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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Sep 26, 2021

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Reptilian Alien Newborn. Many Humans Are Unaware That Aliens Exist and Live Among The Human Population. But The Majority of The Human Population Has No Idea That Specific Alien Species Have Been Breeding with Humans Since The Beginning of Time and They Still Breed with Humans Today.

A Reptilian Alien Like Many Other Alien Species Has The Natural Ability To Transforms Their Appearance To Any Type of Human/Animal Form. Unless You Know What To Specifically Look For If a Reptilian Alien Stood In Front of You, You Most Likely Would Not Be Able to Tell That it is an Reptilian Alien, Unless You Know The Unique Differences To Look For.

The Human Species Have Shared Friendships, Long/Short Term Relationships, Marriages, Intimacy and Had Hybrid Children with Various Alien Species without Knowing. Hybrid Babies/Children Have Unique Talents and Abilities.

Their Uniqueness Comes Out at a Very Early Age. Sadly Many Parents Have No Idea How To Nurture Their Child's Special Abilities and Some Parents Shame Their Child For Being or Acting Different Then Other Children. Some Hybrid Children Are Born with Unique Facial or Body Features That Are Dismissed as Mental or Physical Birth Defect and Disabilities.

ALL Babies Born Here in The US are Monitored From The Day of Their Birth. Once The Cabal Realize a Child is an Alien Hybrid They'll Either Try To Use The Child's Abilities For Their Needs or They'll Do Whatever They Can To Destroy That Child's Galactic Abilities.

Reptilian Hybrids are Generally Born in Countries That Have Less Advantages. The Reason For That is There Would Be Less Fan Fare Surrounding Its' Birth.

Excellent Undercover Interview On The Side Affects of The Bioweapon.

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