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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Sep 26, 2021

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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This is The Gruesome Process of Modern Day Genocide In The 21st Century. Any Questions?

I Apologize For The Harsh Rant, But I MUST Voice My Opinion On This Particular Video Clip. This is an Example of The Sexual Perverted Shit The Twisted, Sadistic Baby Raping US Government Continues To Throw In The Public's Face In Hopes of Normalizing Sexual Perversion via Their Mind Controlled Freaks That They Literally Create In Underground Bases.

I Applaud This Woman Because She Got MAD and Took Action, While The Bulk of The Mind Controlled US Public Ignores and Plays Like They Are Deaf, Blind and Dumb. When The Fuck Are Yall' Gonna Say 'Enough is Enough' and Wake Up Out of Your Coma's and REACT To What's Taking Place Right Before Your Eyes?

Every Day YOUR Kids Are Being Bombarded and Exposed To This Satanic Sexual Perversion That The Cabal are Advertising In Every Way Possible. What The Fuck is Wrong With Yall'? Have They Dumbed Americans Down To The Point Where They Can No Longer Think or React To The B.S. That They Want To Normalize?

I'll Say It Again 'Your Children and Your Grand Kids Will Suffer Because of Your Blind Ignorance'. YOUR Children Will Become The Next Generation of The Cabals Sex Toys. They Are Grooming Your Children Right Before Your Eyes ad What The Fuck Are Yall' Doing About It? NOTHING..

Those of You Who Choose To Remain SILENT Are Openly Accepting The Satanic Cabal's Sexual Perversion of Your Children and You'll Have No One To Blame But Yourselves Because Once Again You Are Allowing It To Happen.

Hopefully This Will NEVER Happen To Anyone of Your Friends or Your Family Members, But If You Continue To Ignore The Obvious That's Being Thrown In Your Face Your Face By These Demented, Perverted Baby Raping Satanist Your Kids Might Very Well Be The Next Generation of The Cabal's Victims They Are Rescuing From Underground Bases.

Author: Sue-B

This is Massive!🇺🇸A Member of The FDA Vax Panel Today Said... "We Are Killing More People Than We Are Saving With The Shots".

YES, The King of Pop Michael Jackson Is Alive & Well..

Prepare Your Minds, Because, This is Just A Sample List Exposing The Sadistic, Perverted, Satanic Child Murdering Baby Rapers Who Most Americans Love, Admire and Idolize.

These Are The Lying Ass Idiots Who Are Telling You What To Do. 'All The World is But A Grand Stage'.

List of Babies, Children, Companies and Hospitals and Hospitals For The Harvesting of Adrenochrome (The Blood of Children/Adults) That is Used To Feed Hollywood's Elite, The Cabal and ALL Modern Day Vampires That Inhabit This Planet.

This is Donnatella Versaci and She/He is Suffering From Adrenochrome Withdrawal. Like Any Drug Addict When These Modern Day Vampires Are Deprived of or Have No Access To Adrenochrome (The Blood of Children/Adults) As Vampires Do, Their Body Shrivels Up.

Actor Johnny Depp Going Through Adrenochrome Withdrawal Before He Died and or Was Executed. The Cabal Can Purposely Cut a Celebrities Supply of Adrenochrome If They've If They Disobey or Break Any of The Cabal Rules.

Kathy Lee Gifford Besides From Suffering From Adrenochrome Withdrawal She/He is a Man.

Why Do All of These High Profile People Have a Black Eyes Only On Their Left Eye? The Original Soul That Once Inhabited The Body Has Been Removed and Replaced With A Demonic Entity That Enters The Body Through The Left Eye, The Entity is Known as a 'Vril(l)'. These Once Human Beings Have Literally Sold Their Soul For Fame, Fortune, Power and Prestige.

Child Star Singer Tevin Campbell Responds To Rumors That Hew Was Sexually Molested By Music Mogul Quincy Jones When He Was A Child During His Career In Hollywood's Music Business Click HERE To View.

(((((This is from the 30's! They have 100 year plans and they tell us right out in the open all the time but we don't pay attention! Notice the aerosolation device near the end.)))))

I've Been Saying For Years All People Have To Do s Grab Some Popcorn and a Cool Drink and Sit and Watch Sci Fi Movie, TV Series etc. Everything The Cabal Have Done or Plan To Do is Being Played Out On The Big Screen via Hollywood. People Have To Stop All Movies, TV Programs, Cartoons etc. are For Entertainment Purposes ONLY. Everything Has a Hidden Sometimes In Your Face Blatant Message and Plenty of Clues. Look Beyond What You See On The Screen and You'll Soon Learn How To Figure This Game Out.

Surgery or an Autopsy Being Performed On The Head of a Reptilian Alien. This Alien Represents Just ONE Species Of The Reptilian Alien Race. According To My Sources Currently There Are Over 400,000 Reptilians Like This One This Planet. BUT There Are Also Reptilians and Other Alien Species That Are Referred Too as 'Walk Ins'. Walk Ins Remove The SOULS From The Human Body and Then They Put Themselves Into That Persons Body.

There Are Hundreds of Millions of Alien Walk Ins On This Planet and They Do Inhabit The Bodies of Infants and The Elderly It All Depends On What Their Needs Are and How Long They Plan To Inhabit That Persons Body. Just Like Anything Else There Are Good Walk Ins and There Are Bad Walk Ins.

I Don't Consider Myself A Walk In, BUT I Have The Experience of Entering Into A Persons Body To Read, Connect and Communicate with Their Soul. This is Just Another Task I've Been Assigned To Do While I'm Here. I Do Not Interfere with A Persons Free Will, I'm Just There To Communicate with Their Soul, That's All.

