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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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In an interview with Coast to Coast a few years ago, Steven Quayle talked about a giant that was shot by the US military in Kandahar Afghanistan. It is said that the soldiers noticed something in a cave and while inspecting the cave they came across a huge 12-15 foot giant with red hair, 6 fingers, 6 toes and a double row of teeth.

What followed was that the moment the giant attacked the team, the soldiers opened rifle fire. According to a witness to the horrific event, one soldier was killed by the giant and it took a good amount of time to kill the giant.

The giants corpse was loaded onto a transport pallet and flown to an unknown location in the U.S. for further examination.

Great Presentation On The Evil Gene Therapy Injections by Dr. Christiane Northrup

This Precious Baby is One of The First Transhuman Babies Born Under The The COVID-19 Global Virus Scam. Women Who Took The BIOWEAPON During Their Pregnancy If They Did Not Experience a Miscarriage and if They Were Able To Carry Their Baby To Full Term 9 Out of 10 Times Their Baby Was Born A Transhuman Being.

The Pre Programmed Nano Particles In The Bioweapon Dubbed a Vaccine Are Programmed To Alter Human DNA/Genetics. The DNA of a Developing Fetus Are Much Easier To Change and Alter, Because it is a New Life Still In The Process of Developing.

The Birth of Transhuman Babies Has Not Yet Been Discussed, why? I Don't Know, But Mothers and Fathers Are Going To Have To Be Taught How To Raise These New Beings. Because They'll Have Different Needs Then Human Babies. This Baby is ONE of Many Newborns Who Represent The New Transhuman Species.

Joe Bidens Fake White House Prop. Any Quesrtions?

Inside Hurricane Sam: 50ft waves and 120+ mph winds. Watch this incredible drone footage from the very center of one of Earth's most destructive forces! Humanity is presently in the Eye of The Storm.

Pilot-Free Passenger Planes in China.

Fully Vaccinated Deaths, Hospitalizations & Cases On The Rise by ALARMING Rates. Wait a minute... Haven't we been told that the vaccines work? If they work as 'advertised', why would the cases, hospitalizations increase? Click HERE To View.

Young Child Has Bad Reaction To Vaccine/Bioweapon. They Are Killing Your Children. STOP Giving Your Consent For Your Kids To Be Injected With These Poisonous Bioweapons.

Warehouses Full of Medical Supplies and Nothing Else. Supplies Remain In Warehouse Undelivered. Warning of Supply Shortages and There is No Limited To No Holiday Inventory and Supplies.

ITALY – 🔥 The moment when Rome’s “Ponte di Ferro” or “iron bridge” broke apart in flames early this morning. Built in 1860s, it was iconic. Luckily no injuries. It’s thought gas canisters in shacks beneath could be to blame but could also be electric cables.

Exposing Hollywood Pedophiles.

LaToya Jackson~ Mother said Joe was Sick that's Why He did those things & we shouldn't talk About it.

LaToya Jackson Raped By Her Father Joe Jackson Part 2.

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