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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Sep 28, 2021

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Why is The Moon Highlighted In This Picture and What Do These Colors Represent?

ANSWER: The Colors Represent The Colors of The United States Space Command Flag and The Moon is In The Spotlight Because Right Now Millions of Earth Humans From Countries All Around The World Have Been Trained and Transported To The Moon.

Through The Guidance of The Galactic Federation of Planets/Worlds, The Military, Earth Alliance and Solar Warden Earth Humans Are Building A Galactic Fleet of Ships To Combat Earths Alien Enemies, They Are Also Building Command/Home Bases.

As I've Explain In The Past Many Earthy Humans Are Being Transported Off Planet For Various Reasons. The Secret Space Program Has Been In Existence Since The 1930's and They Have Been Transporting Earth Humans Off Planet In Many Different Ways Besides Blasting Them Off In A Space Ship For Over 8 Decades.

Rockets/Space Ships Are Considered Ancient Technology. Believe This or Not They Have An Elevator Type of Device That Will Transport Equipment and People To Any Planet In Just a Few Minutes. Hence This Iconic Quote From Star Trek 'Beam Me Up Scotty'. Click HERE To View.

For Those of You Who Thought Trump Was Being Outright Rude When He Did Not Shake Pelosi's Hand, This is The Reason. This is Why I Stress The Importance of Asking Questions and Doing Your Own Research. Its' Very Easy To Draw Assumptions Based On What You THINK You See.

In This Reality We ALL Must Use and Harness Our Critical Thinking Thinking Skills and Teach Ourselves To Look and Investigate Beyond The Top Surface. If You Want To Know The Truth Sometimes You'll Have To Go Deep To Find It, Because The Truth Wont Always Fall In Your Lap.

This New Mom Claims That Her Newborn Baby is Not 'Normal'. She Believes Babies Born During The COVID-19 PLANdemic Between 2020-2021 Are Different Then Babies Born Before The Year 2020.

Pregnant Women Are Being Encouraged To Take The Jabs(s) Many Doctors Claim Its' Safe For The Baby. I Say 'BullShit". This Shyt Is Not Fit To Be Injected Into Animals Let Alone Humans. Millions of People Have Literally Dropped Dead Right After Taking Their 1st Jab But Its' Safe For Unborn Babies.

The Reason Pregnant Women Are Being Coerced To Take The Jab(s) is The Cabal's Diabolical Plan is To 1- Kill Your Unborn Baby 2- Hope Like Hell Your Baby is Born A Transhuman Being So It Can Be Remotely Controlled Via 5G and A.I.. Remember The Jabs Are NOT A Vaccine. They Are A BIOWEAPON Posing as a Vaccine.

A Bioweapon and a Vaccine Are Two Very Different Things. A Bioweapon is Designed To Cause Harm to An Enemy. At This Point The Cabal View Humanity as Their Enemy That Must Be Destroyed.

Their End Goal is To Murder 95% Of Humanity and Re Enslave The Remaining 5% via High Technology Given To Them By Negative Alien Species Who Want To Reclaim Earth For Themselves. The Cabal Are In Cahootz With The Aliens Who Hate Humans and Want To Destroy Them.

Just By Looking at This Baby I Can Tell and Spiritually I Feel This Baby is Not Human. They Say 'The Window To The Soul is Through The Eyes'. Take A Good Look at This Babies Eyes. First Off There is Hardly Any White Coloring To Her Eyes, 2nd Take Notice of How She is Focusing or Observing Her Surroundings. She Already Knows A lot More Then The Average Baby.

This is a Hybrid Baby, She is a Mixture of Transhuman, Human and Alien. Keep In Mind ALL Humans Are Aliens, So She is Also A Combination of Her Mom's Alien Genetics. How This Will Affect This Babies Life I Have No Idea, But Listening To Her Mom, She Sounds Like She Might Be A Little Scared of Her Baby.

Mothers Have The Natural Instinct of Knowing Their Children and They Detect When Something is Wrong. When A Mom Says Her Baby is Not Right, People Should Listen. The Cabal Have Been Creating Hybrid Human Beings Underground For Over 5 Decades, Now They Are Experimenting On The Surface Population.

