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Nephilim Giant with Dacian Helmet, Found In The Catacombs of Roșia Montană. It Is Said Some of The Nephilim Giants Grew As Tall as 250 Feet Tall.

The Nephilim Giants Both Human and Animal Still Exist. Many of Them Do Not Live On The Surface of Earth They Live Inside The Earth In A Place Known as 'Agartha'. YES, There Are Many Civilizations and Alien Species That Live Inside The Earth. The Earth Just Like The Moon and The Sun is Hollow and Its' Home To Many Different Human, Alien, Animal Species.

What We View On Earth as Mountains and Rock Formations Are Actually Giant Humans and Animals That Were Killed Instantly During a Cataclysmic Weather Event That The Aliens Created To Destroy The Species.

They Were Frozen Solid Where They Stood, Sat and Layed. Many Got Away and Hid Inside The Earth and They Continued To Procreate Throughout The Centuries and That's Why They Still Exist Today.

They've Lived Peacefully Inside The Earth For a Very Long Time. Some of Them Migrated To Earths Surface and They Live Alone In Areas of The World That are Less Inhabited By Earth Humans.

The Names Of The War Ships Sitting In A Stance of War In The South China Sea.

The Names Of The War Ships Sitting In A Stance of War In The South China Sea.

Unethical Conduct of The College Of The College of Physicians and Surgeons. Click HERE To View.

Kylie Jenner, Like Most Hollywood Celebrities Does Not Hide Her Lust For Blood and The Satanic GOD She Worships.

Tyrannical Hospitals Now Going After Spouses of Employees to Get Vaccinated Click HERE To View.

Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse - ITNJ

EVIL Nuns Used Crucifix To Rape Girls During Abuse Carried Out By Clergy IUn France's Catholic Church. 330,000 Children Were Abused and Raped. The Abuse Was Covered Up 'By A Veil of Silence', Damning Report Finds. Click HERE To View.

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