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As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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His Mother Stanley Ann Obama Was Hitler's Youngest Daughter.

Michael Lavaghn Robinson With Barack. These Pictures Were Taken During The Time When They Were Both Being Groomed To Play Their Scripted Roles as The 1st Black President of The US and His Male Lover Who Played The Role of His Wife.

Sasha and Malia's BIOLOGICAL Parents. The Fake Obama Family Was Groomed and Put Together By The CIA.

Any Questions?

The Te(L)IE Vision Was Created To Be Used As A Tool For Mass Mind Control and To Keep Those Watch It Dumbed Down To A Point Where They Question Nothing and Believe Everything That Is Subliminally PROGRAMMED Into Their Brains. On This Planet Everything Created For Human Use Was Designed To Be Used as a Weapon Against Humanity.

The Fall Of The Cabal Episodes 1-10 Click HERE To View.

The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal 1-17 Click HERE To View.

A Few Hollywood Celebrities and Noteable People Who Gave Their SOUL To Satan and Every Chance They Get They MUST Show Their Allegiance To Satan By Brandishing Cabal Symbolism. The Covering of The Left Eye Is Representative of Satan's All Seeing Eye, Meaning They Are Being Watched 24/7.

For-EVER GREEN?! Half a MILLION Containers Backlogged - LA Port Reaches BREAKING POINT

Around 500,000 containers are sitting on cargo ships just floating off California's southern coast, as chaos takes hold at the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach, according to local media.

Outdated infrastructure, importers with nowhere to store containers and help on the docks are reportedly behind the delays - which have lasted for weeks already. Some 65 ships are still stuck outside the port, as trade problems bottleneck.

Remember EVERGREEN, Just Like Wal-Mart, Amazon, WayFair etc. Used Its' Shipping Containers To Traffic Children Throughout The US and To Other Countries.

In Africa The People of The ZULU Nation Come Out and Protest The Poisoned Vaccinations.

Tyranny in Canada - Health Pass - Internment Camps with Karen Holton Click HERE To View.

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