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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Oct 2, 2021

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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If You Choose To Worship Anyone Outside of Yourself Make Sure You Know Who You Are Giving Your Spiritual Energy Too.

If You Are Not Careful You You'll Find Yourselves Giving Your Spiritual Energy To Demons That Rape, Murder and Drink The Blood of Babies and Children. The Dali Lama, Pope(s) and Everyone Who Appear In The Pictures Listed Above Are Child Rapist and Murderers and To This Day They Have MILLIONS of Loyal Followers.

'The True GOD You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It Is YOU'. YOU Are A Part of It, It Is A Part of YOU, No Worship On Bended Knees Required. Show Kindness, Love and Compassion To ALL Living Beings. Respect Yourselves and Others, Be of Kind Heart and Spirit and Live Your Best Life, That's All Yall' Have To Do.

The Aliens Created GOD(s) Because They Want(ed) Their Human Slaves To Worship and Honor Them as Their Creator. Planets That Have Been Taken Over By Homicidal Tyrant Races Appoint Themselves as GOD(s) of Those They Enslave and They Create The God Like Characters That Play The Scripted Roles.

The Game of Religion Has Been Played On This Planet For Centuries. Those Who Fear/Love/Worship A GOD Are More Likely To Obey and Follow Corrupt, Twisted Rules and Laws Without Question Out of Fear and Love For The GOD(s) That The Alien Rulers Created. As Always Feel Free To Do Your Own Research and Draw Your Own Conclusions.

SPECIAL NOTE: Why Does The Dali Place His Finger Over His Mouth? ANSWER: He's Part of The Cabals Satanic Club and He's Giving The Sign That He Will NEVER Reveal Their Secrets. Many Celebrities, Government Officials Often Place Their Finger Over Their Mouths To Acknowledge They Are Part of The Global Elite Satanic Cult

Author: Sen-I

Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed. ONE Of The Horrific Ingredients is LIVE Nano Particles ( Pre Programmed Miniaturized A.I.Bots) Click HERE To View.

In This Interview with The UK Police This Little Girl Explains In Detail How Her Father and Some of The School Teachers at Her School In The Raped, Tortured, Sacrificed and Murdered Babies and Children During School Hours and They Forced The Children To Watch and Participate.

Elena Danaan ~ We Will Never Let You Down! Galactic & Earth Revelations! Click HERE To View.

Update On The Underground Alien War Click HERE To View.

Disney productions are full of occult and Masonic symbolism, mind control and indoctrination techniques, and even sorcery and black magic.

Actor Keanu Reeves

83,000 Healthcare Workers Risk Losing Their Jobs Because They Refuse To Comply with The Vaccine Mandate.

If the vaccine is so safe and effective, why are 83,000 healthcare workers willing to lose their careers rather than take the vaccine?

How is New York able to fire 83,000 healthcare workers in the middle of a so called pandemic?

How many of these healthcare workers have natural immunity which is more effective than the vaccine?

How bad will the staff shortages be when there are covid outbreaks amongst the fully vaccinated staff? Covid outbreaks have already happened on fully vaccinated cruise ships, military ships, college campuses, etc. Once again, politicians in New York are pushing insane policies that will lead to unnecessary deaths.

Author The King of Pop Michael Jackson @

These Tyrants Walking Around in Blue Costumes are ALIENS, They Are Not Human. Pay Attention How This Alien Functions with No Emotion or Empathy. Beings Who Act Emotionless Are Soulless Aliens. Australia Police Force is Mostly Made Up of Reptilian Aliens.

This is Why We're Seeing So Much Abuse Towards Civilians in Australia By Their Police Force. Australia is Full of 'Walk In' Reptilians in High Power. The Public Must Ban Together To Physically Take Them Out, That's The ONLY Way To End The Tyranny is Australia. If They Have a CLEAN Military Void of Negative Aliens The Military Needs To Step In.

Welcome To The 'New Republic of America'. We Have Officially Separated From The Cabal's 'United States of America Corporation' and That Includes a Disconnection From Washington DC, Which Was NEVER Was Part of The United States.

In Canada Woman is Arrested For Not Showing Her Vaccine Pass. I'll Say This Again We Are Dealing with Aliens Dressed In Costumes Posing as Human Law Enforcement. They MUST Be Physically Removed By The People or By The Military.

Just A Little Reminder of The Massive Deception That's Been Going On. This is Barack Obama and Michael La Vaughn Robinson aka Michelle Obama. The CIA Coached and Groomed Both of Them To Play Their Scripted Role of Deception as 1st Black President, His Loving Wife and Their Two Beautiful Daughter's Sasha and Malia.

These Are Sasha and Malia's Biological Parents The Father's Name is Marty Nesbit The Mother's Name Was Not Listed. Hopefully They Are ALL Still Alive and Doing ok, BUT The Cabal Have a Nasty Habit of Killing Off People They No Longer Need If They Feel They'll Become a Liability Later On. Barack and Michael Were Executed By The Military in 2019 for Their Crimes Against Children and Humanity.

Just Because We're All Intertwined.

The US Space Force, the newest branch of the US military, has unveiled a new uniform prototype for its members, known as Guardians. Click HERE To View.

Click HERE To View.

Woman In NYC Subway Tears Down The Satanic Cabal Based Perverted Transgender B.S. Advertisements Pasted In Subway and I APPLAUD and Support Her 100%.

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