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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Sep 5, 2021

Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

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The Cabals Transhumanistic Agenda Will Look Like This For Those Who've Been Vaxxed and Choose To Blindly Obey Without Question. This is The A.I. Controlled Reality They Want Their Obeying Transhuman Beings To Exist In

This Picture Was Taken Moments Before She Was Murdered By an ISIS, NOT Taliban Suicide Bomber. The Taliban Are Working With The American Military To Return Afghanistan Back To The Afghan People.

The Remains of 10 of The 13 Soldiers Murdered In Afghanistan Being Shipped Home In Caskets Because Biden Turned His Back On Them When They Begged For Help To Get Out of Afghanistan, Because ISIS Was Attacking Them.

The Next BIG Question is 'Did Joe Biden Abandon Military Trained Soldier Dogs In Afghanistan?

ALL Military Dogs/Animals Deserve The Same Love and Respect That is Given To Human Soldiers. These Military Dog Soldiers Are Trained To Protect and Lay Their Life Down For Their Human Partner and They Too Deserve To Be Saluted, Honored and Mourned For When They Die.

American Soldiers Are In Afghanistan Helping To Rescue and Evacuate Children From Afghanistan's Massive Child Trafficking Ring and Help Evacuate Families Who Want To Leave Afghanistan as They Were Being Held There Against Their Will.

When It Was Time For The American Soldiers To Return Home Cabal Puppet Joe Biden America's So Called 'President' Chose To Abandon His Post and The Soulless, Robot, Android, Clone, Human Actor Went On A Vacation.

He Told These American Soldiers as They Were Being Attacked By NOT The Taliban But ISIS 'Get Home The Best Way You Can, Its' Not My Problem That You Are Stuck Over There'. Then He Was Going To Charge Each Soldier $2,000 To Send Help To Get Them Out of Their and Back Home To America. This is The Piece of Shit Yall' Biden Lovers and Trump Haters Voted In.

Now This POS Has Turned His Back On YOU and ALL Citizens of America and His Main Mission and Purpose Was ALWAYS To Destroy America and Murder Americans. Joe Biden, His Baby Raping Son Hunter Biden and Kamal(a) aka Cabala Harris Were Paid Lovely By China To Destroy America and Murder as Many Americans as Possible, So That China Could Take Over The US and Rule Over The Surviving Americans Under Chinese Communist Party.

I Bet Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Didn't Bother To Tell Yall' The TRUTH About What's Taking Place In Afghanistan. As Always They Created A Narrative That Many Americans Once Again Blindly Believed Without Question or Taking Time To Do Their Own Research.

Sadly The People Who Are Too Lazy To Research and Ask Questions are The Ones Lining Up To Get Vaxxed and The Cabal Are Turning The Dumbed Down Eager Beavers Into Obeying, Robotic, Transhuman Beings.

I Can No Longer Feel Sorry For The Adults Who Made A Choice For Themselves. I Do However Feel Sorry For Children and Adults Who Can't Make The Choice For Themselves and They Must Rely On Family, Friends Caretakers Who Have No Idea What's In These Deadly Bioweapons Dubbed a Vaccine, Because They Have Not Taken Time To Ask Questions or Do a Little Research.

Author: Sue-B

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