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Writer's picture: Sue-BSue-B

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A Fleet of Colorful Pleiadian Light Ships Lighting Up The Night Sky. The Galactic's Are Saying 'Hello' and Communicating with The People of Earth Via Their Ships Using Colorful, Bright Blinking Lights.

The Cabal Actor Playing Joe Biden's Pre Scripted Role Just Ordered 'OSHA' To Ignore Data Surrounding COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapon's. In Other Words Keep Pushing The Death Jab No Matter How Many People Are Injured or Murdered. Welcome To The Replay of NAZI Germany's Holocaust. The BIG Question This Time Around 'Will The Sleeping Sheeple Willingly Participate In Their Own Slaughter? Here In America The Death From The Jab Totals Are Already In The Millions. Several Weeks Ago In The US Over 7,000 People Died From The Jab In ONE Fuckin' Week. Years Ago 15 People Died From an Experimental Vaccine and Without Hesitation They HALTED The Trials, So Yall' Tell Me What The Fuck is This About? I'll Be Waiting To Hear Your Answers. As For Myself, I Already Know What's Taking Place. Do You?

NEVER Forget This Horrific Event Was Set Up and Done On Purpose. 9/11 Was an INSIDE Job!!!! NEVER Forget That Day Over 3,000 People Were Injured, Murdered and Many People In America and Around The World Were Deliberately Psychologically Traumatized Behind This Horrific Event. NEVER Forget The Injured and Lost Lives Of ALL 9/11 Rescuers and First Responder's Including ALL of The Brave and Beautiful Heroes Who Had Paws. NEVER EVER Forget 9/11..

On September 11, 2016 Hillary Clinton Wife of Former President Bill Clinton Was Taken Out By The Cabal. When She Lost The Election To Trump The Cabal Viewed Hillary Clinton as a Liability, The Cabal Feared Hillary Would Tell The Public About The Rigged Election and Many More of Their Deep Horrific Secrets.

Here's A Little Reminder of What Hillary Clinton Was Into.

Galactic Ship Blinking Its' Lights. They Are Communicating with The People and Sending Their Greetings. ALL You Have To Do is 'THINK' Whatever You Want To Say To Them and They Will Telepathically Decode Your Message.

Human Reality Physically Shapes Reality

(YES, Humans Are Creators of Reality)

Three different studies, done by different teams of scientists proved something really extraordinary. But when a new research connected these 3 discoveries, something shocking was realized, something hiding in plain sight.

Human emotion literally shapes the world around us. Not just our perception of the world, but reality itself. Emotions Physically Shape Reality In the first experiment, human DNA, isolated in a sealed container, was placed near a test subject.

Scientists gave the donor emotional stimulus and fascinatingly enough, the emotions affected their DNA in the other room. In the presence of negative emotions the DNA tightened. In the presence of positive emotions the coils of the DNA relaxed. The scientists concluded that “Human emotion produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics.”

Emotions Have An Effect On Reality

In the second, similar but unrelated experiment, different group of scientists extracted Leukocytes (white blood cells) from donors and placed into chambers so they could measure electrical changes. In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to “emotional stimulation” consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor.

The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME.

DNA Responds To Our Emotions

There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time. The scientists wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time.

The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. The conclusion was that the donor and the DNA can communicate beyond space and time.The third experiment proved something pretty shocking!

Scientists observed the effect of DNA on our physical world. Light photons, which make up the world around us, were observed inside a vacuum. Their natural locations were completely random. Human DNA was then inserted into the vacuum. Shockingly the photons were no longer acting random. They precisely followed the geometry of the DNA.

Light Photons Followed The Geometry DNA

Scientists who were studying this, described the photons behaving “surprisingly and counter-intuitively”. They went on to say that “We are forced to accept the possibility of some new field of energy!” They concluded that human DNA literally shape the behavior of light photons that make up the world around us!

So when a new research was done, and all of these 3 scientific claims were connected together, scientists were shocked. They came to a stunning realization that if our emotions affect our DNA and our DNA shapes the world around us, than our emotions physically change the world around us.

Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality And not just that, we are connected to our DNA beyond space and time. We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings."

Author: Free Range Gail of Gaia's Friend 'Danka Luczynska'

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