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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Throughout The World There Are Over 500,000 Cargo Ships Sitting Idle In The Ocean and at Docking Ports. WHY? Each Container On These Cargo Ships Must Be Checked For Children and Adults Who Are Being Trafficked From Within The US and Abroad.

Throughout The World Food, Water and Essential Supplies Can Not Be Shipped To Your Local Stores Until Each Cargo Ship and Container is Checked, Each Ship Can Hold Up To 700+ Storage Containers.

Just As Rescuing Children/Adults From Underground Bases Located Throughout The US Is an Ongoing Military Operation, Rescuing Children/Adults From Shipping Containers is an Ongoing Military Operation.

ALL Children and Adults MUST Be SAFELY Removed From The Cargo Ships and Given Immediate Medical Care. Regular Food/Supply Deliveries Will Resume Once This Mission is Complete. In The Mean Time Its' Imperative That Everyone Purchase Extra Food, Water and The Essential Supplies They'll Need During The Food and Supply Shortage.

Keep In Mind When Their is a Supply Decrease, Prices Will Increase.

This Shipping Container Was Converted Into a Torture Room, Complete With Dentist Chair and Sound Proof Interior. When They Are Trafficking Live Human Cargo These Shipping Containers are Converted For Transport. Chairs are Bolted To The Floors, Each Chair Has a Seat Belt and Arm Restraints.

The Container is Also Sound Proof and Has Built In Air/Heating/Cooling Ducts. The Trafficking Victims are Drugged, So They'll Sleep and Remain Still and Quiet During The Transport. The Buyers Will Not Purchase Severely Damaged or Dead Human Cargo.

The Traffickers Have a Sophisticated System Which Helps Them To Easily Identify The Shipping Container(s) That Contain Live Human Cargo.

This is Graphene Oxide. This is ONE Of The Ingredients Placed In The COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapon. Graphene Oxide is Also Known as 'Black Goo'. Black Goo is Also Known As Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Black Goo, A.I. Originated From Another Planet. Black Goo, Is Just ONE of 9 Different Off Planet Malevolent (Bad) and Sentient (Good) A.I. Systems That Have Invaded Earth or Been Brought To Earth.

Graphene Oxide Should NEVER Be Injected Into The Human Body. No Type of A.I. Should Be Injected Into The Human Body. Most Every Human On This Planet Is Alien and Has Alien DNA. Depending On The Type of Species of Alien A Person Belongs Too Will Determine What Type of The Graphene Oxide Has In Their Body.

Graphene Oxide Like ALL A.I. is Alive and Intelligent. It Can Be Pre Programmed, But at Some Point It Takes Control Over Rides Human Input, Teaches Itself and Makes Its' Own Choices and Decisions. Again I State Graphene Oxide and No Other Type of A.I. Should Ever Be Injected Into The Human Body.

WARNING: Graphene Oxide and Other Poisonous Toxins Have Been Pre Planted Into The Fibers of The Blue Paper Mask. I Talked About This Topic Several Months Ago. This is For Anyone Who Missed The First Posting.

5G mast can literally tune into to our frequency and alter our brain waves using alpha, beta and gamma frequencies. Covid 19 is 5G frequencies and it activates onve 5G is. They even name the variants with the greek alphabet.

Protect yourself from 5G and Wifi radiations from the people that took the vaccine and are emmiting EMFs.

What Is The Corona Virus?

The Mass Murder of Citizens Has Been Planned for Decades.

Aluminum Nano Particle Content of the COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapon Can Persist In The Brain for Decades.

Every Human On Earth Has Been Cloned In an Underground Cloning Facility at Least 10-20 Times Throughout Their Lives. They Use Your Clone Many Diabolical Experiments. Just One Drop of Your Blood, Hair Strand, Mouth Swab Sample Can Be Used To Create Hundreds of Clones Of You and Your Children. It Takes Less Then a Month To Grow a Clone. In Underground Cloning Facilities They Can Make Many Clones of You at One Time. Whenever You Give Up Your DNA They Can Use it To Clone You.

These are Real Clones Growing In a Cloning Facility.

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