Then There Are The Walk Ins That Are There To Relieve The Occupant of The Body. Soul Contracts Are Created Before Many of Us Incarnate Here. If at Some Point We Can't Fulfill Our Mission Under Pre Planned Agreements A Walk In Can Take Over To Relieve The Soul, So That Persons Soul Will Leave Earth and Return To Their Home Planet. The Walk In Will Continue That Persons Mission, With Their Prior Permission.

The Main Walk Ins That Have Invaded Earth Are Not of Good Spirit and They Are Here To Cause as Much Damage, Destruction and Death as They Can. The Destructive Walk Ins Are Generally of The Reptilian Blood Line and They Are Anti Life and They Hate Humans. They've Infiltrated Every Construct That We Live Under On This Planet and They Are Employed Powerful Positions, Including The Government, Financial, Educational, Religions etc. There is No Structure They Have Not Infiltrated.

They've Created Devices and Software That Can Be Used To Take a Picture of A Persons Aura/Soul. The Military and Certain Government Officials Use A Hand Held Device That Scans A Persons Body The Scanner Will Tell Them If The Person/Being Standing In Front of Them is a Human, Alien, Clone, A.I., Galactic Being etc. As Crazy as This Might Sound, This is Where We Are Today. We've Reached That Point Where We Have To Know Who We Are Dealing with On A Much Deeper Level.

We Have To Train Our Eyes To Look Beyond A Persons Physical Appearance, Because Physical Appearances Can Be Very Deceiving. If I Am Focused and Paying Attention I Can Read a Persons Soul By Looking at Their Picture, Talking To Them For The 1st Time Over The Phone or Visually Seeing Them. There Are Many Human Bodies Walking Around That Have Been Taken Over By A Negative Walk In Demon or Alien and The Original Soul Was Removed, I'm Not Really Sure Where Their Soul Goes Once its' Removed By A Demon. 100%, Authentic Humans Native To Earth Are A Minority On This Planet.

The Reptilian Species Controls The Vatican and ALL Religions On The Planet and Many Of Them Live In Underground Bases That Have Been Built Underneath Churches Located Throughout The World.

The Reptilian Species is Just ONE The GODS Earth Humans Have Been Indoctrinated Into Bowing Down Too and Worshiping. Any Time You Worship Anyone/Thing Outside of Yourselves You Know Who and What You Are Giving Your Spiritual Energy Too, Because Many Negative Alien Species Feast Off Of Your Energy. 'The True GOD You Seek Has Always Lived Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It Is YOU'.

This Reptilian Like Most Reptilians Posing as Humans Took On The Role of Working in a High Position of So Called 'Authority'. Take Note of His Pulsating, Bulging Neck. Many Reptilians Are In Need of Their Food Source Which is Human Flesh and Blood. Their Food Source of Humans Are Being Rescued From Underground Bases.

When They Are Angry or Hungry it is Difficult For Them To Maintain Their Human Form and Their Physical Becomes Distorted. What's Interesting is You Can See Their Distortion Very Clear When They Appear In Front of a Camera.

A Few Years Ago Russia's President Putin Attended a Shin Dig Hosted By Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace. Putin Said Twice While He Was Talking To Queen Elizabeth She Appeared Before Him as a 13 Foot Reptilian Alien. She Shift Shaped Her Form From Human To Alien To Scare Putin About Some Type of Deal They Were Working On. Putin Clearly Stated He Would NEVER Attend Another Event With The Queen In Attendance.

A Few Years Ago The Annunaki Alien Raced Invaded Russia, Putins Military Soldiers Had To Pack Up, Back Down and Get The Hell Out of Dodge Before The Annunaki Arrived Where Their Troop Was Stationed. A Helicopter Camera Crew Filmed a 12 Foot Annunaki Literally Ripping A Soldiers Body In Half as if it Were A Piece of Paper.

You Can Check Back Issues of My News Blog For Detailed Articles Surrounding The Annunaki's Invasion of A Russians Military Camp. I've Posted Pictures of The Annunaki Several Times. Putin WARNED Trump 'Its' Not The Humans You'll Have To Worry About, Its' Aliens Posing as Humans That Will Be Your Biggest Concern and Worry.

This is EPIC. Folks It Does't Get Any Better Then This. This Is a Video Of The Original Biological Joe Biden and On The Right Side of The Video is Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden. This is Where Hidden Video Cameras Come In Handy. ALL Hollywood Celebrities and High Profile People Have Been Video Taped By The Cabal.

Wiki Leaks Has Just Released and Dumped ALL Black Mail Video Tapes On ALL Celebrities and High Profile Elite. Today We'll Start Off With Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's Biological Son. This Video is a Piece of Cake Compared To The Videos I've Already Viewed On Hunter Biden. Just Like His Deceased Dad Hunter Biden is a Baby Raping Satanist.

I Can Give Him a Little Tiny Leniency ONLY Because He Was Born, Raised and Groomed Within This Global Baby Raping, Murderous, Satanic Cult. The Only Reason Hunter Biden is Still Alive is Because He Has Tons of Info. On His Father Joe Biden and His Deep Connections To Selling America Out To The Chinese Communist Party (C.C.P.)

Joe Biden's Daughter Has Also Admitted That Her Father Repeatedly Raped Her When She Was a Child, Just Imagine What He Did To His Son Hunter Biden. What's The Saying 'Apple Don't Fall Far From The Tree'.

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