER Forget The Millions of Lives That Were Lost Under The Biden Administration..

In Remembrance of Our Fallen Heroes.

Trump Didn't Give The Nick Name 'Sleepy Joe' To Biden For No Reason.

My Question is 'Who or What The Fuck is Running Hollywood'? Since I Was A Child and Even Before My Birth The Cabal Owned Hollywood Has Been Using Celebrities To Create and Promote Their Diabolical Agendas Through Movies and TV Series and Today is No Different. 'Predictive Programming' Exist In Most EVERYTHING We View and Listen Too, You Just Have To Know How To Spot It.

Take A Look at The Preview of This Movie 'Songbird' and Take Note of Its' Similarities We Are Experiencing Right Now On This Planet. There Are No Coincidences, This Movie Was Purposely Created and Released To The Public During This Specific Time.

I Watched The Full Movie a Few Weeks Ago. 'Songbird' is Airing Now on NetFlix or HULU, I Forget Which One is Streaming The Movie, But Its' Available Now Either on NetFlix or HULU.

The Release of The 1st US Space Force Commercial. Please Understand Earth Humans Have Been Traveling Back and Forth Throughout The Galaxy Since The 1940's. Earth Humans Have Colonized, Have Fought In Many Off Planet Galactic Wars and Billions of Earth Humans Live On Many Different Planets Beyond Earth.

Generally Speaking Earth Humans Were Taught About Space Travel By NASA, What The Cabal Kept Hidden Was The Secret Space Program (S.S.P.) The S.S.P. is Total Opposite of 'Never A Straight Answer' NASA. Through NASA The Cabal Tell The Public ONLY What They Want Them To Know and Most of The Information Released From NASA are Made Up Stories and Outright Lies.

The Next BIG Lie You'll Hear From NASA is This is Our First Time Doing Most EVERYTHING off Planet, When In Fact They've Been Conducting All Types of Business with Various Types of Alien Species Who Live On Many Different Planets That Earth Humans Have Already Visited and Currently Live On.

As Always I Encourage All of You To Do Your Own Research and Draw Your Own Conclusions.

'To Whom It May Concern' This is A Selection of 'LEGAL' Letter Templates That Can Be Used To Challenge Masks and Vaccine Mandates. It Is Presented By Miri Anne Finch, Lawyer. UKMFA. Click HERE To View. The Complete Website.





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