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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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Satanist Are Known To Reverse Their Biological Gender ie; They Will Transform a Boy Into a Girl and They Will Transform a Girl Into a Boy. Its' Part of Their Sick Sexual Perversion. Barbara Bush Was The Former 'Wife' of President George Bush. REMEMBER Their Son George Bush jr. Was Also US President.

Barbara Bush Was Born a Biological Male and His Father Was Famed Satanist and Practicing Witch 'Aleister Crowley'. If Barbara Bush is a Male Who Gave Birth To George Bush Jr. and The Rest of The Bush Clan? The High Ups Who Work Within The US Government Are Part of The Elite Cabal.

Their Blood Line is Connected To The Reptilian Alien Race and To Protect Their Blood Line They breed Children By Having Sex With Each Other. Bush Jr's Biological Mother Could Have Been His Cousin. One Thing For Certain The Bush Clan Are All Connected To Famed Satanist and Practicing Witch Aleister Crowley.

SPECIAL NOTE: The Bush Clan Were All Executed By The Military. Their Families Blood Line Still Exist BUT They've Been WARNED To Disappear and Keep Quite or Else Their Entire Family Would Be Executed Including The Children. When Was The Last Time The Media Talked About The Bush Family? When Was The Last Time They Made a Public Appearance?

This is Adam Schiff United States Representative


the following was sent to me..makes sense.... From MO Senator Moon:

💥(Business owners, employees & customers pay attention to the last paragraph)💥

Tonight, President Biden announced,

"My job as president is to protect all Americans."

(Even the Americans left behind in Afghanistan, Mr. President?)

Mr. Biden went on to say,

"So tonight, I'm announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees … to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week."

Mr. President, have you read

the U.S. Constitution?

Article I,

section 1 states:

“All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representative.”

In words

elementary students can understand:





Mr. President…


can you hear me!?!?

You have no authority

to dictate

to employers

in these United States of America!

To all employers in Missouri:

No law was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by the President.

(The Labor Department is not authorized to make law.) This latest attempt by a U.S. President and a federal agency is nothing short of tyrannical. And, the American people should not tolerate (or adhere to) such a despotic act!

Author: MO Senator Moon:

This Man is 1-Has Recently Been Vaxxed and is Suffering an Adverse Reaction. 2- He's Been Vaxxed and is Hooked Into A.I. and 5G and He Has No Control Over What He Does and He's Being Controlled By Remote. 3- He's an Alien or a Demon. 4- He Enjoys Eating Raw Meat Straight Out of The Package.

The New Army Program to Train Troops to Fight Underground.

Satanic Hollywood and ALL Its' Sexual Perversion. Grab Your Popcorn.

20 Years Ago Today September 11, 2001 Over 3,000 People Were Purposely Murdered, Injured and New Yorkers and The Entire World Were Left Psychologically Traumatized When The Satanic Cabal Blew Up The World Trade Center. NEVER Forget The Terrified Victims Who Tragically Lost Their Lives For Reasons that Will NEVER Make Sense or Be Rectified.

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