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Pleaiadian Alien.



Victor R. Escalante Quintana

As I had said in a previous article, this classified information that I will release ratifies and confirms that the blackout of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsaap has not been a coincidence, but was the result of the direct intervention of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Earth Alliance, on the global internet network, to change its emission protocols.

According to the source I have available to this day the global internet network, it has been in the hands of the CIA which has been the leading American agency that has worked with the Greys and Dracos of Orion on behalf of the Majestic 12 Group, for create a communication and planetary surveillance system that was deeply committed to the Deep State.

The Galactic Federation had begun working with the ′′ Earth Alliance ′′ - White Hats and Space Commands of the 14 Space Nations attended Jupiter meetings in July 2021-to establish a planetary defense system it would sure keep Greys, Reptilians, and other negative groups from infiltrating Earth using interdimensional wormholes, portals and travel technologies.

Apparently, this enhanced security system provided by the Galactic Federation to the Earth Alliance was also being incorporated into the global internet.

What they've done by intervening the global internet network is to CHANGE THE FREQUENCES AND CODES of internet systems that were in the hands of the dark, for a NEW one that is now in the hands of Earth's alliance.

The frequencies the CIA has been using on internet networks are low frequencies, used for mental control and manipulation, undermining freedom of speech.

The codes and frequencies embedded in global communications and Earth's satellite systems, originally established by the CIA, had been recalibrated to the highest frequencies used by the Planetary Defense Network.

These higher frequencies are impossible to hack, making it impossible for Greys, Reptilians and their allies to control global internet.


1. social media blackouts were CAUSED BY GLOBAL INTERNET RECALLING USING SAFE FREQUENCES, which was now under control of the Earth Alliance.

2. It's important to stress that employees working on Facebook, WhatsApp, etc., will no longer be mentally controlled through codes and frequencies embedded in CIA-controlled servers that their businesses were using unknowingly.

3. This means that many employees who are on the political left, who had implemented without thinking algorithms and policies to suppress freedom of speech without thinking twice, will now realize the consequences of their actions.

4. The NEW Internet CODES will make it inaccessible for dark ones to return to.


Once again, the CIA is identified as the leading agency responsible for compromising the global internet to allow codes and frequencies transmitted by the Deep State to mentally control the planet.


we won't have to wait long to see remarkable differences in how Facebook and other social media companies behave when it comes to censorship, shadow ban and other heinous practices they've quelled. freedom of speech and great awakening on our planet.


Facebook personally censored and punished me five times, violating my freedom of speech; this is good news, soon and in the next few days we will see positive results on this social media.

Author: FUENTE: Exopolitics Today

Lima October 07, 2021

The Global Quantum Computer Has Been Activated.

This is Adrieiuious of The Pleiadian Star System In This Picture Adrieiuious Was 27-28 Years Old. There Were Originally Three Occupants Aboard Their Ship When It Crashed Landed On Earth In The Early To Mid 1970's. They Of Course Were Captured and Taken Into Custody By Military Officials Who Retrieved Their Crashed Ship and Cleaned Up and Hid ALL Evidence.

They Were Unable To Verbally Speak Because On Their Planet They Communicate With Each Other via Telepathy. They Did Not Communicate Vocally. They Were Badly Treated While They Were Held In Prison Like Cells For Two Years. Doctors, Scientist Poked and Violated Their Bodies as If They Had No Feelings.

At Some Point One Man Took Pity on Adrieiuious and He Started Spending Lots' of Time With Him and When No One Was Around He'd Allow Adrieiuious to Walk Outside of His Cell. Adrieiuious Mom Refused To Eat and She Was Getting Very Weak and Sick. The Man Allowed Adrieiuious To Spend Time with His Mom In Her Cell, In Hopes of Getting Her To Eat, But She Still Refused.

Their Ship Was Just Outside The Building They Were Being Held Captive In. One Day The Nice Man Opened Adrieiuious and His Mom's Cell Door and Let Them Go To Their Ship. The Ship Remembered Who They Were and It Imediatelly Opened Up Allowing Them To Get Onboard.

Adrieiuious' Mom Was Weak From Not Eating and She Feared She'd Crash The Ship On Their Way Back Home. She Did Not Want Adrieiuious To Be Injured or Killed, So She Left Him Behind and Vowed To Return and Send Help Upon Her Return To The Pleiades Star System.

Once The Mom Took Off Adrieiuious Was Left On His Own. He Began Walking. He Had No Shoes On His Feet and Was Snowing. He Had Never Seen or Felt Snow, But He Knew it Felt Cold. He Made His Way To a Highway and Police Car Came By and Saw This Little Boy Walking in The Snow with Little Clothing and Shoes.

Although Adrieiuious Was 27-28 Years Old He Looked Like a Child Between The Ages of 6-8 Years Old. He Was Unable To Verbally Communicate, But Telepathically He Could Read Everyone's Mind So He Knew What Was Being Said Before They Verbally Expressed Themselves. Although He Was an Adult He Was Placed In A Foster Home and Raised as a Child.

Adrieiuious Is Still Alive and He's Still On Earth Living In A Remote Area with Tribal People. Adrieiuious Should Be Around 78 Years Old Now, In Earth Years. He Most Likely Looks Much, Much Younger Because They Don't Age Past 30-35 Years.

Whether His Mom Made it Back Safely To The Pleiades Star System When I Last Heard Adrieiuious Speak He Was Not Sure if His Mom Made it Back To Their Home Planet Safely. No One That He Knows Of Ever Came Back To Get Him.

As Far as The Third Occupant On Their Ship He Does Not Know What Happened To Him. When They Were Captured They Were Placed In Individual Holding Cells Where They Remained For Two Years Although They Committed No Crimes Here On Earth. From What I Understand They Came To Earth Looking for Adrieiuious' Father, Who Most Likely Was Captured as Well.

This is Adrieiuious Mom. Click HERE To View.

This is 'Skinny Bob' He's an Alien Who's Home Planet is Zeta Reticuli. Governments of Earth Have Been In Communication with Many Alien Species For Many, Many Decades. Aliens Live On Earth and On a Regular and Daily Basis They Travel To and From Earth For Fun, Business and To Visit Their Friends and Family. Click HERE To View.

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