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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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South Africa's Highest Court Set To Free Continent From The New World Order (N.W.O.) and The Central Bank. Click HERE To View.

What is The True Situation On The Borders of Israel, Iran, Armenia, Russia, Ukraine?

Main Stream Media News Can't Be Trusted To Bring Forth The Truth. A Military Build Up is Ongoing Now.

Senior Brokers Are WARNING Their Clients to Pull Money Out of The Stock Market. In Times of War It Is Vital That The Public Keep A Close Eye On Their Money at Their Local Banks. The Cabal Are On The Run and They Have Run Out of Money and All of Their Assets Have Been Frozen, Don't Think They Wont Steal or Try To Swindle You Out of Your Hard Earned Cash.

As I've Mentioned In The Past During This Time of Chaos It Might Be Wise For People To Consider Withdrawing Your Funds From Banks and Credit Unions and Keep Your Hard CASH Safe In Your Home. The Banking Systems Have Switched To Digital Currency. ONE Good Cyber Attack On Any Bank Could Make Your Money Disappear as if it Never Existed.

Drones In China Fall From Sky. WHY? I Have No Idea, But This is Interesting None The Less.

The Cabal Secret Cash Brokers and How They Steal YOUR Money Then Use It To Finance Their Diabolical Agendas. Click HERE To View.

Pandora's Box of Financial Secrets. Pandora Papers' Bring Renewed Calls For Tax Haven Scrutiny. Click HERE To View.

It Seems US Borders Are Being Lined With Aircraft.

This is What The Cabal's Geoengineering Weather Machine Does To The Sky and Clouds. Look Up HAARP.

The Simple Beauty of LIFE.

This is graphene oxide's reaction to 5G radio waves. This shit is in every COVID Vax, and ends up in your brain. Imagine what will happen when they turn the 5G on to full power at 64Ghz. Within 2-3 years we expect 2.4 billion vaxxed people dead.‌‌

The Following Pictures Listed Below Were Magnified 400 X's. I Am Not A Scientist or a Doctor, I Don't Have A Degree In Anything. ONE Thing I Do Know The Foreign Beings Listed In The Pictures Below Have No Business Being Injected Into An Living Being.

However This is The CRAP They Found In Vials of The COVID-19 Bioweapon Posing as a Vaccine. These Are LIVE A.I. Bots and Preprogrammed Nano Particles. This is What Transforms Your DNA Into A Transhuman Being. This is What Will Connect Your Brain and Your Body To 5G and A.I.. This Is What Will Control Every Aspect of Your Life.

This is What Will Destroy Your Immune System, Internal Organs and Cause You To Become Deathly Ill. This is What Will Kill You If They Decide To Turn Your A.I. Chip Off. This is Why MILLIONS of People Are Being Hospitalized, Permanently Disabled and Dying. This is What Will Turn You Into A Walking Talking Human Bioweapon.

This is The CRAP You'll Shed and Spread To Your Children, Family, Friends, Co Workers and Anyone You Come In Contact With. This Is What You Rushed To Get Injected Into Your Body. Now You Walk Around With Your Cocky Ignorant Attitude Shaming Anyone Who Made The Conscious Choice NOT To Rush and Get Vaccinated.

Author: Sen-I

This is What Cyber Attack and WarFare Looks Like From Space.

YES, This Newscaster Said 'Australian Scientist Are Working On a Remedy To Prevent People From Dying From The COVID-19 Vaccine. Click HERE To View.

Time For The People To Come Together and Take These Psychopathic Alien Demons Out and Be Done With Them. Click HERE To View.

What is The Black Eye Club? Click HERE To View.

Barack Hussein Obama Was Hitler's Grandson. Obama Was Part Of The Illuminati/Cabal Bloodline Click HERE To View.

The Red Shoes Are Made From The Skin of The Babies and Children They Tortured, Raped, Sodomized, Sacrificed and Murdered. Wearing Their Victims Remains Symbolizes They Are Proud of What They've Done and It Further Mocks The Life and Death of Their Victims. The Bones of Their Victims Are Used To Make Diamonds. If You Wear Diamonds 9 Out of 10 Times They Were Made With The Bones of Babies or Children or Adults.

Depending On The Species An Alien Can Be As Tall As A 5 Story Building or as Tiny as The Aliens Listed Below. Don't Let Their Tiny Size Fool You, They Are Aliens and Aliens Have Powerful Galactic Abilities.

These Aliens Were Part of a Tiny Species That Still Exist Today. Many People Have Spotted and Taken Video of These Tiny Aliens Inside of Their Home. I've Watched Many Videos Of These Tiny Aliens Invading Homes. However They Tend To Run Away From Humans Once They Are Spotted. I Imagine and Average Sized Human Might Look Like a Giant To Them. I'd Probably Run Away Too, But Then Again Maybe Not Because In My Galactic Travels I've Been Among Giant Humanoid Aliens and I Was Not Afraid, I Was Startled, But Not Afraid.

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