The Big Question is How Many Babies Have Been Born in The US During This COVID-19 PLANdemic Between The Year 2020-2021 and What is The Genetic Status of Those Babies? The Poisoning of Humanity Does Not Stop at Vaccines, They Poison The Land, Air, Food and Water Supply. Vaccinating The Population is Just ONE Way To Genetically Alter Human DNA.

Author: Sen-I

This Woman Speaks Up The Way ALL Of You Should Be Speaking Up For Your Life and Your Rights. Do Not Fuckin' Comply Click HERE To View.

Reptilian Alien.

CCP Agent and Vaccine/Bioweapon Pusher Leana Wen Was a Crisis Actor for The Fake Boston Marathon Bombing. These Paid Cabal Actors Are What I Call 'Recycled Crisis Actors'. They Appear In Several False Flag Events and The Cabal Hope Like Hell The Public is Stupid Enough Not To Notice This Paid Crisis Actor Died In Last Months False Flag Staged Event and Now They Have Been Rehired To Act In This Months False Flag Staged Event.

“Biden” Controllers Sue for Peace After Secret East/West Agreement Click HERE To View.

Elon Musk Points Out 6 Cylindrical Solar Warden Ships. Look To The Upper Left Corner Of This Picture To View The Ships. Solar Warden Has Now Joined The Earth Alliance To Help Fight For The Freedom of Earth.

Various Pictures of Alien Implants That Have Been Removed From Humans Who've Been Abducted and Are Being Monitored By Various Alien Species. Whether Humans Remember Or Not Most Every Human On This Planet Has Been Abducted at Least One or More Times By Aliens. Some Humans and or Galactic Humans Like Myself Are Abducted Throughout Their Lives.

There Are Many Reasons Why An Alien Species Would Abduct an Earth Human, Three of The Most Common Reasons Would Be To Study Human Genetics, Food Source, for Breeding Purposes. Incarnated Galactic Humans Like Myself Are Often Times Abducted To Retrieve New Information, Our Abilities Are Upgraded and If We Are Unwell We Go Aboard The Medical Ships For Wellness Check Ups and Healing.

Whatever The Reason If You've Been Abducted You Most Likely Have An Alien Implant Hidden Somewhere In Your Body and They Look Similar To The Ones Listed In The Picture Above.

How Do Alien Implants Work with Elena Danaan and Megan Rose

Project Veritas: Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ COVID Vaccine Because There Are ‘Unknown Repercussions Down the Road’ … Want to ‘Punish’ Unvaccinated Adults and Turn Them Into ‘Second-Grade Citizens’ for Not Complying with Mandates

AANIKA Creating GMO Bio Barcodes in Food. How Many More Ways Can They Think To Kill Off Humanity. When It Comes To The Discusting Cabal and Their Piece of Shit Alien Overlords The Killing Off Of Humanity NEVER Ends.

This Is Child Abuse and Psychological Torture ... in Fact... we know this from the studies done looking at physical and psychological impacts on the isolated in prisons. How can the world be pretending this isn't happening? The Psychological Damage That is Being Forced Upon Children Goes Beyond My Imagination.

The Suicide Rate Among Children Has Skyrocketed Over The Past Two Years. The Youngest Child That I Am Aware of That Has Committed Suicide Behind This Bull Shit Was Just 8 Years Old. Adults Are Having Trouble Processing What's Going On, So What Do You Think This is Doing To Children Psychologically?

There is No Fuckin' Virus So, For The Sake and Love of Your Children Remove The Goddamn Mask and STOP Fuckin' Complying To This Bull Shit That is Killing YOUR Kids. Do-Not-Comply.

In Nazi Germany What Happened To The Jews When They Chose To Simply Cower, Obey and Comply with Their Fuckin' Psychopath Tyrants.

Think of This Current Situation In 2021 as Holocaust 2.0. If Yall Don't Want You or Your Children To Wind Up Laying On Top of a Pile of Dead Bodies, Yall' Sleeping Sheeple Better Wake The Fuck Up.

EXPOSED: These Are The Deep State Reptilian Aliens Masked as Humans Who Are Telling You How To Live Your Lives, While They Party and Enjoy Their Lives.

David Icke Explains in Detail How The Medical Establishment is 'Killing People With COVID'.

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